Cloudera Base on premises
(Private Cloud)
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Reference Architectures
Cloudera Public Cloud
Getting Started
Preview Features
Data Catalog
Data Engineering
Data Hub
Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse Runtime
Cloudera AI
Management Console
Operational Database
Replication Manager
DataFlow for Data Hub
Cloudera Private Cloud
Getting Started
Flow Management
Streaming Analytics
Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Streaming Community Edition
Data Science Workbench
Data Visualization
Edge Management
Observability SaaS
Observability on premises
Workload XM On-Prem
Cloudera Enterprise
Flow Management
Stream Processing
Streams Messaging Manager
Streams Replication Manager
Getting Started
Flow Management
Streaming Analytics
Filter topics
CDP Private Cloud Base
Cloudera Runtime Release Notes
Cloudera Runtime Component Versions
Using the Cloudera Runtime Maven Repository
Maven Artifacts for Cloudera Runtime
What's New
Cruise Control
Schema Registry
Streams Replication Manager
Streams Messaging Manager
Fixed Issues In Cloudera Runtime 7.1.4
Schema Registry
Streams Replication Manager
Streams Messaging Manager
Hotfixes in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.4
Known Issues In Cloudera Runtime 7.1.4
Cruise Control
Schema Registry
Streams Replication Manager
Streams Messaging Manager
Behavioral Changes In Cloudera Runtime 7.1.4
Deprecation Notices In Cloudera Runtime 7.1.4
Cloudera Manager Release Notes
Cloudera Manager 7.1.4 Release Notes
What's New in Cloudera Manager 7.1.4
Fixed issues in Cloudera Manager 7.1.4
Known Issues in Cloudera Manager 7.1.4
AM2CM Release Notes
Known issues
Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Manager Overview
State Management
Cloudera Manager Admin Console
Home Page
Automatic Logout
Software Distribution Management
Process Management
Host Management
Cloudera Manager Agents
Resource Management
User Management
Security Management
Monitoring a Cluster Using Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Management Service
Cluster Configuration Overview
Server and Client Configuration
Cloudera Manager API
Virtual Private Clusters and Cloudera SDX
Advantages of Separating Compute and Data Resources
Performance Trade Offs
Compatibility Considerations for Virtual Private Clusters
Networking Considerations for Virtual Private Clusters
Cloudera Manager Security Overview
Authentication Overview
Encryption Overview
Encryption Mechanisms
Authorization Overview
Using metadata for cluster governance
Apache Hadoop HDFS Overview
Overview of HDFS
Moving NameNode roles
Moving highly available NameNode, failover controller, and JournalNode roles using the Migrate Roles wizard
Moving a NameNode to a different host using Cloudera Manager
Sizing NameNode heap memory
Environment variables for sizing NameNode heap memory
Monitoring heap memory usage
Files and directories
Disk space versus namespace
Examples of estimating NameNode heap memory
Remove or add storage directories for NameNode data directories
How NameNode manages blocks on a failed DataNode
Replace a disk on a DataNode host
Remove a DataNode
Fixing block inconsistencies
Add storage directories using Cloudera Manager
Remove storage directories using Cloudera Manager
Configuring storage balancing for DataNodes
Configure storage balancing for DataNodes using Cloudera Manager
Perform a disk hot swap for DataNodes using Cloudera Manager
Moving the JournalNode edits directory for a role group using Cloudera Manager
Moving the JournalNode edits directory for a role instance using Cloudera Manager
Synchronizing the contents of JournalNodes
Apache Ozone Overview
Introduction to Ozone
Ozone architecture
How Ozone manages read operations
How Ozone manages write operations
Apache Kudu Overview
Apache Kudu overview
Kudu architecture in a CDP private cloud base deployment
Kudu network architecture
Kudu-Impala integration
Example use cases
Apache Kudu concepts
Columnar datastore
Raft consensus algorithm
Tablet server
Catalog table
Logical replication
Apache Kudu usage limitations
Schema design limitations
Partitioning limitations
Scaling recommendations and limitations
Server management limitations
Cluster management limitations
Impala integration limitations
Spark integration limitations
Security limitations
Other known issues
More Resources
Apache Kudu Design
Apache Kudu schema design
The perfect schema
Column design
Decimal type
Varchar type
Column encoding
Column compression
Primary key design
Primary key index
Considerations for backfill inserts
Range partitioning
Adding and Removing Range Partitions
Hash partitioning
Multilevel partitioning
Partition pruning
Partitioning examples
Range partitioning
Hash partitioning
Hash and range partitioning
Hash and hash partitioning
Schema alterations
Schema design limitations
Apache Kudu transaction semantics
Single tablet write operations
Writing to multiple tablets
Read operations (scans)
Known issues and limitations
Reads (scans)
Scaling Kudu
Example workload
Verifying if a memory limit is sufficient
File descriptors
Apache Hadoop YARN Overview
YARN Features
Understanding YARN architecture
Data Access
Data Analytics Studio Overview
Data Analytics Studio overview
DAS architecture
Apache Hive Metastore Overview
Introduction to Hive metastore
Apache Hive Overview
Apache Hive key features
Unsupported Interfaces and Features
Installing Hive on Tez and adding a HiveServer role
Apache Hive 3 architectural overview
Apache Hive content roadmap
Apache Impala Overview
Hue Overview
Cloudera Search Overview
What Is Cloudera Search
How Cloudera Search Works
Cloudera Search and CDP
Search and other Runtime components
Cloudera Search Architecture
Cloudera Search Tasks and Processes
Operational Database
Apache HBase Overview
Overview of Apache HBase
Use cases for HBase
HBase on CDP
Apache Phoenix Overview
Overview of Apache Phoenix
Data Engineering
Apache Spark Overview
Apache Spark Overview
Unsupported Apache Spark Features
Apache Zeppelin Overview
CDP Security Overview
Cloudera Runtime Security and Governance
Governance Overview
Using metadata for cluster governance
Data Stewardship with Apache Atlas
Apache Atlas dashboard tour
Apache Atlas metadata collection overview
Atlas metadata model overview
Controlling Data Access with Tags
Atlas classifications drive Ranger policies
When to use Atlas classifications for access control
How tag-based access control works
Examples of controlling data access using classifications
Extending Atlas to Manage Metadata from Additional Sources
Top-down process for adding a new metadata source
Streams Messaging
Apache Kafka Overview
Kafka Introduction
Kafka Architecture
Record order and assignment
Logs and log segments
Kafka brokers and Zookeeper
Leader positions and in-sync replicas
Kafka FAQ
Use cases
Cruise Control Overview
How Cruise Control rebalancing works
How Cruise Control retrieves metrics
Streams Messaging Manager Overview
Streams Messaging Manager Overview
Streams Replication Manager Overview
Key Features
Main Use Cases
Use Case Architectures
Highly Available Kafka Architectures
Active / Stand-by Architecture
Active / Active Architecture
Cross Data Center Replication
Cluster Migration Architectures
On-premise to Cloud and Kafka Version Upgrade
Aggregation for Analytics
Streams Replication Manager Architecture
Streams Replication Manager Driver
Connect workers
Task architecture and load-balancing
Streams Replication Manager Service
Understanding Replication Flows
Replication Flows Overview
Remote Topics
Bi-directional Replication Flows
Fan-in and Fan-out Replication Flows
Schema Registry Overview
Schema Registry Overview
Examples of Interacting with Schema Registry
Schema Registry Use Cases
Use Case 1: Registering and Querying a Schema for a Kafka Topic
Use Case 2: Reading/Deserializing and Writing/Serializing Data from and to a Kafka Topic
Use Case 3: Dataflow Management with Schema-based Routing
Schema Registry Component Architecture
Schema Registry Concepts
Schema Entities
Compatibility Policies
Deployment Planning for Cloudera Search
Dimensioning Guidelines for Deploying Cloudera Search
Schemaless Mode Overview and Best Practices
Advantages of Defining a Schema for Production Use
Planning for Apache Impala
Guidelines for Schema Design
User Account Requirements
Planning for Streams Replication Manager
Streams Replication Manager requirements
Recommended deployment architecture
Installation & Upgrade
Installing CDP Private Cloud Base
CDP Private Cloud Base Installation Guide
Version and Download Information
Cloudera Manager Version Information
Cloudera Manager Download Information
Cloudera Runtime Version Information
Cloudera Runtime Download Information
CDP Private Cloud Base Trial Download Information
CDP Private Cloud Base Requirements and Supported Versions
Hardware Requirements
Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Manager Server
Service Monitor Requirements
Host Monitor
Reports Manager
Agent Hosts
Event Server
Alert Publisher
Cloudera Runtime
Data Analytics Studio (DAS)
Hive on Spark Executor Nodes
Key Trustee Server
Key Trustee KMS
Operating System Requirements
Database Requirements
Java Requirements
Networking and Security Requirements
Data at Rest Encryption Requirements
Trial Installation
Installing a Trial Cluster
Before You Begin a Trial Installation
Download the Trial version of CDP Private Cloud Base
Run the Cloudera Manager Server Installer
Install Cloudera Runtime
Set Up a Cluster Using the Wizard
Stopping the Embedded PostgreSQL Database
Starting the Embedded PostgreSQL Database
Changing Embedded PostgreSQL Database Passwords
Migrating from the Cloudera Manager Embedded PostgreSQL Database Server to an External PostgreSQL Database
Identify Roles that Use the Embedded Database Server
Migrate Databases from the Embedded Database Server to the External PostgreSQL Database Server
Production Installation
Before You Install
Storage Space Planning for Cloudera Manager
Cluster Lifecycle Management with Cloudera Manager
Configure Network Names
Setting SELinux Mode
Disabling the Firewall
Enable an NTP Service
Impala Requirements
Runtime Cluster Hosts and Role Assignments
Allocating Hosts for Key Trustee Server and Key Trustee KMS
Configuring Local Package and Parcel Repositories
Understanding Package Management
Repository Configuration Files
Listing Repositories
Configuring a Local Package Repository
Creating a Permanent Internal Repository
Setting Up a Web Server
Downloading and Publishing the Package Repository
Creating a Temporary Internal Repository
Configuring Hosts to Use the Internal Repository
Configuring a Local Parcel Repository
Using an Internally Hosted Remote Parcel Repository
Setting Up a Web Server
Downloading and Publishing the Parcel Repository
Configuring Cloudera Manager to Use an Internal Remote Parcel Repository
Using a Local Parcel Repository
Configuring /tmp directory for cluster hosts
Installing Cloudera Manager, Cloudera Runtime, and Managed Services
Step 1: Configure a Repository for Cloudera Manager
Step 2: Install Java Development Kit
Installing OpenJDK on Cloudera Manager
Installing OpenJDK for CDP Runtime
Installing Oracle JDK for CDP Runtime
Tuning JVM Garbage Collection
Configuring a Custom Java Home Location
Step 3: Install Cloudera Manager Server
Install Cloudera Manager Packages
Step 4. Install and Configure Databases
Required Databases
Install and Configure PostgreSQL for CDP
Installing PostgreSQL Server
Installing the psycopg2 Python Package
Configuring and Starting the PostgreSQL Server
Install and Configure MySQL
Install and Configure MariaDB
Install and Configure Oracle Database
Configuring the Hue Server to Store Data in the Oracle database
Configuring a database for Ranger or Ranger KMS
Configuring a Ranger or Ranger KMS Database: MySQL/MariaDB
Configuring a Ranger or Ranger KMS Database: Oracle
Configuring a PostgreSQL Database for Ranger or Ranger KMS
Configuring the Database for Streaming Components
Configure PostgreSQL for Streaming Components
Configuring MySQL for Streaming Components
Step 5: Set up and configure the Cloudera Manager database
Syntax for scm_prepare_database.sh
Step 6: Install Runtime and Other Software
Installation Wizard
Step 7: Set Up a Cluster Using the Wizard
Select Services
Assign Roles
Setup Database
Enter Required Parameters
Review Changes
Command Details
(Recommended) Enable Auto-TLS
Additional Steps for Apache Ranger
Installing Apache Knox
Apache Knox Install Role Parameters
Installing Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server
Installing Key Trustee Server Using Cloudera Manager
Securing Key Trustee Server Host
Leveraging Native Processor Instruction Sets
Initializing Key Trustee Server
