Securing HuePDF version

Applications and permissions reference

Hue is a web-based UI for several cluster services that you can access by using Hue applications and their associated permissions.

These CDP services are available in Hue. Currently, Spark is only available in the upstream version of Hue.

Hue Application Application Dependencies
HBase HBase Browser
HDFS Core, File Browser
Hive Metastore Tables, Hive Editor
Impala Metastore Tables, Impala Editor
MapRed / YARN Job Browser, Job Designer, Oozie, Hive Editor, Pig, Sqoop
Oozie Job Designer, Oozie Editor/Dashboard
Solr (Search) Hadoop Security
Spark Spark

Hue application permissions are composed of name.permission:action.

For example, filebrowser.access:Launch this application(3)

In this example:
  • filebrowser = Hue application name
  • access = Execute permissions
  • Launch this application = Action that is enabled
  • (3) = Process ID of the filebrowser application in the Hue database
Hue Application Permission Read/Write/Execute Action Description
about access execute Launch this application
beeswax access execute Launch this application
dashboard access execute Launch this application
filebrowser access execute Launch this application
filebrowser s3_access execute Access to S3 from filebrowser and filepicker
filebrowser adls_access execute Access to ADLS from filebrowser and filepicker
filebrowser abfs_access execute Access to ABFS from filebrowser and filepicker
filebrowser gs_access execute Access to GS from filebrowser and filepicker
help access execute Launch this application
hive access execute Launch this application
impala access execute Launch this application
indexer access execute Launch this application
jobbrowser access execute Launch this application
jobsub access execute Launch this application
kafka access execute Launch this application
metadata access execute Launch this application
metadata write write Allow edition of metadata like tags
metastore access execute Launch this application
metastore write write Allow DDL operations. Need the app access too
notebook access execute Launch this application
oozie access execute Launch this application
oozie dashboard_jobs_access execute Oozie Dashboard read-only user for all jobs
oozie disable_editor_access execute Disable Oozie Editor access
proxy access execute> Launch this application
rdbms access execute Launch this application
search access execute Launch this application
useradmin access_view:useradmin:edit_user read/write/execute Access to profile page on User Admin
useradmin access_view:useradmin:view_user read/write/execute Access to any profile page on User Admin
useradmin access execute Launch this application

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