Configuring Apache HBase High AvailabilityPDF version

HBase read replicas

You can configure read replicas to enable the HMaster to distribute read-only copies of regions (replicas) to different RegionServers in the cluster.

Without read replicas, only one RegionServer services a read request from a client, regardless of whether RegionServers are colocated with other DataNodes that have local access to the same block. This ensures consistency of the data being read. However, a RegionServer can become a bottleneck due to an underperforming RegionServer, network problems, or other reasons that could cause slow reads. With read replicas enabled, the HMaster distributes read-only copies of regions (replicas) to different RegionServers in the cluster. One RegionServer services the default or primary replica, which is the only replica which can service write requests. If the RegionServer servicing the primary replica is down, writes will fail. Other RegionServers serve the secondary replicas, follow the primary RegionServer and only see committed updates. The secondary replicas are read-only, and are unable to service write requests.

The secondary replicas can be kept up to date by reading the primary replica's HFiles at a set interval or by replication. If they use the first approach, the secondary replicas may not reflect the most recent updates to the data when updates are made and the RegionServer has not yet flushed the memstore to HDFS. If the client receives the read response from a secondary replica, this is indicated by marking the read as "stale". Clients can detect whether or not the read result is stale and react accordingly. Replicas are placed on different RegionServers, and on different racks when possible. This provides a measure of high availability (HA), as far as reads are concerned.

If a RegionServer becomes unavailable, the regions it was serving can still be accessed by clients even before the region is taken over by a different RegionServer, using one of the secondary replicas. The reads may be stale until the entire WAL is processed by the new RegionServer for a given region. For any given read request, a client can request a faster result even if it comes from a secondary replica, or if consistency is more important than speed, it can ensure that its request is serviced by the primary RegionServer. This allows you to decide the relative importance of consistency and availability, in terms of the CAP Theorem, in the context of your application, or individual aspects of your application, using Timeline Consistency semantics.

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