Installing Cloudera Navigator Encrypt
Installing Cloudera Navigator Key HSM
Installing Ranger KMS
Configuring Ranger KMS High Availability
Configure High Availability for Ranger KMS with DB
Configure High Availability for Ranger KMS with KTS
Installing Ranger KMS with Key Trustee Server
Installing Ranger RMS (Technical Preview)
Custom Installation Solutions
Privileged commands for Cloudera Manager installation
Prerequisites and exceptions for the example configuration
Example configuration to add to the sudoers file
Creating Virtual Images of Cluster Hosts
Creating a Pre-Deployed Cloudera Manager Host
Instantiating a Cloudera Manager Image
Creating a Pre-Deployed Worker Host
Instantiating a worker host
Manually Install Cloudera Manager Agent Packages
Installation Reference
Ports Used by Cloudera Manager
Ports Used by Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server
Ports Used by Cloudera Runtime Components
Ports Used by DistCp
Ports Used by Third-Party Components
Service Dependencies in Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Manager sudo command options
Introduction to Parcels
After You Install
Deploying Clients
Testing the Installation
Checking Host Heartbeats
Running a MapReduce Job
Testing with Hue
Secure Your Cluster
Installing the GPL Extras Parcel
Troubleshooting Installation Problems
Uninstalling Cloudera Manager and Managed Software
Record User Data Paths
Stop all Services
Deactivate and Remove Parcels
Delete the Cluster
Uninstall the Cloudera Manager Server
Uninstall Cloudera Manager Agent and Managed Software
Remove Cloudera Manager, User Data, and Databases
Uninstalling a Runtime Component From a Single Host
Quick Start Deployment for a Streams Cluster
Create a Streams Cluster on CDP Private Cloud Base
Before You Install
System Requirements for POC Streams Cluster
Disable the Firewall
Enable an NTP Service
Installing a Trial Streaming Cluster
Download the Trial version of CDP Private Cloud Base
Run the Cloudera Manager Server Installer
Install Cloudera Runtime
Set Up a Streaming Cluster
Getting Started on your Streams Cluster
Create a Kafka Topic to Store your Events
Write a few Events into the Topic
Read the Events
Monitor your Cluster from the SMM UI
After Evaluating Trial Software
Getting Started with CDP Upgrade and Migration
In-Place Upgrade CDH 6 to CDP Private Cloud Base
In-Place Upgrade CDH 5 to CDP Private Cloud Base
In-Place Upgrade HDP3 to CDP Private Cloud Base
In-Place Upgrade HDP2 to CDP Private Cloud Base
In-Place Upgrade CDP Private Cloud Base
How To
Managing Clusters
Accessing the Cloudera Manager Admin Console
Adding and Deleting Clusters
Adding a Compute Cluster and Data Context
Adding a Cluster Using New Hosts
Step 1: Welcome (Add Cluster - Installation)
Step 2: Cluster Basics
Step 3: Setup Auto-TLS
Step 4: Specify Hosts
Step 5: Select Repository
Step 6: Select JDK
Step 7: Enter Login Credentials
Step 8: Install Agents
Step 9: Install Parcels
Step 11: Inspect Cluster
Adding a Cluster Using Currently Managed Hosts
Step 1: Welcome (Add Cluster - Installation)
Step 2: Cluster Basics
Step 3: Setup Auto-TLS
Step 4: Specify Hosts
Step 5: Select Repository
Step 6: Install Parcels
Step 8: Inspect Cluster
Deleting a Cluster
Starting, Stopping, Refreshing, and Restarting a Cluster
Pausing a Cluster in AWS
Shutting Down and Starting Up the Cluster
Renaming a Cluster
Managing Hosts
Viewing Host Status
Adding a Host to a Cluster
Configuring Hosts
Viewing Host Role Assignments
Host Templates
Creating a Host Template
Editing a Host Template
Applying a Host Template to a Host
Hosts Disks Overview
Deleting Hosts
Deleting a Host from Cloudera Manager
Removing a Host From a Cluster
Stopping All the Roles on a Host
Starting All the Roles on a Host
Changing Hostnames
Moving a Host Between Clusters
Configuring Upgrade Domains
Configuring Upgrade Domains
Changing the Upgrade Domain for hosts
Putting all Hosts in an Upgrade Domain group into Maintenance Mode
Specifying Racks for Hosts
Performing Maintenance on a Cluster Host
Decommissioning Hosts
Recommissioning Hosts
Tuning and Troubleshooting Host Decommissioning
Tuning HDFS Prior to Decommissioning DataNodes
Tuning HBase Prior to Decommissioning DataNodes
Performance Considerations
Troubleshooting Performance of Decommissioning
Maintenance Mode
Viewing the Maintenance Mode Status of a Cluster
Managing Roles
Role Instances
Adding a Role Instance
Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Role Instances
Decommissioning Role Instances
Recommissioning Role Instances
Deleting Role Instances
Configuring Roles to Use a Custom Garbage Collection Parameter
Role Groups
Creating a Role Group
Managing Role Groups
Backing up databases
Managing Cloudera Runtime Services
Adding a Service
Comparing Configurations for a Service Between Clusters
Starting a Cloudera Runtime Service on All Hosts
Stopping a Cloudera Runtime Service on All Hosts
Restarting a Cloudera Runtime Service
Rolling Restart
Aborting a Pending Command
Deleting Services
Renaming a Service
Configuring Maximum File Descriptors
Extending Cloudera Manager
Add-on Services
Configuring Services to Use LZO Compression
Core Configuration Service
Managing Cloudera Manager
Automatic Logout
Starting, Stopping, and Restarting the Cloudera Manager Server
Configuring Cloudera Manager
Configuring Cloudera Manager Server Ports
Configuring Network Settings for a Proxy Server
Moving the Cloudera Manager Server to a New Host
Migrating Embedded PostgreSQL Database to External PostgreSQL Database
Step 1: Identify Roles that Use the Embedded Database Server
Step 2: Migrate Databases from the Embedded Database Server to the External PostgreSQL Database Server
Migrating from PostgreSQL Database Server to MySQL/Oracle Database Server
Migrate from the Cloudera Manager External PostgreSQL Database Server to a MySQL/Oracle Database Server
Managing Cloudera Manager Server Logs
Cloudera Manager Agents
Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Cloudera Manager Agents
Configuring Cloudera Manager Agents
Managing the Cloudera Manager Agent Logs
Overview of Parcels
Advantages of Parcels
Parcel Life Cycle
Parcel Locations
Managing Parcels
Viewing Parcel Usage
Parcel Configuration Settings
Managing Licenses
Accessing the License Page
Ending a CDP Private Cloud Base Trial
Upgrading from a CDP Private Cloud Base Trial to CDP Private Cloud Base
Renewing a License
Default User Roles
Other Tasks and Settings
Cloudera Management Service
Starting the Cloudera Management Service
Stopping the Cloudera Management Service
Restarting the Cloudera Management Service
Starting and Stopping Cloudera Management Service Roles
Configuring Management Service Database Limits
Performance Management
Optimizing Performance in Cloudera Runtime
Disabling Transparent Hugepages (THP)
Setting the vm.swappiness Linux Kernel Parameter
Improving Performance in Shuffle Handler and IFile Reader
Tips and Best Practices for Jobs
Decrease Reserve Space
Choosing and Configuring Data Compression
Resource Management
Static Service Pools
Enabling and Configuring Static Service Pools
Disabling Static Service Pools
Linux Control Groups (cgroups)
Enabling Resource Management with Control Groups
Configuring Resource Parameters
Configuring Custom Cgroups
Data Storage for Monitoring Data
Configuring Service Monitor Data Storage
Configuring Host Monitor Data Storage
Viewing Host and Service Monitor Data Storage
Data Granularity and Time-Series Metric Data
Moving Monitoring Data on an Active Cluster
Host Monitor and Service Monitor Memory Configuration
Configuring Memory Allocations
Accessing Storage Using Amazon S3
Referencing S3 Credentials for YARN, MapReduce, or Spark Clients
Referencing Amazon S3 in URIs
Using Fast Upload with Amazon S3
Enabling Fast Upload using Cloudera Manager
Configuring and Managing S3Guard
Configuring S3Guard for Cluster Access to S3
Editing the S3Guard Configuration
Running the Prune Command Using Cloudera Manager Admin Console
Running the Prune Command Using the Cloudera Manager API
How to Configure a MapReduce Job to Access S3 with an HDFS Credstore
Importing Data into Amazon S3 Using Sqoop
Using a Credential Provider to Secure S3 Credentials
Sqoop Import into Amazon S3
Import Data from RDBMS into an S3 Bucket
Import Data into S3 Bucket in Incremental Mode
Import Data into an External Hive Table Backed by S3
S3Guard with Sqoop
Accessing Storage Using Microsoft ADLS
Configuring OAuth in Data Hub
Configuring OAuth with core-site.xml
Configuring OAuth with the Hadoop CredentialProvider
Configuring Native TLS Acceleration
Importing Data into Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store (Gen1 and Gen2) Using Sqoop
Sqoop Import into ADLS
Configuring Clusters
Accessing the Cloudera Manager Admin Console
Modifying Configuration Properties Using Cloudera Manager
Changing the Configuration of a Service or Role Instance
Searching for Properties
Validation of Configuration Properties
Overriding Configuration Properties
Viewing and Editing Overridden Configuration Properties
Resetting Configuration Properties to the Default Value
Viewing and Editing Host Overrides
Restarting Services and Instances after Configuration Changes
Suppressing Configuration and Parameter Validation Warnings
Suppressing a Configuration Validation in Cloudera Manager
Managing Suppressed Validations
Suppressing Configuration Validations Before They Trigger Warnings
Viewing a List of All Suppressed Validations
Cluster-Wide Configuration
Custom Configuration
Setting an Advanced Configuration Snippet for a Cloudera Runtime Service
Setting an Advanced Configuration Snippet for a Cluster
Stale Configurations
Client Configuration Files
How Client Configurations are Deployed
Downloading Client Configuration Files
Manually Redeploying Client Configuration Files
Viewing and Reverting Configuration Changes
Changes for a service, role, or host
Changes for a cluster
Using the Cloudera Manager API
Using the Cloudera Manager API to backup and restore clusters
Backing up the Cloudera Manager configuration
Restoring the Cloudera Manager configuration
Using the Cloudera Manager API to Manage and Configure Clusters
Using the Cloudera Manager API for Cluster Automation
Using the Cloudera Manager API to Obtain Configuration Files
Using the Cloudera Manager API to Set Advanced Configuration Snippets (Safety Valves)
Using Tags in Cloudera Manager
Initiating HDFS failover using the Cloudera Manager API
Creating a Runtime Cluster Using a Cloudera Manager Template
Exporting the Cluster Configuration
Preparing a New Cluster
Creating the Template
Importing the Template to a New Cluster
Sample Python Code
Disabling Redaction of sensitive information when using the Cloudera Manager API
Monitoring and Diagnostics
Accessing the Cloudera Manager Admin Console
Monitoring and Diagnostics
Time Line
Selecting a Point In Time or a Time Range
Health Tests
Viewing Health Test Results
Suppressing Health Test Results
Suppressing a Health Test
Configuring Suppression of Health Tests Before Tests Run
Viewing a List of Suppressed Health Tests
Unsuppressing Health Tests
Viewing Charts for Cluster, Service, Role, and Host Instances
Exporting Data from Charts
Adding and Removing Charts from a Dashboard
Creating Triggers from Charts
Configuring Monitoring Settings
Configuring Health Monitoring
Configuring Service Monitoring
Configuring Host Monitoring
Configuring Directory Monitoring
Configuring YARN Application Monitoring
Configuring Impala Query Monitoring
Configuring Impala Query Data Store Maximum Size
Enabling Configuration Change Alerts
Filtering Metrics
Configuring Log Events
Configuring Logs
Configuring Logging Thresholds
Configuring Log Directories
Enabling and Disabling Log Event Capture
Configuring Which Log Messages Become Events
Configuring Log Alerts
Monitoring Clusters
Cluster Utilization Report overview
Enable the Cluster Utilization Report
Configure the Cluster Utilization Report
Use the Cluster Utilization Report to manage resources
Overview Tab
Impala Tab
Download the Cluster Utilization Report
Creating a Custom Cluster Utilization Report
Metrics and queries
Impala query counter metrics
Calculations for reports
Retrieving metric data
Querying metric data
Inspecting Network Performance
Monitoring Services
Monitoring Service Status
Viewing the URLs of the Client Configuration Files
Viewing the Status of a Service Instance
Viewing the Health and Status of a Role Instance
Viewing the Maintenance Mode Status of a Cluster
Viewing Service Status
Viewing Past Status
Status Summary
Service Summary
Health Tests and Health History
Viewing Service Instance Details
Role Instance Reference
Viewing Role Instance Status
The Actions Menu
Viewing Past Status
Health Tests and Health History
Status Summary
The Processes Tab
