Apache Impala SQL ReferencePDF version


Returns the expression value from the first row in the window. If your table has null values, you can use the IGNORE NULLS clause to return the first non-null value from the window. This same value is repeated for all result rows for the group. The return value is NULL if the input expression is NULL.


FIRST_VALUE(expr [IGNORE NULLS]) OVER([partition_by_clause] order_by_clause [window_clause])

The PARTITION BY clause is optional. The ORDER BY clause is required. The window clause is optional.

Usage notes:

If any duplicate values occur in the tuples evaluated by the ORDER BY clause, the result of this function is not deterministic. Consider adding additional ORDER BY columns to ensure consistent ordering.


The following example shows a table with a wide variety of country-appropriate greetings. For consistency, we want to standardize on a single greeting for each country. The FIRST_VALUE() function helps to produce a mail merge report where every person from the same country is addressed with the same greeting.

select name, country, greeting from mail_merge;
| name    | country | greeting     |
| Pete    | USA     | Hello        |
| John    | USA     | Hi           |
| Boris   | Germany | Guten tag    |
| Michael | Germany | Guten morgen |
| Bjorn   | Sweden  | Hej          |
| Mats    | Sweden  | Tja          |

select country, name,
    over (partition by country order by name, greeting) as greeting
  from mail_merge;
| country | name    | greeting  |
| Germany | Boris   | Guten tag |
| Germany | Michael | Guten tag |
| Sweden  | Bjorn   | Hej       |
| Sweden  | Mats    | Hej       |
| USA     | John    | Hi        |
| USA     | Pete    | Hi        |

Changing the order in which the names are evaluated changes which greeting is applied to each group.

select country, name,
    over (partition by country order by name desc, greeting) as greeting
  from mail_merge;
| country | name    | greeting     |
| Germany | Michael | Guten morgen |
| Germany | Boris   | Guten morgen |
| Sweden  | Mats    | Tja          |
| Sweden  | Bjorn   | Tja          |
| USA     | Pete    | Hello        |
| USA     | John    | Hello        |
If you introduce null values in the mail_merge table, the FIRST_VALUE() function will produce a different result with the IGNORE NULLS clause.
select * from mail_merge;
| name    | country | greeting     |
| Boris   | Germany | Guten tag    |
| Peng    | China   | Nihao        |
| Mats    | Sweden  | Tja          |
| Bjorn   | Sweden  | Hej          |
| Kei     | Japan   | NULL         |
| Li      | China   | NULL         |
| John    | USA     | Hi           |
| Pete    | USA     | Hello        |
| Michael | Germany | Guten morgen |

select country, name,
  first_value(greeting ignore nulls)
    over (partition by country order by name,greeting) as greeting
  from mail_merge;
| country | name    | greeting  |
| Japan   | Kei     | NULL      |
| Germany | Boris   | Guten tag |
| Germany | Michael | Guten tag |
| China   | Li      | NULL      |
| China   | Peng    | Nihao     |
| Sweden  | Bjorn   | Hej       |
| Sweden  | Mats    | Hej       |
| USA     | John    | Hi        |
| USA     | Pete    | Hi        |

Changing the order in which the names are evaluated changes the result because null values are now encountered in a different order.

select country, name,
  first_value(greeting ignore nulls)
    over (partition by country order by name desc, greeting) as greeting
  from mail_merge
| country | name    | greeting     |
| Japan   | Kei     | NULL         |
| China   | Peng    | Nihao        |
| China   | Li      | Nihao        |
| Sweden  | Mats    | Tja          |
| Sweden  | Bjorn   | Tja          |
| USA     | Pete    | Hello        |
| USA     | John    | Hello        |
| Germany | Michael | Guten morgen |
| Germany | Boris   | Guten morgen |

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