Apache Atlas ReferencePDF version

Apache Atlas technical metadata migration reference

This documentation includes an exhaustive reference of how Cloudera Navigator technical metadata is migrated into Atlas entities.

The migration process moves technical metadata from Navigator to Atlas in one of these ways:
  • One-to-one mapping. There are no field mapping notes.
  • Type conversion. The field mapping notes indicate the new type applied.
  • Data conversion. The field mapping notes indicate how the data was converted, such as from a string to a Boolean value (for example, type=FILE to isFile=True).
  • No reason to migrate. Navigator stored a value that has no use in Atlas, such as the system ID. The field mapping notes indicate that the value is not used in Atlas.
  • No value in Navigator. In most cases, if an Atlas field does not have an equivalent in Navigator, the Atlas field is left as null. The migration notes indicate if a value is filled in by default.
  • Not migrated. There is one case where metadata in Navigator is not migrated and potentially the information is lost: the Spark operation (spark_process) metadata for principal is not migrated to Atlas. The principal is migrated at the operation execution (spark_process_execution) entity level. The field mapping notes indicate this case.

All Atlas entities share "system" attributes. The mapping for these attributes is described once but apply to all entities.

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