Running Diagnostic Commands for Roles
Periodic Stacks Collection
Configuring Periodic Stacks Collection
Viewing and Downloading Stacks Logs
Viewing Running and Recent Commands
Viewing Running and Recent Commands For a Cluster
Viewing Running and Recent Commands for a Service or Role
Command Details
Monitoring Hosts
Viewing All Hosts
Role Assignments
Viewing the Disks Overview
Viewing the Hosts in a Cluster
Viewing Individual Hosts
Host Details
Viewing Host Details
Charts Library
Host Inspector
Running the Host Inspector
Viewing Past Host Inspector Results
Monitoring Activities
Selecting Columns to Show in the Activities List
Sorting the Activities List
Filtering the Activities List
Activity Charts
Viewing the Jobs in a Pig, Oozie, or Hive Activity
Task Attempts
Viewing a Job's Task Attempts
Selecting Columns to Show in the Tasks List
Sorting the Tasks List
Filtering the Tasks List
Viewing Activity Details in a Report Format
Comparing Similar Activities
Viewing the Distribution of Task Attempts
The Task Distribution Chart
TaskTracker Hosts
Monitoring Impala Queries
Viewing Queries
Configuring Impala Query Monitoring
Impala Best Practices
Results Tab
Filtering Queries
Filter Expressions
Filter Attributes
Choosing and Running a Filter
Query Details
Monitoring YARN Applications
Viewing Jobs
Configuring YARN Application Monitoring
Results Tab
Filtering Jobs
Filter Expressions
Choosing and Running a Filter
Filter Attributes
Sending Diagnostic Data to Cloudera for YARN Applications
Monitoring Spark Applications
Viewing and Debugging Spark Applications Using Logs
Managing Spark Driver Logs
Visualizing Spark Applications Using the Web Application UI
Accessing the Web UI of a Running Spark Application
Accessing the Web UI of a Completed Spark Application
Viewing Events
Filtering Events
Adding an Event Filter
Removing an Event Filter
Managing Alerts
Configuring Alert Email Delivery
Configuring Alert SNMP Delivery
Configuring Custom Alert Scripts
Sample Custom Alert Script
Enabling Configuration Change Alerts
Enabling HBase Alerts
Enabling Health Alerts
Modifying the Health Threshold
Configuring Alerts Transitioning Out of Alerting Health Threshold
Configuring Log Alerts
Configuring Alert Delivery
Creating a Trigger Using the Expression Editor
Editing, Deleting, Suppressing, or Deleting a Trigger
Cloudera Manager Trigger Use Cases
Creating a Trigger for Memory Capacity
Creating a Trigger for CPU Capacity
Lifecycle and Security Auditing
Viewing Audit Events
Filtering Audit Events
Adding a Filter
Removing a Filter
Downloading Audit Events
Charting Time-Series Data
Building a Chart with Time-Series Data
Configuring Time-Series Query Results
Using Context-Sensitive Variables in Charts
Chart Properties
Changing the Chart Type
Grouping (Faceting) Time Series
Displaying Chart Details
Editing a Chart
Saving a Chart
Obtaining Time-Series Data Using the API
Dashboard Types
Creating a Dashboard
Managing Dashboards
Configuring Dashboards
Saving Charts to Dashboards
Saving Charts to a New Dashboard
Saving Charts to an Existing Dashboard
Adding a New Chart to the Custom Dashboard
Removing a Chart from a Custom Dashboard
Moving and Resizing Charts on a Dashboard
tsquery Language
tsquery Syntax
Metric Expressions
Metric Expression Functions
Discovering possible predicates
Filtering by Day of Week or Hour of Day
Time Series Attributes
Time Series Entities and their Attributes
Metric Aggregation
Presentation of Aggregate Data
Accessing Aggregate Statistics Through tsquery
Filtering Metrics
Viewing Logs
Logs List
Filtering Logs
Log Details
Viewing the Cloudera Manager Server Log
Viewing Cloudera Manager Server Logs in the Logs Page
Viewing the Cloudera Manager Server Log
Viewing the Cloudera Manager Agent Logs
Viewing Cloudera Manager Agent Logs in the Logs Page
Viewing the Cloudera Manager Agent Log
Managing Disk Space for Log Files
Directory Usage Report
Accessing the Directory Usage Report
Using the Directory Usage Report
Disk Usage Reports
Disk Usage Reports
Viewing Current Disk Usage by User, Group, or Directory
Viewing Historical Disk Usage by User, Group, or Directory
Downloading Reports as CSV and XLS Files
Activity, Application, and Query Reports
The File Browser
Searching Within the File System
Enabling Snapshots
Setting Quotas
Designating Directories to Include in Disk Usage Reports
Downloading HDFS Directory Access Permission Reports
Sending Usage and Diagnostic Data to Cloudera
Configuring a Proxy Server
Managing Anonymous Usage Data Collection
Diagnostic Data Collection
Configuring the Frequency of Diagnostic Data Collection
Specifying the Diagnostic Data Directory
Redaction of Sensitive Information from Diagnostic Bundles
Disabling the Automatic Sending of Diagnostic Data from a Manually Triggered Collection
Manually Triggering Collection and Transfer of Diagnostic Data to Cloudera
Troubleshooting Cluster Configuration and Operation
Solutions to Common Problems
Logs and Events
Replication Manager
Replication Manager Overview
Support matrix for Replication Manager on CDP Private Cloud Base
Data Replication
Cloudera License Requirements for Replication
Replicating Directories with Thousands of Files and Subdirectories
Replication Manager Log Retention
Replicating from Unsecure to Secure Clusters
Designating a Replication Source
Configuring a Peer Relationship
Modifying Peers
Configuring Peers with SAML Authentication
HDFS Replication
Source Data
Network Latency and Replication
Performance and Scalability Limitations
Replication with Sentry Enabled
Guidelines for using snapshot diff-based replication
Configuring Replication of HDFS Data
Limiting Replication Hosts
Viewing Replication Policies
Viewing Replication History
Monitoring the Performance of HDFS Replications
Hive/Impala Replication
Host Selection for Hive/Impala Replication
Hive Tables and DDL Commands
Replication of Parameters
Hive Replication in Dynamic Environments
Configuring Replication of Hive/Impala Data
Sentry to Ranger Replication
Replication of Impala and Hive User Defined Functions (UDFs)
Monitoring the Performance of Hive or Impala Replications
Enabling, Disabling, or Deleting A Replication Policy
Replicating Data to Impala Clusters
Using Snapshots with Replication
Hive/Impala Replication with Snapshots
Enabling Replication Between Clusters with Kerberos Authentication
Considerations for Realm Names
HDFS, Hive, and Impala Replication
Kerberos Connectivity Test
Kerberos setup guidelines for Distcp between secure clusters (without cross-realm authentication)
Replication of encrypted data
Encrypting Data in Transit Between Clusters
Security Considerations
Cloudera Manager Snapshot Policies
Managing Snapshot Policies
Snapshots History
Orphaned Snapshots
Managing HDFS Snapshots
Browsing HDFS Directories
Enabling and Disabling HDFS Snapshots
Taking and Deleting HDFS Snapshots
Restoring Snapshots
Managing Data Storage
Optimizing data storage
Balancing data across disks of a DataNode
Plan the data movement across disks
Parameters to configure the Disk Balancer
Run the Disk Balancer plan
Disk Balancer commands
Erasure coding overview
Understanding erasure coding policies
Comparing replication and erasure coding
Best practices for rack and node setup for EC
Prerequisites for enabling erasure coding
Limitations of erasure coding
Using erasure coding for existing data
Using erasure coding for new data
Advanced erasure coding configuration
Erasure coding CLI command
Erasure coding examples
Increasing storage capacity with HDFS compression
Enable GZipCodec as the default compression codec
Use GZipCodec with a one-time job
Setting HDFS quotas
Set quotas using Cloudera Manager
Configuring heterogeneous storage in HDFS
HDFS storage types
HDFS storage policies
Commands for configuring storage policies
Set up a storage policy for HDFS
Set up SSD storage using Cloudera Manager
Configure archival storage
The HDFS mover command
Balancing data across an HDFS cluster
Why HDFS data becomes unbalanced
Configurations and CLI options for the HDFS Balancer
Properties for configuring the Balancer
Balancer commands
Recommended configurations for the Balancer
Configuring and running the HDFS balancer using Cloudera Manager
Configuring the balancer threshold
Configuring concurrent moves
Recommended configurations for the balancer
Running the balancer
Configuring block size
Cluster balancing algorithm
Storage group classification
Storage group pairing
Block move scheduling
Block move execution
Exit statuses for the HDFS Balancer
Optimizing performance
Improving performance with centralized cache management
Benefits of centralized cache management in HDFS
Use cases for centralized cache management
Centralized cache management architecture
Caching terminology
Properties for configuring centralized caching
Commands for using cache pools and directives
Specifying racks for hosts
Viewing racks assigned to cluster hosts
Editing rack assignments for hosts
Customizing HDFS
Customize the HDFS home directory
Properties to set the size of the NameNode edits directory
Optimizing NameNode disk space with Hadoop archives
Overview of Hadoop archives
Hadoop archive components
Create a Hadoop archive
List files in Hadoop archives
Format for using Hadoop archives with MapReduce
Detecting slow DataNodes
Enable disk IO statistics
Enable detection of slow DataNodes
Allocating DataNode memory as storage
HDFS storage types
LAZY_PERSIST memory storage policy
Configure DataNode memory as storage
Improving performance with short-circuit local reads
Prerequisites for configuring short-ciruit local reads
Properties for configuring short-circuit local reads on HDFS
Configure mountable HDFS
Add HDFS system mount
Optimize mountable HDFS
Configuring Proxy Users to Access HDFS
Using DistCp to copy files
Using DistCp
Distcp syntax and examples
Using DistCp with Highly Available remote clusters
Using DistCp with Amazon S3
Using a credential provider to secure S3 credentials
Examples of DistCp commands using the S3 protocol and hidden credentials
Kerberos setup guidelines for Distcp between secure clusters
Distcp between secure clusters in different Kerberos realms
Configure source and destination realms in krb5.conf
Configure HDFS RPC protection
Configure acceptable Kerberos principal patterns
Specify truststore properties
Set HADOOP_CONF to the destination cluster
Launch distcp
Copying data between a secure and an insecure cluster using DistCp and WebHDFS
Post-migration verification
Using DistCp between HA clusters using Cloudera Manager
Using the NFS Gateway for accessing HDFS
Configure the NFS Gateway
Start and stop the NFS Gateway services
Verify validity of the NFS services
Access HDFS from the NFS Gateway
How NFS Gateway authenticates and maps users
APIs for accessing HDFS
Set up WebHDFS on a secure cluster
Using HttpFS to provide access to HDFS
Add the HttpFS role
Using Load Balancer with HttpFS
HttpFS authentication
Use curl to access a URL protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO
Data storage metrics
Using JMX for accessing HDFS metrics
Configure the G1GC garbage collector
Recommended settings for G1GC
Switching from CMS to G1GC
HDFS Metrics
Using HdfsFindTool to find files
Downloading Hdfsfindtool from the CDH archives
Configuring Data Protection
Data protection
Backing up HDFS metadata
Introduction to HDFS metadata files and directories
Files and directories
HDFS commands for metadata files and directories
Configuration properties
Back up HDFS metadata
Prepare to back up the HDFS metadata
Backing up NameNode metadata
Back up HDFS metadata using Cloudera Manager
Restoring NameNode metadata
Restore HDFS metadata from a backup using Cloudera Manager
Perform a backup of the HDFS metadata
Using HDFS snapshots for data protection
Considerations for working with HDFS snapshots
Enable snapshot creation on a directory
Create snapshots on a directory
Recover data from a snapshot
Options to determine differences between contents of snapshots
CLI commands to perform snapshot operations
Managing snapshot policies using Cloudera Manager
Create a snapshot policy
Edit or delete a snapshot policy
Enable and disable snapshot creation using Cloudera Manager
Create snapshots using Cloudera Manager
Delete snapshots using Cloudera Manager
Configuring HDFS trash
Trash behavior with HDFS Transparent Encryption enabled
Enabling and disabling trash
Setting the trash interval
Preventing inadvertent deletion of directories
Accessing Cloud Data
Cloud storage connectors overview
The Cloud Storage Connectors
Working with Amazon S3
Limitations of Amazon S3
Configuring Access to S3
Configuring Access to S3 on CDP Public Cloud
Configuring Access to S3 on CDP Private Cloud Base
Using Configuration Properties to Authenticate
Using Per-Bucket Credentials to Authenticate
