Configuring the HBase REST server scaling

Know how to configure an HBase REST server scaling.

When you configure an HBase REST server:
  • The heap of Knox is increased to 31 GiB on HEAVY and 2 GiB on LIGHT scale Cloudera Operational Database clusters respectively.
  • The Knox parameter gateway.httpserver.requestHeaderBuffer is set to 1 MiB as a safety valve configuration in Cloudera Manager. For more information on this parameter, see the Apache Knox documentation.
  • The heap size of the HBase REST server is set to 16 GiB on REST worker nodes.
  • To utilize this functionality, you need at least two gateway nodes. The required number of gateway nodes can be specified using the --gateway-nodes-count option in the create-database command.
  • To enable this functionality, you must create at least two gateway nodes.
  • You must have the ODAdmin rights to make changes to the Cloudera Operational Database database.
  • You must download and install the latest CDP CLI beta version. For more information, see Installing Beta CDP CLI.
  • Cloudera recommends using Java 11 to create the clusters. Java 8 has a slow TLS implementation, which significantly reduces the HTTPS throughput of both the REST server and Knox.
  1. Launch the CDP CLI tool.
  2. Create the database with the desired scale type and number of gateway nodes using the --gateway-nodes-count option.
    cdp opdb create-database --environment-name <env_name> --database-name <database_name> --scale-type HEAVY --gateway-nodes-count integer --disable-multi-az --java-version 11

    Optionally, you can specify the number of REST worker nodes using the --restworker-nodes-count option.

    cdp opdb create-database --environment-name <env_name> --database-name <database_name> --gateway-nodes-count <integer> --restworker-nodes-count <integer> --disable-multi-az --java-version 11

If you prefer to scale up or down an HBase REST server, use the following update-database command.

cdp opdb update-database --environment-name <env_name> --database-name <database_name> --num-desired-restworker-nodes <integer>

For example,

cdp opdb update-database --environment-name cod-env --database-name cod-db --num-desired-restworker-nodes 4

Use the following command to scale down an HBase REST server to zero instances.

cdp opdb update-database --environment-name <env_name> --database-name <database_name> --remove-restworker-nodes