Managing Apache KuduPDF version

Server management limitations

Here are some of the server management guidelines that you should consider before implementing Kudu.

  • Production deployments should configure a least 4 GiB of memory for tablet servers, and ideally more than 16 GiB when approaching the data and tablet scale limits.

  • Write ahead logs (WALs) can only be stored on one disk.

  • Data directories cannot be removed. You must reformat the data directories to remove them.

  • Tablet servers cannot be gracefully decommissioned.

  • Tablet servers cannot change their address or port.

  • Kudu has a hard requirement on having an up-to-date NTP. Kudu masters and tablet servers will crash when out of sync.

  • Kudu releases have only been tested with NTP. Other time synchronization providers such as Chrony may not work.

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