Using Environment Variables to Authenticate
Using EC2 Instance Metadata to Authenticate
Referencing S3 Data in Applications
Configuring Per-Bucket Settings
Customizing Per-Bucket Secrets Held in Credential Files
Configuring Per-Bucket Settings to Access Data Around the World
Encrypting Data on S3
SSE-S3: Amazon S3-Managed Encryption Keys
Enabling SSE-S3
SSE-KMS: Amazon S3-KMS Managed Encryption Keys
Enabling SSE-KMS
IAM Role permissions for working with SSE-KMS
SSE-C: Server-Side Encryption with Customer-Provided Encryption Keys
Enabling SSE-C
Configuring Encryption for Specific Buckets
Encrypting an S3 Bucket with Amazon S3 Default Encryption
Performance Impact of Encryption
Using S3Guard for Consistent S3 Metadata
Introduction to S3Guard
Configuring S3Guard
Preparing the S3 Bucket
Choosing a DynamoDB Table and IO Capacity
Creating DynamoDB Access Policy
Restricting Access to S3Guard Tables
Configuring S3Guard in Cloudera Manager
Create the S3Guard Table in DynamoDB
Monitoring and Maintaining S3Guard
Disabling S3Guard and destroying a table
Pruning Old Data from S3Guard Tables
Importing a Bucket into S3Guard
Verifying that S3Guard is Enabled on a Bucket
Using the S3Guard CLI
S3Guard: Operational Issues
Safely Writing to S3 Through the S3A Committers
Introducing the S3A Committers
Configuring Directories for Intermediate Data
Using the Directory Committer in MapReduce
Verifying That an S3A Committer Was Used
Cleaning up after failed jobs
Using the S3Guard Command to List and Delete Uploads
Advanced Committer Configuration
Enabling Speculative Execution
Using Unique Filenames to Avoid File Update Inconsistency
Speeding up Job Commits by Increasing the Number of Threads
Securing the S3A Committers
The S3A Committers and Third-Party Object Stores
Limitations of the S3A Committers
Troubleshooting the S3A Committers
Security Model and Operations on S3
S3A and Checksums (Advanced Feature)
A List of S3A Configuration Properties
Working with versioned S3 buckets
Working with Third-party S3-compatible Object Stores
Improving Performance for S3A
Working with S3 buckets in the same AWS region
Configuring and tuning S3A block upload
Tuning S3A Uploads
Thread Tuning for S3A Data Upload
Optimizing S3A read performance for different file types
S3 Performance Checklist
Troubleshooting S3 and S3Guard
Working with Google Cloud Storage
Configuring Access to Google Cloud Storage
Create a GCP Service Account
Create a Custom Role
Modify GCS Bucket Permissions
Configure Access to GCS from Your Cluster
Additional Configuration Options for GCS
Configuring HDFS ACLs
Configuring ACLs on HDFS
Using CLI commands to create and list ACLs
ACL examples
ACLS on HDFS features
Use cases for ACLs on HDFS
Enable authorization for HDFS web UIs
Enable authorization for additional HDFS web UIs
Configuring HSTS for HDFS Web UIs
Configuring Fault Tolerance
High Availability on HDFS clusters
Configuring HDFS High Availability
NameNode architecture
Preparing the hardware resources for HDFS High Availability
Using Cloudera Manager to manage HDFS HA
Enabling HDFS HA
Prerequisites for enabling HDFS HA using Cloudera Manager
Enabling High Availability and automatic failover
Disabling and redeploying HDFS HA
Configuring other CDP components to use HDFS HA
Configuring HBase to use HDFS HA
Configuring the Hive Metastore to use HDFS HA
Configuring Impala to work with HDFS HA
Configuring oozie to use HDFS HA
Changing a nameservice name for Highly Available HDFS using Cloudera Manager
Manually failing over to the standby NameNode
Additional HDFS haadmin commands to administer the cluster
Turning safe mode on HA NameNodes
Converting from an NFS-mounted shared edits directory to Quorum-Based Storage
Administrative commands
Storing Data Using Ozone
Managing storage elements by using the command-line interface
Commands for managing volumes
Assigning administrator privileges to users
Commands for managing buckets
Commands for managing keys
Using Ozone S3 Gateway to work with storage elements
URL schema for Ozone S3 Gateway
Volume for buckets created using Ozone S3 Gateway
URL to browse Ozone buckets
REST endpoints supported on Ozone S3 Gateway
Examples of using the Amazon Web Services command-line interface for S3 Gateway
Working with Ozone File System (o3fs)
Setting up o3fs
Working with ofs
Volume and bucket management using ofs
Key management using ofs
Ozone configuration options to work with CDP components
Configuration options for Spark to work with o3fs
Configuration options to store Hive managed tables on Ozone
Overview of the Ozone Manager in High Availability
Considerations for configuring High Availability on Ozone Manager
Ozone Manager nodes in High Availability
Read and write requests with Ozone Manager in High Availability
Working with the Recon web user interface
Access the Recon web user interface
Elements of the Recon web user interface
Overview page
DataNodes page
Pipelines page
Missing Containers page
Configuring Ozone to work with Prometheus
Configuring Ozone Security
Working with Ozone ACLs
Using Ranger with Ozone
Kerberos configuration for Ozone
Security tokens in Ozone
Kerberos principal and keytab properties for Ozone service daemons
Securing DataNodes
Configure S3 credentials for working with Ozone
Configure Transparent Data Encryption for Ozone
Administering Apache Kudu
Apache Kudu administration
Starting and stopping Kudu processes
Kudu web interfaces
Kudu master web interface
Kudu tablet server web interface
Common web interface pages
Kudu metrics
Listing available metrics
Collecting metrics via HTTP
Diagnostics logging
Rack awareness (Location awareness)
Backup and restore
Back up tables
Restoring tables from backups
Backup tools
Backup directory structure
Physical backups of an entire node
Common Kudu workflows
Migrating to multiple Kudu masters
Prepare for the migration
Perform the migration
Recovering from a dead Kudu master in a multi-master deployment
Prepare for the recovery
Perform the recovery
Removing Kudu masters from a multi-master deployment
Prepare for removal
Perform the removal
Changing master hostnames
Prepare for hostname changes
Perform hostname changes
Best practices when adding new tablet servers
Monitoring cluster health with ksck
Orchestrating a rolling restart with no downtime
Changing directory configuration
Recovering from disk failure
Recovering from full disks
Bringing a tablet that has lost a majority of replicas back online
Rebuilding a Kudu filesystem layout
Physical backups of an entire node
Scaling storage on Kudu master and tablet servers in the cloud
Migrating Kudu data from one directory to another on the same host
Minimizing cluster disruption during temporary planned downtime of a single tablet server
Running tablet rebalancing tool
Running a tablet rebalancing tool on a rack-aware cluster
Running a tablet rebalancing tool in Cloudera Manager
Decommissioning or permanently removing a tablet server from a cluster
Using cluster names in the kudu command line tool
Managing Kudu with Cloudera Manager
Enabling core dump for the Kudu service
Verifying the Impala dependency on Kudu
Using the Charts Library with the Kudu service
Kudu security
Kudu authentication with Kerberos
Internal private key infrastructure (PKI)
Authentication tokens
Client authentication to secure Kudu clusters
Coarse-grained authorization
Fine-grained authorization
Apache Ranger
Authorization tokens
Trusted users
Configuring Kudu's integration with Apache Ranger
Ranger client caching
Web UI encryption
Web UI redaction
Log redaction
Configuring a secure Kudu cluster using Cloudera Manager
Enabling Kerberos authentication and RPC encryption
Configuring coarse-grained authorization with ACLs
Enabling Ranger authorization
Configuring HTTPS encryption for the Kudu master and tablet server web UIs
Configuring a secure Kudu cluster using the command line
Apache Kudu background maintenance tasks
Maintenance manager
Flushing data to disk
Compacting on-disk data
Write-ahead log garbage collection
Tablet history garbage collection and the ancient history mark
Developing Applications with Apache Kudu
Developing applications with Apache Kudu
Viewing the API documentation
Kudu example applications
Maven artifacts
Building the Java client
Kudu Python client
Kudu integration with Spark
Upsert option in Kudu Spark
Using Spark with a secure Kudu cluster
Spark integration known issues and limitations
Spark integration best practices
Using Apache Impala with Apache Kudu
Using Apache Impala with Apache Kudu
Impala database containment model
Internal and external Impala tables
Using Impala to query Kudu tables
Querying an existing Kudu table from Impala
Creating a new Kudu table from Impala
Partitioning tables
Basic partitioning
Advanced partitioning
Non-covering range partitions
Partitioning guidelines
Optimizing performance for evaluating SQL predicates
Inserting a row
Inserting in bulk
INSERT and primary key uniqueness violations
Updating a row
Updating in bulk
Upserting a row
Altering a table
Deleting a row
Deleting in bulk
Failures during INSERT, UPDATE, UPSERT, and DELETE operations
Altering table properties
Dropping a Kudu table using Impala
Security considerations
Known issues and limitations
Next steps
Using YARN Web UI and CLI
Access the YARN Web User Interface
View Cluster Overview
View Nodes and Node Details
View Queues and Queue Details
View All Applications
Search applications
View application details
UI Tools
Use the YARN CLI to View Logs for Applications
Configuring Apache Hadoop YARN Security
Linux Container Executor
Managing Access Control Lists
YARN ACL rules
YARN ACL syntax
YARN ACL types
Admin ACLs
Queue ACLs
Application ACLs
Application ACL evaluation
MapReduce Job ACLs
Spark Job ACLs
Application logs' ACLs
Configure TLS/SSL for Core Hadoop Services
Configure TLS/SSL for HDFS
Configure TLS/SSL for YARN
Configure Cross-Origin Support for YARN UIs and REST APIs
Configure YARN Security for Long-Running Applications
Configuring Apache Hadoop YARN High Availability
YARN ResourceManager High Availability
YARN ResourceManager high availability architecture
Configure YARN ResourceManager high availability
Use the yarn rmadmin tool to administer ResourceManager high availability
Work Preserving Recovery for YARN components
Configure work preserving recovery on ResourceManager
Configure work preserving recovery on NodeManager
Example: Configuration for work preserving recovery
Managing and Allocating Cluster Resources using Capacity Scheduler
Resource Scheduling and Management
YARN resource allocation of multiple resource-types
Hierarchical queue characteristics
Scheduling among queues
Application reservations
Resource distribution workflow
Resource allocation overview
Use CPU scheduling
Configure CPU scheduling and isolation
Use CPU scheduling with distributed shell
Use GPU scheduling
Configure GPU scheduling and isolation
Use GPU scheduling with distributed shell
Use FPGA scheduling
Configure FPGA scheduling and isolation
Use FPGA with distributed shell
Limit CPU usage with Cgroups
Use Cgroups
Enable Cgroups
Partition a cluster using node labels
Configure node labels
Use node labels
Manage Queues
Add queues using YARN Queue Manager UI
Configure cluster capacity with queues
Change resource allocation mode
Start and stop queues
Delete queues
Configure Scheduler Properties at the Global Level
Set global maximum application priority
Configure preemption
Enable Intra-Queue preemption
Set global application limits
Set default Application Master resource limit
Enable asynchronous scheduler
Configure placement rules
Dynamic queues
Create placement rules
Reorder placement rules
Edit placement rules
Delete placement rules
Configure queue mapping to use the user name from the application tag using Cloudera Manager
Configure NodeManager heartbeat
Configure data locality
Configure Per Queue Properties
Set user limits within a queue
Set Maximum Application limit for a specific queue
Set Application-Master resource-limit for a specific queue
Control access to queues using ACLs
Enable preemption for a specific queue
Enable Intra-Queue Preemption for a specific queue
Configure dynamic queue properties
Set Ordering policies within a specific queue
Configure queue ordering policies
Associate node labels with queues
Enable override of default queue mappings at individual queue level
Managing Apache Hadoop YARN Services
Configure YARN Services API to Manage Long-running Applications
Configure YARN Services using Cloudera Manager
Running YARN Services
Deploy and manage services on YARN
Launch a YARN service
Save a YARN service definition
Create new YARN services using UI
Create a standard YARN service
Create a custom YARN service
Manage the YARN service life cycle through the REST API
YARN services API examples
