Apache Atlas ReferencePDF version

System metadata migration

All migrated entities in Atlas include the same top-level metadata attributes, such as name, description, and creation time.

The following sections describe how Navigator "common" entity metadata is mapped to Atlas "system" metadata. If Atlas requires metadata that wasn't available in Navigator, the migration notes describe how the Atlas metadata values are generated.

Navigator Metadata Atlas Metadata Migration Notes
created createTime Converted to date type.
deleted status If True in Navigator, Atlas status is set to "DELETED"; otherwise status is set to "ACTIVE".
description attributes.userDescription
extractorRunId No equivalent in Atlas.
identity guid Converted to Atlas value
internalType typeName Converted to Atlas values.
lastModified updateTime Converted to date type.
lastModifiedBy updatedBy
name attributes.displayName
originalName attributes.name
originalDescription attributes.description
owner attributes.owner
packageName No equivalent in Atlas.
properties customAttribues Added to the Atlas entity custom attributes as a key value pair with the Navigator name as the key.
sourceId Inferred rather than migrated.
technicalProperties customAttribues Added to the Atlas entity custom attributes as a key value pair with the Navigator name as the key.
tags labels
attributes.qualifiedName Atlas uniquely identifies entity instances with the qualified name. See the entity-specific migration reference to see how these values are generated.
clusterName Supplied in nav2atlas migration command.
homeId Not used currently in Atlas.
isProxy Not used currently in Atlas.
provenanceType Not used currently in Atlas.
version Not used currently in Atlas.

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