Indexing Data Using MorphlinesPDF version

Understanding the extractHBaseCells Morphline Command

The extractHBaseCells morphline command extracts cells from an HBase result and transforms the values into a SolrInputDocument. The command consists of an array of zero or more mapping specifications.

Each mapping has:

  • The inputColumn parameter, which specifies the data from HBase for populating a field in Solr. It has the form of a column family name and qualifier, separated by a colon. The qualifier portion can end in an asterisk, which is interpreted as a wildcard. In this case, all matching column-family and qualifier expressions are used. The following are examples of valid inputColumn values:
    • mycolumnfamily:myqualifier
    • mycolumnfamily:my*
    • mycolumnfamily:*
  • The outputField parameter specifies the morphline record field to which to add output values. The morphline record field is also known as the Solr document field. Example: first_name.
  • Dynamic output fields are enabled by the outputField parameter ending with a wildcard (*). For example:
    inputColumn : "mycolumnfamily:*"
    outputField : "belongs_to_*"
    In this case, if you make these puts in HBase:
    put 'table_name' , 'row1' , 'mycolumnfamily:1' , 'foo'
    put 'table_name' , 'row1' , 'mycolumnfamily:9' , 'bar'
    Then the fields of the Solr document are as follows:
    belongs_to_1 : foo
    belongs_to_9 : bar
  • The type parameter defines the data type of the content in HBase. All input data is stored in HBase as byte arrays, but all content in Solr is indexed as text, so a method for converting byte arrays to the actual data type is required. The type parameter can be the name of a type that is supported by* (which currently includes byte[], int, long, string, boolean, float, double, short, and bigdecimal). Use type byte[] to pass the byte array through to the morphline without conversion.
    • type:byte[] copies the byte array unmodified into the record output field
    • type:int converts with org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes.toInt
    • type:long converts with org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes.toLong
    • type:string converts with org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes.toString
    • type:boolean converts with org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes.toBoolean
    • type:float converts with org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes.toFloat
    • type:double converts with org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes.toDouble
    • type:short converts with org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes.toShort
    • type:bigdecimal converts with org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes.toBigDecimal
    Alternatively, the type parameter can be the name of a Java class that implements the com.ngdata.hbaseindexer.parse.ByteArrayValueMapper interface.
    HBase data formatting does not always match what is specified by org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes.*. For example, this can occur with data of type float or double. You can enable indexing of such HBase data by converting the data. There are various ways to do so, including:
    • Using Java morphline command to parse input data, converting it to the expected output. For example:
       imports : "import java.util.*;" code: """ // manipulate the contents of a record field
       String stringAmount = (String) record.getFirstValue("amount");
       Double dbl = Double.parseDouble(stringAmount); record.replaceValues("amount",dbl);
       return child.process(record); // pass record to next command in chain """
    • Creating table fields with binary format and then using types such as double or float in a morphline.conf. You could create a table in HBase for storing doubles using commands similar to:
      CREATE TABLE sample_lily_hbase ( id string, amount double, ts timestamp )
      STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
      WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ('hbase.columns.mapping' = ':key,ti:amount#b,ti:ts,')
      TBLPROPERTIES ('' = 'sample_lily'); 
  • The source parameter determines which portion of an HBase KeyValue is used as indexing input. Valid choices are value or qualifier. When value is specified, the HBase cell value is used as input for indexing. When qualifier is specified, then the HBase column qualifier is used as input for indexing. The default is value.

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