Managing YARN Docker Containers
Configuring YARN Docker Containers Support
Prerequisites for installing Docker
Recommendations for managing Docker containers on YARN
Install Docker
Configure Docker
Configure YARN for managing Docker containers
Docker on YARN configuration properties
Running Dockerized Applications on YARN
Docker on YARN example: MapReduce job
Docker on YARN example: DistributedShell
Docker on YARN example: Spark-on-Docker-on-YARN
Configuring Apache Hadoop YARN Log Aggregation
YARN Log Aggregation Overview
Log Aggregation File Controllers
Configure Log Aggregation
Log Aggregation Properties
Configure Debug Delay
Managing Apache ZooKeeper
Add a ZooKeeper service
Use multiple ZooKeeper services
Replace a ZooKeeper disk
Replace a ZooKeeper role with ZooKeeper service downtime
Replace a ZooKeeper role without ZooKeeper service downtime
Replace a ZooKeeper role on an unmanaged cluster
Confirm the election status of a ZooKeeper service
Configuring Apache ZooKeeper
Enable the AdminServer
Configure four-letter-word commands in ZooKeeper
Managing Apache ZooKeeper Security
ZooKeeper Authentication
Configure ZooKeeper server for Kerberos authentication
Configure ZooKeeper client shell for Kerberos authentication
Verify the ZooKeeper authentication
Enable server-server mutual authentication
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices: Atlas
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices: HBase
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices: HDFS
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices: Kafka
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices: Oozie
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices: Ranger
ZooKeeper ACLs best practices: Search
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices: YARN
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices: ZooKeeper
Configure ZooKeeper TLS/SSL using Cloudera Manager
Data Access
Using Data Analytics Studio
Compose queries
Manage queries
Searching queries
Refining query search using filters
Saving the search results
Compare queries
View query details
Viewing the query recommendations
Viewing the query details
Viewing the visual explain for a query
Viewing the Hive configurations for a query
Viewing the query timeline
Viewing the task-level DAG information
Viewing the DAG flow
Viewing the DAG counters
Viewing the Tez configurations for a query
Manage databases and tables
Using the Database Explorer
Searching tables
Managing tables
Creating tables
Uploading tables
Editing tables
Deleting tables
Managing columns
Managing partitions
Viewing storage information
Viewing detailed information
Viewing table and column statistics
Previewing tables using Data Preview
Manage reports
Viewing the Read and Write report
Viewing the Join report
DAS administration using Cloudera Manager in CDP
Running a query on a different Hive instance
Modifying the session cookie timeout value
Configuring user authentication
Configuring user authentication using SPNEGO
Configuring user authentication using LDAP
Configuring TLS/SSL encryption manually for DAS using Cloudera Manager
Cleaning up old queries, DAG information, and reports data
DAS administration using Ambari in CDP
Running a query on a different Hive instance
Cleaning up old queries, DAG information, and reports data using Ambari
Creating system tables to run query on Hive and Tez DAG events
Changing the retention period of DAS event logs
Working with Apache Hive Metastore
HMS table storage
Configuring HMS for high availability
Configure HMS properties for authorization
Filter HMS results
Setting up the metastore database
Setting up the backend Hive metastore database
Set up MariaDB or MySQL database
Set up a PostgreSQL database
Set up an Oracle database
Configure metastore database properties
Configuring metastore location
Set up a JDBC URL connection override
Tuning the metastore
Starting Apache Hive
Start Hive on an insecure cluster
Start Hive using a password
Run a Hive command
Converting Hive CLI scripts to Beeline
Using Apache Hive
Apache Hive 3 tables
Locating Hive tables and changing the location
Refer to a table using dot notation
Create a CRUD transactional table
Create an insert-only transactional table
Create, use, and drop an external table
Drop an external table along with data
Convert a managed, non-transactional table to external
Using constraints
Determine the table type
Hive 3 ACID transactions
Scheduling queries
Enable scheduled queries
Periodically rebuild a materialized view
Get scheduled query information and monitor the query
Using materialized views
Create and use a materialized view
Use materialized view optimations from a subquery
Drop a materialized view
Show materialized views
Describe a materialized view
Manage query rewrites
Create and use a partitioned materialized view
Apache Hive query basics
Query the information_schema database
Insert data into a table
Update data in a table
Merge data in tables
Delete data from a table
Create a temporary table
Configure temporary table storage
Use a subquery
Subquery restrictions
Aggregate and group data
Query correlated data
Using common table expressions
Use a CTE in a query
Escape an illegal identifier
CHAR data type support
ORC vs Parquet in CDP
Create a default directory for managed tables
Compare tables using ANY/SOME/ALL
Use wildcards with SHOW DATABASES
Partitions introduction
Create partitions dynamically
Manage partitions
Automate partition discovery and repair
Repair partitions manually using MSCK repair
Manage partition retention time
Generate surrogate keys
Using JdbcStorageHandler to query RDBMS
Using functions
Reload, view, and filter functions
Create a user-defined function
Set up the development environment
Create the UDF class
Build the project and upload the JAR
Register the UDF
Call the UDF in a query
Managing Apache Hive
ACID operations
Configure partitions for transactions
View transactions
View transaction locks
Data compaction
Compaction prerequisites
Enable automatic compaction
Start compaction manually
View compaction progress
Disable automatic compaction
Compactor properties
Query vectorization
Configuring query vectorization
Check query execution
Tracking Hive on Tez query execution
Tracking an Apache Hive query in YARN
Application not running message
Configuring Apache Hive
Configuring legacy CREATE TABLE behavior
Limit concurrent connections
Configuring HiveServer high availability using Dynamic Service Discovery
Configuring HiveServer high availability using a load balancer
Configuring the Hive Delegation Token Store
Adding a HiveServer role
Configuring the HiveServer load balancer
Generating statistics
Set up the cost-based optimizer and statistics
Generate and view Apache Hive statistics
Statistics generation and viewing commands
Removing scratch directories
Securing Apache Hive
Authorizing Apache Hive Access
Transactional table access
External table access
Disabling impersonation (doas)
Managing YARN queue users
Configure HiveServer for ETL using YARN queues
Connecting to an Apache Hive endpoint through Apache Knox
Apache Spark access to Apache Hive
Hive Authentication
Secure HiveServer using LDAP
Client connections to HiveServer
Pluggable authentication modules in HiveServer
JDBC connection string syntax
Encrypting Communication
Enable TLS/SSL for HiveServer
Enable SASL in HiveServer
Under AutoTLS secure a HiveServer JDBC/ODBC endpoint
Secure Hive Metastore
Activating the Hive Web UI
Integrating Apache Hive with Apache Spark and BI
Hive Warehouse Connector for accessing Apache Spark data
HWC execution modes
Spark Direct Reader mode
JDBC execution mode
Automating mode selection
Configuring Spark Direct Reader mode
Configuring JDBC execution mode
Kerberos configurations for HWC
Configuring external file authorization
Reading managed tables through HWC
Writing managed tables through HWC
API operations
HWC supported types mapping
Catalog operations
Read and write operations
Commit transaction in Spark Direct Reader mode
Close HiveWarehouseSession operations
Use HWC for streaming
HWC API Examples
Hive Warehouse Connector Interfaces
Submit a Scala or Java application
Submit a Python app
Apache Hive-Kafka integration
Create a table for a Kafka stream
Querying Kafka data
Query live data from Kafka
Perform ETL by ingesting data from Kafka into Hive
Writing data to Kafka
Write transformed Hive data to Kafka
Set consumer and producer properties as table properties
Kafka storage handler and table properties
Connecting Hive to BI tools using a JDBC/ODBC driver
Getting the JDBC driver
Integrating Hive and a BI tool
Specify the JDBC connection string
JDBC connection string syntax
Using JdbcStorageHandler to query RDBMS
Set up JDBCStorageHandler for Postgres
Apache Hive Performance Tuning
Low-latency analytical processing
Query results cache
Best practices for performance tuning
Maximizing storage resources using ORC
Advanced ORC properties
Improving performance using partitions
Handling bucketed tables
Migrating Data Using Sqoop
Data migration to Apache Hive
Set Up Sqoop
Moving data from databases to Apache Hive
Create a Sqoop import command
Import RDBMS data into Hive
Moving data from HDFS to Apache Hive
Import RDBMS data to HDFS
Convert an HDFS file to ORC
Incrementally update an imported table
Import command options
Managing Apache Impala
Configuring Impala
Modifying Impala Startup Options
Monitoring Impala
Impala Logs
Managing Logs
Impala lineage
Web User Interface for Debugging
Debug Web UI for Impala Daemon
Debug Web UI for StateStore
Debug Web UI for Catalog Server
Configuring Impala Web UI
Stopping Impala
Securing Impala
Configuring Impala TLS/SSL
Impala Authentication
Configuring Kerberos Authentication
Configuring LDAP Authentication
Enabling LDAP for in Hue
Enabling LDAP Authentication for impala-shell
Impala Authorization
Configuring Authorization
Tuning Impala
Setting Up HDFS Caching
Setting up Data Cache for Remote Reads
Configuring Dedicated Coordinators and Executors
Managing Resources in Impala
Admission Control and Query Queuing
Enabling Admission Control
Creating Static Pools
Configuring Dynamic Resource Pool
Dynamic Resource Pool Settings
Admission Control Sample Scenario
Cancelling a Query
Managing Metadata in Impala
On-demand Metadata
Automatic Invalidation of Metadata Cache
Automatic Invalidation/Refresh of Metadata
Configuring Event Based Automatic Metadata Sync
Setting Timeouts in Impala
Setting Timeout and Retries for Thrift Connections to Backend Client
Increasing StateStore Timeout
Setting the Idle Query and Idle Session Timeouts
Configuring Load Balancer for Impala
Configuring Client Access to Impala
Impala Shell Tool
Impala Shell Configuration Options
Impala Shell Configuration File
Connecting to Impala Daemon in Impala Shell
Running Commands and SQL Statements in Impala Shell
Impala Shell Command Reference
Configuring ODBC for Impala
Configuring JDBC for Impala
Configuring Delegation for Clients
Spooling Query Results
Using Hue
Using Hue
Enabling the SQL editor autocompleter
Using governance-based data discovery
Searching metadata tags
Supported special characters
Administering Hue
Reference architecture
Hue configuration files
Hue Advanced Configuration Snippet
Hue logs
Hue supported browsers
Adding a Hue service with Cloudera Manager
Adding a Hue role instance with Cloudera Manager
Customizing the Hue web UI
Adding a custom banner
Changing the page logo
Setting the cache timeout
Enabling or disabling anonymous usage date collection
Enabling Hue applications with Cloudera Manager
Running shell commands
Downloading and exporting data from Hue
Backing up the Hue database
Connect an external database
Enabling a multi-threaded environment for Hue
Moving the Hue service to a different host
Adding and configuring a new Hue service on a new host
Adding new role instances for Hue server, Hue Load Balancer, and Kerberos Ticket Renewer on new hosts
Securing Hue
User management in Hue
Understanding Hue users and groups
Finding the list of Hue superusers
Creating a Hue user
Creating a group in Hue
Managing Hue permissions
Resetting Hue user password
Assigning superuser status to an LDAP user
User authentication in Hue
Authentication using Kerberos
Authentication using LDAP
Import and sync LDAP users and groups
Configuring authentication with LDAP and Search Bind
Configuring authentication with LDAP and Direct Bind
Multi-server LDAP/AD autentication
Testing the LDAP configuration
Configuring group permissions
Enabling LDAP authentication with HiveServer2 and Impala
LDAP properties
Configuring LDAP on unmanaged clusters
Authentication using SAML
Configuring SAML authentication on managed clusters
Manually configuring SAML authentication
Integrating your identity provider's SAML server with Hue
