Setting up Atlas High AvailabilityPDF version

Installing Atlas in HA using HDP cluster

When you are using the HDP cluster, you must install Atlas in HA using the Ambari UI.

  1. Log into Ambari UI and verify that Atlas service is running.
  2. Stop the Atlas service.
  3. Navigate to the host page in Ambari where Atlas service is not installed and add an additional Atlas service.

    If the Ambari Infra Solr client is not installed on the host where another instance of Atlas is being installed, Ambari displays a pop-up window to add an Ambari Infra Solr client instance to the cluster.

  4. Next, add the Atlas server instance by following step 3.
  5. Start the Atlas service.
  6. Using the Ambari UI, verify that both Atlas services are running.
  7. Verify that both active and passive instances exist. An HTTP request on one of the Atlas instances must display its status as "Active" and the other instance as “Passive”.
    Atlas is currently running in the HA mode (active-passive mode)

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