July 10, 2021
Cloudera Operational Database (COD) 1.13 version offers multiple new features that includes disengaging autoadmin database function, runtime upgrade, copy tables between COD environments and many more.
COD supports HDFS for storage on Cloud Block Storage in addition to Cloud Object Storage on AWS & Azure
- COD now supports HDFS for fast and consistent performance.
- Cloud Object Storage has a high variance in latency, and sometimes the delay in accessing the data is high. The operational cost in managing such an operational database is expensive, as it reads millions of data per second. COD now deploys HDFS on Cloud Block Storage, which ensures that the performance characteristics are similar to on-prem. This feature simplifies the lift-and-shift efforts to the cloud.
- This capability includes an updated update-database command in CDP CLI Beta to enable tuning of auto-scaling based on HDFS utilization.
COD promotes custom user tags to CDP CLI Beta
When you create a COD database, COD enables you to supply custom tags for launched hardwares while using CDP CLI Beta.
COD delivers utility to manually copy tables across Kerberos realms without cross-realm Kerberos trust
COD introduces a CldrCopyTable utility, which is Cloudera’s version of the upstream CopyTable utility. This utility is an extension of the COD replication plugin that enables you to copy data cross-realm. This utility enables you to close any replication gaps that might arise depending on how you start or stop replication.
COD streamlines on-prem replication plugins
When you create a COD database, COD automatically sets configuration properties for the Cloudera replication plugin so that on-prem clusters can replicate into COD databases. COD now automatically configures the OpDB replication plugin and reduces the time needed to move the application into production.