SAML properties
Troubleshooting SAML authentication
Authentication using Knox SSO
Applications and permissions reference
Securing Hue passwords with scripts
Configuring TLS/SSL for Hue
Creating a truststore file in PEM format
Configuring Hue as a TLS/SSL client
Enabling Hue as a TLS/SSL client
Configuring Hue as a TLS/SSL server
Enabling Hue as a TLS/SSL server using Cloudera Manager
Enabling TLS/SSL for Hue Load Balancer
Enabling TLS/SSL communication with HiveServer2
Enabling TLS/SSL communication with Impala
Securing database connections with TLS/SSL
Enforcing TLS version 1.2 for Hue
Securing sessions
Specifying HTTP request methods
Restricting supported ciphers for Hue
Specifying domains or pages to which Hue can redirect users
Setting Oozie permissions
Configuring secure access between Solr and Hue
Tuning Hue
Adding a load balancer
Configuring high availability for Hue
Configuring Hive and Impala for high availability with Hue
Configuring for HDFS high availability
Search Tutorial
Validating the Cloudera Search Deployment
Create a Test Collection
Index Sample Data
Query Sample Data
Indexing Sample Tweets with Cloudera Search
Preparing to Index Sample Tweets with Cloudera Search
Create a Collection for Tweets
Copy Sample Tweets to HDFS
Using MapReduce Batch Indexing to Index Sample Tweets
Batch Indexing into Online Solr Servers Using GoLive
Batch Indexing into Offline Solr Shards
Securing Cloudera Search
Cloudera Search Security Overview
Configure TLS/SSL encryption for Solr
Cloudera Search Authentication
Configure Kerberos Authentication for Solr
Enable Kerberos Authentication in Solr
Set Proxy Server Authentication for Clusters Using Kerberos
Overview of Proxy Usage and Load Balancing for Search
Enable LDAP Authentication in Solr
Enabling Solr Clients to Authenticate with a Secure Solr
Enable Ranger Authorization in Solr
Tuning Cloudera Search
Solr Server Tuning Categories
Setting Java System Properties for Solr
Setting Lucene Version
Enable multi-threaded faceting
Tuning Garbage Collection
Enable Garbage Collector Logging
Solr and HDFS - the Block Cache
Tuning Replication
Adjust the Solr replication factor for index files stored in HDFS
Managing Cloudera Search
Managing Collection Configuration
Config Templates
Generate a Collection Configuration Using Configs
Secure Configs with ZooKeeper ACLs and Ranger
Generate a Collection Configuration Using Instance Directories
Convert Instance Directories to Configs
Cloudera Search Configuration Files
Use Custom JAR Files with Cloudera Search
Managing Collections
Create a Solr Collection
View Existing Solr Collections
Delete All Documents in a Solr Collection
Deleting a Solr Collection
Updating the Schema in a Solr Collection
Create a Replica of an Existing Shard
Migrate Solr Replicas
Backing Up and Restoring Cloudera Search
Back Up a Solr Collection
Restore a Solr Collection
Cloudera Search ETL
ETL with Cloudera Morphlines
Example Morphline Usage
Indexing Data Using Morphlines
Indexing Data
Near Real Time Indexing
Lily HBase Near Real Time Indexing for Cloudera Search
Enable Cluster-wide HBase Replication
Adding the Lily HBase Indexer Service
Starting the Lily HBase NRT Indexer Service
Using the Lily HBase NRT Indexer Service
Enable Replication on HBase Column Families
Create a Collection in Cloudera Search
Creating a Lily HBase Indexer Configuration File
Creating a Morphline Configuration File
Understanding the extractHBaseCells Morphline Command
Registering a Lily HBase Indexer Configuration with the Lily HBase Indexer Service
Verifying that Indexing Works
Using the Indexer HTTP Interface
Configuring Lily HBase Indexer Security
Configure Lily HBase Indexer to use TLS/SSL
Configure Lily HBase Indexer Service to Use Kerberos Authentication
Batch Indexing
Spark Indexing
MapReduce Indexing
MapReduceIndexerTool Input Splits
MapReduceIndexerTool Metadata
MapReduceIndexerTool Usage Syntax
Lily HBase Batch Indexing for Cloudera Search
Populating an HBase Table
Create a Collection in Cloudera Search
Creating a Lily HBase Indexer Configuration File
Creating a Morphline Configuration File
Understanding the extractHBaseCells Morphline Command
Running HBaseMapReduceIndexerTool
HBaseMapReduceIndexerTool command line reference
Using --go-live with SSL or Kerberos
Understanding --go-live and HDFS ACLs
Operational Database
Configuring Apache HBase
Using DNS with HBase
Use the Network Time Protocol (NTP) with HBase
Configure the graceful shutdown timeout property
Setting user limits for HBase
Configure ulimit for HBase using Cloudera Manager
Configuring ulimit for HBase
Configure ulimit using Pluggable Authentication Modules using the Command Line
Using dfs.datanode.max.transfer.threads with HBase
Configure encryption in HBase
Using hedged reads
Enable hedged reads for HBase
Monitor the performance of hedged reads
Understanding HBase garbage collection
Configure HBase garbage collection
Disable the BoundedByteBufferPool
Configure the HBase canary
Using HBase blocksize
Configure the blocksize for a column family
Configuring HBase BlockCache
Contents of the BlockCache
Size the BlockCache
Decide to use the BucketCache
About the Off-heap BucketCache
Off-heap BucketCache
BucketCache IO engine
Configure BucketCache IO engine
Configure the off-heap BucketCache using Cloudera Manager
Configure the off-heap BucketCache using the command line
Cache eviction priorities
Bypass the BlockCache
Monitor the BlockCache
Using quota management
Configuring quotas
General Quota Syntax
Throttle quotas
Throttle quota examples
Space quotas
Quota enforcement
Quota violation policies
Impact of quota violation policy
Live write access
Bulk Write Access
Read access
Metrics and Insight
Examples of overlapping quota policies
Number-of-Tables Quotas
Number-of-Regions Quotas
Using HBase scanner heartbeat
Configure the scanner heartbeat using Cloudera Manager
Storing medium objects (MOBs)
Configure columns to store MOBs
Configure the MOB cache using Cloudera Manager
Test MOB storage and retrieval performance
MOB cache properties
Limiting the speed of compactions
Configure the compaction speed using Cloudera Manager
Enable HBase indexing
Using HBase coprocessors
Add a custom coprocessor
Disable loading of coprocessors
Configuring HBase MultiWAL
Configuring MultiWAL support using Cloudera Manager
Configuring the storage policy for the Write-Ahead Log (WAL)
Configure the storage policy for WALs using Cloudera Manager
Configure the storage policy for WALs using the Command Line
Using RegionServer grouping
Enable RegionServer grouping using Cloudera Manager
Configure RegionServer grouping
Monitor RegionServer grouping
Remove a RegionServer from RegionServer grouping
Enabling ACL for RegionServer grouping
Best practices when using RegionServer grouping
Disable RegionServer grouping
Optimizing HBase I/O
HBase I/O components
Advanced configuration for write-heavy workloads
Managing Apache HBase Security
HBase authentication
Configure HBase servers to authenticate with a secure HDFS cluster
Configure secure HBase replication
Configure the HBase client TGT renewal period
HBase authorization
Configuring TLS/SSL for HBase
Prerequisites to configure TLS/SSL for HBase
Configure TLS/SSL for HBase Web UIs
Configure TLS/SSL for HBase REST Server
Configure TLS/SSL for HBase Thrift Server
Accessing Apache HBase
Use the HBase shell
Virtual machine options for HBase Shell
Script with HBase Shell
Use the HBase command-line utilities
Use the HBase APIs for Java
Use the HBase REST server
Installing the REST Server using Cloudera Manager
Using the REST API
Using the REST proxy API
Use the Apache Thrift Proxy API
Use the Hue HBase app
Configure the HBase thrift server role
Managing Apache HBase
Starting and stopping HBase using Cloudera Manager
Start HBase
Stop HBase
Graceful HBase shutdown
Gracefully shut down an HBase RegionServer
Gracefully shut down the HBase service
Importing data into HBase
Choose the right import method
Use snapshots
Use CopyTable
Use BulkLoad
Use cases for BulkLoad
Use cluster replication
Use Sqoop
Use Spark
Use a custom MapReduce job
Use HashTable and SyncTable Tool
HashTable/SyncTable tool configuration
Synchronize table data using HashTable/SyncTable tool
Writing data to HBase
Variations on Put
Reading data from HBase
Perform scans using HBase Shell
HBase filtering
Dynamically loading a custom filter
Logical operators, comparison operators and comparators
Compound operators
Filter types
HBase Shell example
Java API example
HBase online merge
Move HBase Master Role to another host
Expose HBase metrics to a Ganglia server
Using the HBase-Spark connector
Example: Using the HBase-Spark connector
Configuring Apache HBase High Availability
Enable HBase high availability using Cloudera Manager
HBase read replicas
Timeline consistency
Keep replicas current
Read replica properties
Configure read replicas using Cloudera Manager
Using rack awareness for read replicas
Create a topology map
Create a topology script
Activate read replicas on a table
Request a timeline-consistent read
Using Apache HBase Backup and Disaster Recovery
HBase backup and disaster recovery strategies
Configuring HBase snapshots
About HBase snapshots
Configure snapshots
Manage HBase snapshots using Cloudera Manager
Browse HBase tables
Take HBase snapshots
Store HBase snapshots on Amazon S3
Configure HBase in Cloudera Manager to store snapshots in Amazon S3
Configure the dynamic resource pool used for exporting and importing snapshots in Amazon S3
HBase snapshots on Amazon S3 with Kerberos enabled
Manage HBase snapshots on Amazon S3 in Cloudera Manager
Delete HBase snapshots from Amazon S3
Restore an HBase snapshot from Amazon S3
Restore an HBase snapshot from Amazon S3 with a new name
Manage Policies for HBase snapshots in Amazon S3
Manage HBase snapshots using the HBase shell
Shell commands
Take a snapshot using a shell script
Export a snapshot to another cluster
Snapshot failures
Information and debugging
Using HBase replication
Common replication topologies
Notes about replication
Replication requirements
Deploy HBase replication
Replication across three or more clusters
Enable replication on a specific table
Configure secure replication
Configure bulk load replication
Enable bulk load replication using Cloudera Manager
Create empty table on the destination cluster
Disable replication at the peer level
Stop replication in an emergency
Initiate replication when data already exist
Replicate pre-exist data in an active-active deployment
Effects of WAL rolling on replication
Configure secure HBase replication
Restore data from a replica
Verify that replication works
Replication caveats
Configuring Apache HBase for Apache Phoenix
Configure HBase for use with Phoenix
Using Apache Phoenix to Store and Access Data
Mapping Phoenix schemas to HBase namespaces
Enable namespace mapping
Associating tables of a schema to a namespace
Associate table in a customized Kerberos environment
Associate a table in a non-customized environment without Kerberos
Connecting to PQS using JDBC
Connect to Phoenix Query Server
Connect to Phoenix Query Server through Apache Knox
Using non-JDBC drivers
Understanding Apache Phoenix-Spark connector
Configure Phoenix-Spark connector using Cloudera Manager
Phoenix-Spark connector usage examples
Understanding Apache Phoenix-Hive connector
Configure Phoenix-Hive connector using Cloudera Manager
Apache Phoenix-Hive usage examples
Limitations of Phoenix-Hive connector
Managing Apache Phoenix Security
Managing Apache Phoenix security
Enable Phoenix ACLs
Configure TLS encryption manually for Phoenix Query Server
Data Engineering
Configuring Apache Spark
Configuring dynamic resource allocation
Customize dynamic resource allocation settings
Configure a Spark job for dynamic resource allocation
Dynamic resource allocation properties
Spark security
Enabling Spark authentication
Enabling Spark Encryption
Running Spark applications on secure clusters
Accessing compressed files in Spark
Developing Apache Spark Applications
Spark application model
Spark execution model
Developing and running an Apache Spark WordCount application
Using the Spark DataFrame API
Building Spark Applications
Best practices for building Apache Spark applications
Building reusable modules in Apache Spark applications
Packaging different versions of libraries with an Apache Spark application
Using Spark SQL
SQLContext and HiveContext
Querying files into a DataFrame
Spark SQL example
Interacting with Hive views
Performance and storage considerations for Spark SQL DROP TABLE PURGE
TIMESTAMP compatibility for Parquet files
Accessing Spark SQL through the Spark shell
Calling Hive user-defined functions (UDFs)
Using Spark Streaming
Spark Streaming and Dynamic Allocation
Spark Streaming Example
