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Accessing ORC files from Spark

Use the following steps to access ORC files from Apache Spark.

To start using ORC, you can define a SparkSession instance:

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
val spark = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._

The following example uses data structures to demonstrate working with complex types. The Person struct data type has a name, an age, and a sequence of contacts, which are themselves defined by names and phone numbers.

  1. Define Contact and Person data structures:
    case class Contact(name: String, phone: String)
    case class Person(name: String, age: Int, contacts: Seq[Contact])
  2. Create 100 Person records:
    val records = (1 to 100).map { i =>;
      Person(s"name_$i", i, (0 to 1).map { m => Contact(s"contact_$m", s"phone_$m") })
    In the physical file, these records are saved in columnar format. When accessing ORC files through the DataFrame API, you see rows.
  3. To write person records as ORC files to a directory named “people”, you can use the following command:
  4. Read the objects back:
    val people ="orc").load("people.json")
  5. For reuse in future operations, register the new "people" directory as temporary table “people”:
  6. After you register the temporary table “people”, you can query columns from the underlying table:
    spark.sql("SELECT name FROM people WHERE age < 15").count()

In this example the physical table scan loads only columns name and age at runtime, without reading the contacts column from the file system. This improves read performance.

You can also use Spark DataFrameReader and DataFrameWriter methods to access ORC files.

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