Configuring replication for secure clusters

You can configure replication between two secure Apache HBase clusters. These clusters can be Cloudera Data Hub clusters or Cloudera Operational Database experience clusters.

Ensure that you have root access on your source HDP, CDH, or any other Apache HBase cluster.

Ensure that you have noted down your workload user name and password. To check your workload user name, navigate to the Cloudera Management Console > User Management > Users, find your user, and then find your Workload User Name. The workload user name is typically srv_[***WORKLOAD USER NAME***].

You need the replication plugin to enable data replication to secure clusters. A custom replication endpoint allows the Apache HBase clusters to specify a different Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) ticket when establishing the connection with a remote cluster. Use the following instructions to configure secure cluster data replication.

  1. Create a machine user in your Cloudera environment that has your Cloudera Operational Database instances. This machine user is specific for your replication use case.
    Note down the machine user name. You will need this information later.
  2. Add your created machine user with environmentUser role in the destination environment using the Assign environment role.
  3. Do FreeIPA sync for the destination environment and wait for the sync to complete.
    The sync can take about 5 to 15 minutes depending upon the number of servers and users in the environment.
  4. Verify if the credentials are correct by running the following kinit command on any node of the destination environment.
    kinit [***WORKLOAD USER NAME***]
  5. On any environment, generate the keystore using the following command and passing your workload password as a parameter.
    sudo -u hbase hbase -sharedkey cloudera -password [***WORKLOAD PASSWORD***] -keystore localjceks://file/[***PATH***]/[credentials.jceks]
  6. Add the generated keystore to HDFS on both the clusters using the following commands
    kinit -kt /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/`ls -1 /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/ | grep -i "namenode\|datanode" | sort -n | tail -1`/hdfs.keytab hdfs/$(hostname -f)
    hdfs dfs -mkdir /hbase-replication
    hdfs dfs -put /[***PATH***]/[credentials.jceks] /hbase-replication
    hdfs dfs -chown -R hbase:hbase /hbase-replication
  7. Configure the following properties in Cloudera Manager.
    1. Log in to Clouder Manager as an Administrator.
    2. Go to HBase > Configuration and search for the property HBase Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hbase-site.xml.
    3. Set the values for a Keystore file on HDFS and workload username that matches the CSSO Keystore setup by FreeIPA.
        <value>srv_[***WORKLOAD USER NAME***]</value>
    4. Restart your cluster for the changes to take effect.
  8. Using the HBase shell define replication peer at source cluster, specifying the pluggable replication endpoint implementation and zookeeper_quorum in the following format: zk1:zk2:zk3:2181:/hbase.
    hbase shell
    add_peer '1', 
    ENDPOINT_CLASSNAME => 'com.cloudera.hbase.replication.CldrHBaseInterClusterReplicationEndpoint', 
    CLUSTER_KEY => '[***ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM***]:2181:/hbase'
  1. Set the REPLICATION_SCOPE for the selected table and column family. Note that enable_table_replication is not supported.
    hbase shell alter 'my-table', {NAME=>'cf', REPLICATION_SCOPE => '1'}
  2. Use replication plugin validation tool to make sure the setup is working. On one of the source cluster hosts, run the following command:
    hbase com.cloudera.hbase.replication.CldrReplicationPluginValidator [***PEER_ID***]