Enabling fault-tolerant processing in Spark Streaming
Configuring authentication for long-running Spark Streaming jobs
Building and running a Spark Streaming application
Sample pom.xml file for Spark Streaming with Kafka
Accessing external storage from Spark
Accessing data stored in Amazon S3 through Spark
Examples of accessing Amazon S3 data from Spark
Accessing Hive from Spark
Accessing HDFS Files from Spark
Accessing ORC Data in Hive Tables
Accessing ORC files from Spark
Predicate push-down optimization
Loading ORC data into DataFrames using predicate push-down
Optimizing queries using partition pruning
Enabling vectorized query execution
Reading Hive ORC tables
Accessing Avro data files from Spark SQL applications
Accessing Parquet files from Spark SQL applications
Using Spark MLlib
Running a Spark MLlib example
Enabling Native Acceleration For MLlib
Using custom libraries with Spark
Running Apache Spark Applications
Running your first Spark application
Running sample Spark applications
Configuring Spark Applications
Configuring Spark application properties in spark-defaults.conf
Configuring Spark application logging properties
Submitting Spark applications
spark-submit command options
Spark cluster execution overview
Canary test for pyspark command
Fetching Spark Maven dependencies
Accessing the Spark History Server
Running Spark applications on YARN
Spark on YARN deployment modes
Submitting Spark Applications to YARN
Monitoring and Debugging Spark Applications
Example: Running SparkPi on YARN
Configuring Spark on YARN Applications
Dynamic allocation
Submitting Spark applications using Livy
Using Livy with Spark
Using Livy with interactive notebooks
Using the Livy API to run Spark jobs
Running an interactive session with the Livy API
Livy objects for interactive sessions
Setting Python path variables for Livy
Livy API reference for interactive sessions
Submitting batch applications using the Livy API
Livy batch object
Livy API reference for batch jobs
Using PySpark
Running PySpark in a virtual environment
Running Spark Python applications
Automating Spark Jobs with Oozie Spark Action
Tuning Apache Spark
Check Job Status
Check Job History
Improving Software Performance
Tuning Apache Spark Applications
Tuning Spark Shuffle Operations
Choosing Transformations to Minimize Shuffles
When Shuffles Do Not Occur
When to Add a Shuffle Transformation
Secondary Sort
Tuning Resource Allocation
Resource Tuning Example
Tuning the Number of Partitions
Reducing the Size of Data Structures
Choosing Data Formats
CDS 3 Powered by Apache Spark
CDS 3 Overview
CDS 3 Requirements
Installing CDS 3
Running Spark 3 Applications with CDS
CDS 3 Packaging, and Download
Using the CDS 3 Maven Repo
CDS 3.0 Maven Artifacts
Configuring Apache Zeppelin
Configuring Livy
Configure User Impersonation for Access to Hive
Configure User Impersonation for Access to Phoenix
Enabling Access Control for Zeppelin Elements
Enable Access Control for Interpreter, Configuration, and Credential Settings
Enable Access Control for Notebooks
Enable Access Control for Data
Shiro Settings: Reference
Active Directory Settings
LDAP Settings
General Settings
shiro.ini Example
Using Apache Zeppelin
Launch Zeppelin
Working with Zeppelin Notes
Create and Run a Note
Import a Note
Export a Note
Using the Note Toolbar
Import External Packages
Configuring and Using Zeppelin Interpreters
Modify interpreter settings
Using Zeppelin Interpreters
Customize interpreter settings in a note
Use the JDBC interpreter to access Hive
Use the JDBC interpreter to access Phoenix
Use the Livy interpreter to access Spark
Using Spark Hive Warehouse and HBase Connector Client .jar files with Livy
Configuring Authentication in Cloudera Manager
Kerberos Security Artifacts Overview
Kerberos Configuration Strategies for CDP
Configuring Authentication in Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Manager user accounts
Configuring external authentication and authorization for Cloudera Manager
Configure authentication using Active Directory
Configure authentication using an LDAP-compliant identity service
Configure authentication using Kerberos (SPNEGO)
Configure authentication using an external program
Configure authentication using SAML
Enabling Kerberos Authentication for CDP
Step 1: Install Cloudera Manager and CDP
Step 2: Install JCE policy files for AES-256 encryption
Step 3: Create the Kerberos Principal for Cloudera Manager Server
Step 4: Enable Kerberos using the wizard
Step 5: Create the HDFS superuser
Step 6: Get or create a Kerberos principal for each user account
Step 7: Prepare the cluster for each user
Step 8: Verify that Kerberos security is working
Step 9: (Optional) Enable authentication for HTTP web consoles for Hadoop roles
Kerberos authentication for non-default users
Customizing Kerberos principals
Managing Kerberos credentials using Cloudera Manager
Using a custom Kerberos keytab retrieval script
Adding trusted realms to the cluster
Using auth-to-local rules to isolate cluster users
Configuring a dedicated MIT KDC for cross-realm trust
Integrating MIT Kerberos and Active Directory
Hadoop Users (user:group) and Kerberos Principals
Mapping Kerberos Principals to Short Names
Cloudera Authorization
Cloudera Manager User Roles
Configuring LDAP Group Mappings
Using Ranger to Provide Authorization in CDP
Encrypting Data in Transit
Encrypting Data in Transit
Understanding Keystores and Truststores
Choosing manual TLS or Auto-TLS
SAN Certificates
Configuring TLS Encryption for Cloudera Manager Using Auto-TLS
Use case 1: Use Cloudera Manager to generate internal CA and corresponding certificates
Use case 2: Enabling Auto-TLS with an intermediate CA signed by an existing Root CA
Use case 3: Enabling Auto-TLS with Existing Certificates
Manually Configuring TLS Encryption for Cloudera Manager
Manually Configuring TLS Encryption on the Agent Listening Port
Encrypting Data at Rest
Encrypting Data at Rest
Data at Rest Encryption Reference Architecture
Data at Rest Encryption Requirements
Resource Planning for Data at Rest Encryption
HDFS Transparent Encryption
Key Concepts and Architecture
Keystores and the Hadoop Key Management Server
Data Encryption Components and Solutions
Encryption Zones and Keys
Accessing Files Within an Encryption Zone
Optimizing Performance for HDFS Transparent Encryption
Enabling HDFS Encryption Using the Wizard
Enabling HDFS Encryption Using Navigator Key Trustee Server
Enabling HDFS Encryption Using a Java KeyStore
Managing Encryption Keys and Zones
Validating Hadoop Key Operations
Creating Encryption Zones
Adding Files to an Encryption Zone
Deleting Encryption Zones
Backing Up Encryption Keys
Rolling Encryption Keys
Re-encrypting Encrypted Data Encryption Keys (EDEKs)
Benefits and Capabilities
Prerequisites and Assumptions
Re-encrypting an EDEK
Managing Re-encryption Operations
Securing the Key Management System (KMS)
Enabling Kerberos Authentication for the KMS
Configuring TLS/SSL for the KMS
Migrating Keys from a Java KeyStore to Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server
Migrating Ranger Key Management Server Role Instances to a New Host
Migrate the Ranger Admin role instance to a new host
Migrate the Ranger KMS db role instance to a new host
Migrate the Ranger KMS KTS role instance to a new host
Migrating ACLs from Key Trustee KMS to Ranger KMS
Key Trustee KMS operations not supported by Ranger KMS
ACLs supported by Ranger KMS and Ranger KMS Mapping
Configuring CDP Services for HDFS Encryption
Transparent Encryption Recommendations for HBase
Transparent Encryption Recommendations for Hive
Changed Behavior after HDFS Encryption is Enabled
KMS ACL Configuration for Hive
Transparent Encryption Recommendations for Hue
Transparent Encryption Recommendations for Impala
Transparent Encryption Recommendations for MapReduce and YARN
Transparent Encryption Recommendations for Search
Transparent Encryption Recommendations for Spark
Transparent Encryption Recommendations for Sqoop
Using the Ranger Key Management Service
Accessing the Ranger KMS Web UI
List and Create Keys
Roll Over an Existing Key
Delete a Key
Navigator Key Trustee Server
Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server Overview
Key Trustee Server System Requirements
Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server
Backing up Key Trustee Server and clients
Back up Key Trustee Server using Cloudera Manager
Back up Key Trustee Server using the ktbackup.sh script
Back up Key Trustee Server manually
Back up Key Trustee Server clients
Restoring Navigator Key Trustee Server
Restore Key Trustee Server in parcel-based installations
Restore Key Trustee Server in package-based installations
Restore Key Trustee Server from ktbackup.sh backups
Initializing Standalone Key Trustee Server
Initializing Standalone Key Trustee Server Using Cloudera Manager
Specifying TLS/SSL Minimum Allowed Version and Ciphers
Configuring a Mail Transfer Agent for Key Trustee Server
Verifying Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server Operations
Managing Key Trustee Server Organizations
Managing Key Trustee Server Certificates
Generating a New Certificate
Replacing Key Trustee Server Certificates
Setting Up Key Trustee Server High Availability
Configuring Key Trustee Server High Availability Using Cloudera Manager
Recovering a Key Trustee Server
Navigator Encrypt
Navigator Encrypt Overview
Registering Cloudera Navigator Encrypt with Key Trustee Server
Preparing for Encryption Using Cloudera Navigator Encrypt
Encrypting and Decrypting Data Using Cloudera Navigator Encrypt
Converting from Device Names to UUIDs for Encrypted Devices
Navigator Encrypt Access Control List
Maintaining Cloudera Navigator Encrypt
Navigator Key HSM
Cloudera Navigator Key HSM Overview
Initializing Navigator Key HSM
HSM-Specific Setup for Cloudera Navigator Key HSM
Validating Key HSM Settings
Managing the Navigator Key HSM Service
Integrating Key HSM with Key Trustee Server
Apache Ranger Access Control and Auditing
Apache Ranger Auditing
Audit Overview
Managing Auditing with Ranger
View audit details
Create a read-only Admin user (Auditor)
Changing Ranger audit storage location and migrating data
Apache Ranger Authorization
Using Ranger to Provide Authorization in CDP
Ranger Policies Overview
Ranger tag-based policies
Tags and policy evaluation
Ranger access conditions
Using the Ranger Console
Accessing the Ranger console
Ranger console navigation
Resource-based Services and Policies
Configuring resource-based services
Configure a resource-based service: ADLS
Configure a resource-based service: Atlas
Configure a resource-based service: HBase
Configure a resource-based service: HDFS
Configure a resource-based service: Hive
Configure a resource-based service: Kafka
Configure a resource-based service: Knox
Configure a resource-based service: NiFi
Configure a resource-based service: NiFi Registry
Configure a resource-based service: Solr
Configure a resource-based service: YARN
Configuring resource-based policies
Configure a resource-based policy: ADLS
Configure a resource-based policy: Atlas
Configure a resource-based policy: HBase
Configure a resource-based policy: HDFS
Configure a resource-based policy: Hive
Configure a resource-based policy: Kafka
Configure a resource-based policy: Knox
Configure a resource-based policy: NiFi
Configure a resource-based policy: NiFi Registry
Configure a resource-based policy: Solr
Configure a resource-based policy: YARN
Wildcards and variables in resource-based policies
Preloaded resource-based services and policies
Importing and exporting resource-based policies
Import resource-based policies for a specific service
Import resource-based policies for all services
Export resource-based policies for a specific service
Export all resource-based policies for all services
Row-level filtering and column masking in Hive
Row-level filtering in Hive with Ranger policies
Dynamic resource-based column masking in Hive with Ranger policies
Dynamic tag-based column masking in Hive with Ranger policies
Tag-based Services and Policies
Adding a tag-based service
Adding tag-based policies
Using tag attributes and values in Ranger tag-based policy conditions
Adding a tag-based PII policy
Default EXPIRES ON tag policy
Importing and exporting tag-based policies
Import tag-based policies
Export tag-based policies
Create a time-bound policy
Ranger Security Zones
Adding a Ranger security zone
Administering Ranger Users, Groups, Roles, and Permissions
Add a user
Edit a user
Delete a user
Add a group
Edit a group
Delete a group
Add a role through Ranger
Add a role through Hive
Edit a role
Delete a role
Add or edit permissions
Administering Ranger Reports
View Ranger reports
Search Ranger reports
Export Ranger reports
Configuring Ranger Authentication with UNIX, LDAP, or AD
