Apache Ranger AuthorizationPDF version

Configuring resource-based services

The Service Manager for Resource Based Policies page is displayed when you log in to the Ranger Console. You can also access this page by selecting Access Manager > Resource Based Policies. You can use this page to create services for Hadoop resources (HDFS, HBase, Hive, etc.) and add access policies to those resources.

  • To add a new resource-based service, click the Add icon () in the applicable box on the Service Manager page. Enter the required configuration settings, then click Add.

  • To edit a resource-based service, click the Edit icon () at the right of the service. Edit the service settings, then click Save to save your changes.

  • To delete a resource-based service, click the Delete icon () at the right of the service. Deleting a service also deletes all of the policies for that service.

Shows Ranger > Service Manager, Add Service, Delete Service, and Edit Service icons labelled.

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