Monitoring and DiagnosticsPDF version


The Status page is displayed when a host is initially selected. It provides summary information about the status of the selected host. Use the Status page to gain an understanding of work being done by the system, the configuration, and health status.

If this host has been decommissioned or is in maintenance mode, you will see the following icon(s) (,) in the top bar of the page next to the status message.

This panel provides basic system configuration such as the host's IP address, rack, health status summary, and disk and CPU resources. This information summarizes much of the detailed information provided in other panes on this tab. To view details about the Host agent, click the Host Agent link in the Details section.

Cloudera Manager monitors a variety of metrics that are used to indicate whether a host is functioning as expected. The Health Tests panel shows health test results in an expandable/collapsible list, typically with the specific metrics that the test returned. (You can Expand All or Collapse All from the links at the upper right of the Health Tests panel).

  • The color of the text (and the background color of the field) for a health test result indicates the status of the results. The tests are sorted by their health status – Good, Concerning, Bad, or Disabled. The list of entries for good and disabled health tests are collapsed by default; however, Bad or Concerning results are shown expanded.
  • The text of a health test also acts as a link to further information about the test. Clicking the text will pop up a window with further information, such as the meaning of the test and its possible results, suggestions for actions you can take or how to make configuration changes related to the test. The help text for a health test also provides a link to the relevant monitoring configuration section for the service.

The Health History provides a record of state transitions of the health tests for the host.

  • Click the arrow symbol at the left to view the description of the health test state change.
  • Click the View link to open a new page that shows the state of the host at the time of the transition. In this view some of the status settings are greyed out, as they reflect a time in the past, not the current status.

The File systems panel provides information about disks, their mount points and usage. Use this information to determine if additional disk space is required.

Use the Roles panel to see the role instances running on the selected host, as well as each instance's status and health. Hosts are configured with one or more role instances, each of which corresponds to a service. The role indicates which daemon runs on the host. Some examples of roles include the NameNode, Secondary NameNode, Balancer, JobTrackers, DataNodes, RegionServers and so on. Typically a host will run multiple roles in support of the various services running in the cluster.

Clicking the role name takes you to the role instance's status page.

You can delete a role from the host from the Instances tab of the Service page for the parent service of the role. You can add a role to a host in the same way.

Charts are shown for each host instance in your cluster.

See the topic Viewing Charts for Cluster, Service, Role, and Host Instances for detailed information on the charts that are presented, and the ability to search and display metrics of your choice.

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