Leveraging Business MetadataPDF version

Importing Business Metadata associations in bulk

After defining Business Metadata attributes, you can assign values to these attributes for individual entities in bulk by creating and importing a comma-separated values file, one row for each assigned attribute value.

To import business metadata attribute values:

  1. Log into Atlas.
  2. From the user menu, chose Bulk Import > Business Metadata > Download Import template to download a template for the bulk import file.
  3. Fill in the template with the entity names and the attribute values you want to assign to the entities.

    Each line in the file assigns a value to one business metadata attribute on one entity. To assign the value for more than one business metadata attribute to an entity, include multiple lines in the file that refer to the same entity.

    Field Description Example Value
    EntityType The model type definition for the entity. hive_table or aws_s3_object.
    EntityUniqueAttributeValue The value of the unique attribute that identifies the entity. By default, the unique-attribute is qualifiedName; however you can specify a different unique attribute name in the optional field EntityUniqueAttributeName (see below). financedb.annualized_earnings@uswest1 if EntityUniqueAttributeName is not set.

    annualized_earnings if EntityUniqueAttributeName is set to "name"

    BusinessAttributeName The name of the business metadata attribute to assign to the entity. The name is in the form: <business metadata>.<attribute> operations.itowner
    BusinessAttributeValue The business metadata attribute value to set for this entity. The value must conform to the data type defined for the attribute. Enclose the value in quotes if it includes spaces or more than one value; use | to separate values. spatel|nyork
    EntityUniqueAttributeName The name of the technical attribute to use to identify the entity if not qualifiedName. location


  4. From the user menu, chose Bulk Import > Business Metadata > Import Business Metadata and select the file to upload.

    If a row in the input file does not import successfully, you will see an error in the UI; additional errors in the same import are not shown. Rows that are correct import even if you see an error for a row that does not import. If you see an error, fix the error and reimport the file. Rows that have already been successfully imported are reapplied without error. Note that if you provide a single entry for an array, the new value replaces all the values of the array. To see all the errors for a given import, look in the Atlas Server log.

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