Managing edge nodes
Cloudera Operational Database (COD) supports creation of an edge node while creating an operational database. You can also modify the number of instances in the edge node type.
You must create an edge node if you plan to use Apache HBase Java API or the Apache Phoenix thick JDBC driver. You can use the edge node either as a gateway node or use it to deploy your applications while working with a COD cluster.
When you create an edge node in the COD cluster, it acts as an edge node type and not as a separate edge node Data Hub cluster.
Creating an edge node
You can create an edge node while creating an operational database in your CDP environment. You can also define the number of nodes to be created.
Viewing edge nodes
You can view the list of available edge nodes on a COD cluster.
Adding an edge node
You can add additional edge nodes into your existing COD cluster. You can define the number of edge nodes to be added, COD automatically adds the additional nodes into the COD cluster.
Deleting an edge node
You can delete single or multiple existing edge nodes from a COD cluster. You can use the instance ID of an edge node to delete it from the COD cluster.