Accessing SQLLine from Cloudera Operational Database
SQLLine is a command-line utility included with Cloudera Operational Database that enables you to connect and execute SQL commands using Phoenix from an edge node.
Download the client JAR files for your thick or thin clients using this URL
You can get the [***Phoenix Maven URL***], [***Phoenix_(Thin)_Client_Version***], and the [***Phoenix_(Thick)_Client_Version***] information from the Database connectivity page. The URL is in the following format:
URL for the Phoenix thick client in Cloudera Runtime 7.2.9 (environment) and higher:
[***Phoenix MAVEN URL***]/org/apache/phoenix/phoenix-client-hbase-2.2/ [***Phoenix THICK CLIENT VERSION***]/phoenix-client-hbase-2.2-[***Phoenix THICK CLIENT VERSION***].jar
URL for the Phoenix thick client in Cloudera Runtime 7.2.8 (environment) and lower:
[***Phoenix MAVEN URL***]/org/apache/phoenix/phoenix-client/ [***Phoenix THICK CLIENT VERSION***]/phoenix-client-[***Phoenix THICK CLIENT VERSION***].jar
For the Phoenix thin client:
[***Phoenix MAVEN URL***]/org/apache/phoenix/phoenix-queryserver-client/ [***Phoenix THIN CLIENT VERSION***]/phoenix-queryserver-client-[***Phoenix THIN CLIENT VERSION***].jar
You can use Maven to download the Phoenix client JAR files. If you only need the JAR files for SQLLine connection, you can use the
tool to download the JAR files using the following command:curl -L -f -o "phoenix-client.jar" "[***PHOENIX CLIENT JAR FILE URL***]"
From the Databases page, download HBase client configuration Zip file using the
client configuration URL .
- From the Databases page, copy the JDBC connection URL for the Phoenix (Thick) or Phoenix (Thin) client to use in the next step.
Run this command from your CLI:
java $PHOENIX_OPTS -cp "[***HBase-CONFIGURATION***]:[***PHOENIX-CLIENT-JAR**]]" sqlline.SqlLine -d org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDriver -u [***JDBC-CONNECTION-URL***] -n none -p none --color=true --fastConnect=false --verbose=true --incremental=false --isolation=TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED