Configuring Apache HBasePDF version

Off-heap BucketCache

If the BucketCache is enabled, it stores data blocks, leaving the on-heap cache free for storing indexes and Bloom filters. The physical location of the BucketCache storage can be either in memory (off-heap) or in a file stored in a fast disk.

  • Off-heap: This is the default configuration.
  • File-based: You can use the file-based storage mode to store the BucketCache on an SSD or FusionIO device,
This table summaries the important configuration properties for the BucketCache. To configure the BucketCache. The table is followed by three diagrams that show the impacts of different blockcache settings.
Table 1. BucketCache Configuration Properties
Property Default Description
hbase.bucketcache.combinedcache.enabled true When BucketCache is enabled, use it as a L2 cache for LruBlockCache. If set to true, indexes and Bloom filters are kept in the LruBlockCache and the data blocks are kept in the BucketCache.
hbase.bucketcache.ioengine none (BucketCache is disabled by default) Where to store the contents of the BucketCache. Its value can be offheap, file:PATH, mmap:PATH or pmem:PATH where PATH is the path to the file that host the file-based cache.
hfile.block.cache.size 0.4 A float between 0.0 and 1.0. This factor multiplied by the Java heap size is the size of the L1 cache. In other words, the percentage of the Java heap to use for the L1 cache.
hbase.bucketcache.size not set When using BucketCache, this is a float that represents one of two different values, depending on whether it is a floating-point decimal less than 1.0 or an integer greater than 1.0.
  • If less than 1.0, it represents a percentage of total heap memory size to give to the cache.
  • If greater than 1.0, it represents the capacity of the cache in megabytes
hbase.bucketcache.bucket.sizes 4, 8, 16, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 96, 128, 192, 256, 384, 512 KB A comma-separated list of sizes for buckets for the BucketCache if you prefer to use multiple sizes. The sizes should be multiples of the default blocksize, ordered from smallest to largest. The sizes you use will depend on your data patterns. This parameter is experimental.
-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize MaxDirectMemorySize = BucketCache + 1 A JVM option to configure the maximum amount of direct memory available for the JVM. It is automatically calculated and configured based on the following formula: MaxDirectMemorySize = BucketCache size + 1 GB for other features using direct memory, such as DFSClient. For example, if the BucketCache size is 8 GB, it will be -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=9G.
Figure 1. Default LRUCache, L1 only block cache hbase.bucketcache.ioengine=NULL

  1. 20% minimum reserved for operations and rpc call queues
  2. default is 0.4, which means 40%
  3. + hfile.block.cache.size ≤0.80, which means 80%
  4. hfile.block.cache.size: default is 0.4, which means 40%
  5. slack reserved for HDFS SCR/NIO: number of open HFiles *, where is set to 128k.
Figure 2. Default LRUCache, L1 only block cache hbase.bucketcache.ioengine=offheap

  1. 20% minimum reserved for operations and rpc call queues
  2. default is 0.4, which means 40%
  3. + hfile.block.cache.size ≤0.80, which means 80%
  4. hfile.block.cache.size: default is 0.4 which means 40%
  5. slack reserved for HDFS SCR/NIO: number of open HFiles *, where is set to 128k.
  6. hbase.bucketcache.size: default is 0.0

    If hbase.bucketcache.size is float <1, it represents the percentage of total heap size.

    If hbase.bucketcache.size is ≥1, it represents the absolute value in MB. It must be < HBASE_OFFHEAPSIZE

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