Configuring Ranger Authentication with UNIX, LDAP, AD, or PAM
Configure Ranger authentication for UNIX
Configure Ranger authentication for AD
Configure Ranger authentication for LDAP
Configure Ranger authentication for PAM
Ranger AD Integration
Ranger UI authentication
Ranger UI authorization
Ranger Usersync
Ranger user management
Known issue: Ranger group mapping
Configuring Advanced Security Options for Apache Ranger
Configure Kerberos authentication for Apache Ranger
Configure TLS/SSL for Apache Ranger
Configuring Apache Ranger High Availability
Configure Ranger Admin High Availability
Configure Ranger Admin High Availability with a Load Balancer
Configure Usersync assignment of Admin users
How to pass JVM options to Ranger services
How to pass JVM options to Ranger KMS services
Configuring and Using Hive-HDFS ACL Sync
Ranger Hive-HDFS ACL Sync Overview
Configure High Availability for Hive-HDFS ACL Sync
Configure Hive-HDFS ACL Sync
Hive-HDFS ACL Sync Use Cases
Hive-HDFS ACL Sync Reference
Configuring and Using Ranger KMS
Configuring Ranger KMS High Availability
Configure High Availability for Ranger KMS with DB
Configure High Availability for Ranger KMS with KTS
Overriding custom keystore alias on a Ranger KMS Server
Apache Knox Authentication
Apache Knox Overview
Securing Access to Hadoop Cluster: Apache Knox
Apache Knox Gateway Overview
Knox Supported Services Matrix
Knox Topology Management in Cloudera Manager
Proxy Cloudera Manager through Apache Knox
Installing Apache Knox
Apache Knox Install Role Parameters
Managing Knox shared providers in Cloudera Manager
Configure Apache Knox authentication for PAM
Configure Apache Knox authentication for AD/LDAP
Managing existing Apache Knox shared providers
Add a new shared provider configuration
Add a new provider in an existing provider configuration
Modify a provider in an existing provider configuration
Disable a provider in an existing provider configuration
Saving aliases
Configure Kerberos authentication in Apache Knox shared providers
Managing services for Apache Knox via Cloudera Manager
Enable proxy for a known service in Apache Knox
Disable proxy for a known service in Apache Knox
Add custom service to existing descriptor in Apache Knox Proxy
Add custom descriptor to Apache Knox
Managing Service Parameters for Apache Knox via Cloudera Manager
Add custom service parameter to descriptor
Modify custom service parameter in descriptor
Remove custom service parameter from descriptor
Additional Security Topics
How to Add Root and Intermediate CAs to Truststore for TLS/SSL
Amazon S3 Security
Authenticate Kerberos Principals Using Java
Check Cluster Security Settings
Configure Antivirus Software on CDP Hosts
Configure Browser-based Interfaces to Require Authentication (SPNEGO)
Configure Browsers for Kerberos Authentication (SPNEGO)
Configure Cluster to Use Kerberos Authentication
Convert DER, JKS, PEM Files for TLS/SSL Artifacts
Configure Authentication for Amazon S3
Configure Encryption for Amazon S3
Configure AWS Credentials
Enable Sensitive Data Redaction
Log a Security Support Case
Obtain and Deploy Keys and Certificates for TLS/SSL
Renew and Redistribute Certificates
Set Up a Gateway Host to Restrict Access to the Cluster
Set Up Access to Cloudera EDH (Microsoft Azure Marketplace)
Use Self-Signed Certificates for TLS
Searching with Metadata
Searching overview
Using Basic Search
Using Search filters
Using Free-text Search
Saving searches
Using advanced search
Working with Classifications and Labels
Working with Atlas classifications and labels
Creating classifications
Creating labels
Adding attributes to classifications
Associating classifications with entities
Propagating classifications through lineage
Searching for entities using classifications
Exploring using Lineage
Lineage overview
Viewing lineage
Lineage lifecycle
Leveraging Business Metadata
Business Metadata overview
Creating Business Metadata
Adding attributes to Business Metadata
Associating Business Metadata attributes with entities
Importing Business Metadata associations in bulk
Searching for entities using Business Metadata attributes
Managing Business Terms with Atlas Glossaries
Glossaries overview
Creating glossaries
Creating terms
Associating terms with entities
Defining related terms
Creating categories
Assigning terms to categories
Searching using terms
Importing Glossary terms in bulk
Setting up Atlas High Availability
About Atlas High Availability
Prerequisites for setting up Atlas HA
Installing Atlas in HA using HDP cluster
Installing Atlas in HA using CDP Private Cloud Base cluster
Securing Atlas
Securing Atlas
Configuring TLS/SSL for Apache Atlas
Configuring Atlas Authentication
Configure Kerberos authentication for Apache Atlas
Configure Atlas authentication for AD
Configure Atlas authentication for LDAP
Configure Atlas PAM authentication
Configure Atlas file-based authentication
Configuring Atlas Authorization
Restricting classifications based on user permission
How the type-read classification works
Configuring Ranger Authorization for Atlas
Configuring Atlas Authorization using Ranger
Configuring Simple Authorization in Atlas
Configuring Atlas using Cloudera Manager
Configuring and Monitoring Atlas
Showing Atlas Server status
Accessing Atlas logs
Migrating Data from Cloudera Navigator to Atlas
Transitioning Navigator content to Atlas
Integrating Atlas with Ozone
About Apache Ozone integration with Apache Atlas
How Integration works
Using import utility tools with Atlas
Importing Hive Metadata using Command-Line (CLI) utility
Using Atlas-Hive import utility with Ozone entities
Setting up Atlas Kafka import tool
Configuring Oozie
Overview of Oozie
Adding the Oozie service using Cloudera Manager
Considerations for Oozie to work with AWS
Redeploying the Oozie ShareLib
Redeploying the Oozie sharelib using Cloudera Manager
Oozie configurations with CDP services
Using Sqoop actions with Oozie
Deploying and configuring Oozie Sqoop1 Action JDBC drivers
Configuring Oozie Sqoop1 Action workflow JDBC drivers
Configuring Oozie to enable MapReduce jobs to read or write from Amazon S3
Configuring Oozie to use HDFS HA
Using Hive Warehouse Connector with Oozie Spark action
Oozie High Availability
Requirements for Oozie High Availability
Configuring Oozie High Availability using Cloudera Manager
Enabling Oozie High Availability
Disabling Oozie High Availability
Scheduling in Oozie using cron-like syntax
Oozie scheduling examples
Configuring an external database for Oozie
Configuring PostgreSQL for Oozie
Configuring MariaDB for Oozie
Configuring MySQL 5 for Oozie
Configuring MySQL 8 for Oozie
Configuring Oracle for Oozie
Working with the Oozie server
Starting the Oozie server
Stopping the Oozie server
Accessing the Oozie server with the Oozie Client
Accessing the Oozie server with a browser
Adding schema to Oozie using Cloudera Manager
Enabling the Oozie web console on managed clusters
Enabling Oozie SLA with Cloudera Manager
Oozie database configurations
Configuring Oozie data purge settings using Cloudera Manager
Loading the Oozie database
Dumping the Oozie database
Setting the Oozie database timezone
Prerequisites for configuring TLS/SSL for Oozie
Configure TLS/SSL for Oozie
Additional considerations when configuring TLS/SSL for Oozie HA
Configure Oozie client when TLS/SSL is enabled
Streams Messaging
Configuring Apache Kafka
Operating system requirements
Performance considerations
JBOD setup
JBOD Disk migration
Setting user limits for Kafka
Connecting Kafka clients to Data Hub provisioned clusters
Securing Apache Kafka
Step 1: Generate keys and certificates for Kafka brokers
Step 2: Create your own certificate authority
Step 3: Sign the certificate
Step 4: Configure Kafka brokers
Step 5: Configure Kafka clients
Configure Zookeeper TLS/SSL support for Kafka
Kerberos authentication
Delegation token based authentication
Enable or disable authentication with delegation tokens
Manage individual delegation tokens
Rotate the master key/secret
Client authentication using delegation tokens
Configure clients on a producer or consumer level
Configure clients on an application level
Kafka security hardening with Zookeeper ACLs
Restrict access to Kafka metadata in Zookeeper
Unlock Kafka metadata in Zookeeper
LDAP authentication
Configure Kafka brokers
Configure Kafka clients
PAM Authentication
Configure Kafka brokers
Configure Kafka clients
Enable authorization in Kafka with Ranger
Configure the resource-based Ranger service used for authorization
Using Kafka's inter-broker security
Tuning Apache Kafka Performance
Handling large messages
Cluster sizing
Sizing estimation based on network and disk message throughput
Choosing the number of partitions for a topic
Broker Tuning
JVM and garbage collection
Network and I/O threads
ISR management
Log cleaner
System Level Broker Tuning
File descriptor limits
Virtual memory handling
Networking parameters
Configure JMX ephemeral ports
Kafka-ZooKeeper performance tuning
Managing Apache Kafka
Management basics
Broker log management
Record management
Broker garbage log collection and log rotation
Client and broker compatibility across Kafka versions
Managing topics across multiple Kafka clusters
Set up MirrorMaker in Cloudera Manager
Settings to avoid data loss
Broker migration
Migrate brokers by modifying broker IDs in meta.properties
Use rsync to copy files from one broker to another
Disk management
Handling disk failures
Disk Replacement
Disk Removal
Reassigning replicas between log directories
Retrieving log directory replica assignment information
Building Cloudera Manager charts with Kafka metrics
Essential metrics to monitor
Command Line Tools
Unsupported command line tools
Tool usage
Reassignment examples
Configuring log levels for command line tools
Understanding the kafka-run-class Bash Script
Developing Apache Kafka Applications
Kafka producers
Kafka consumers
Subscribing to a topic
Groups and fetching
Protocol between consumer and broker
Rebalancing partitions
Kafka clients and ZooKeeper
Java client
Client examples
Simple Java consumer
Simple Java producer
Security examples
.NET client
Client examples
Simple .NET consumer
Simple .NET producer
Performant .NET producer
Security examples
Kafka Streams
Kafka public APIs
Recommendations for client development
Kafka Connect
Kafka Connect Setup
Installing the Kafka Connect Role
Configuring Streams Messaging Manager for Kafka Connect
Using Kafka Connect
Configuring the Kafka Connect Role
Managing, Deploying and Monitoring Connectors
Securing Kafka Connect
Configure TLS/SSL Encryption for the Kafka Connect Role
Configure Kerberos Authentication for the Kafka Connect role
Kafka Connect API Security
Installing Connectors
HDFS Sink Connector
Configuration Example
Amazon S3 Sink Connector
Configuration Example
Configuring Cruise Control
Add Cruise Control as a service
Configuring capacity estimations and goals
Securing Cruise Control
Enable security for Cruise Control
Managing Cruise Control
Rebalancing with Cruise Control
Cruise Control REST API endpoints
Rebalance after adding Kafka broker
Rebalance after demoting Kafka broker
Rebalance after removing Kafka broker
Securing Streams Messaging Manager
Securing Streams Messaging Manager
Monitoring Kafka Clusters using Streams Messaging Manager
Monitoring Clusters
Monitoring Producers
Monitoring Topics
Monitoring Brokers
Monitoring Consumers
Managing Alert Policies using Streams Messaging Manager
Alert Policies Overview
Component Types and Metrics for Alert Policies
Managing Alert Policies and Notifiers
Creating a Notifier
Updating a Notifier
Deleting a Notifier
Creating an Alert Policy
Updating an Alert Policy
Enabling an Alert Policy
Disabling an Alert Policy
Deleting an Alert Policy
Managing Kafka Topics using Streams Messaging Manager
Creating a Kafka Topic
Modify a Kafka Topic
Deleting a Kafka Topic
Monitoring End-to-End Latency using Streams Messaging Manager
End to End Latency Overview
Granularity of Metrics
Enabling Interceptors
Monitoring End-to-end Latency
End to End Latency Use Cases
Monitoring Kafka Cluster Replications using Streams Messaging Manager
Monitoring Cluster Replications Overview
Configuring SMM for Monitoring SRM Replications
Viewing Replication Details
Searching Cluster Replications by Source
Monitoring Cluster Replications by Quick Ranges
Monitoring Status of the Clusters to be Replicated
Monitoring Topics to be Replicated
Searching by Topic Name
Monitoring Throughput for Cluster Replication
Monitoring Replication Latency for Cluster Replication
Monitoring Checkpoint Latency for Cluster Replication
Monitoring Throughput and Latency by Values
Monitoring Kafka Connect using Streams Messaging Manager
Kafka Connect Overview
Default view of Kafka Connect in the SMM UI
Creating a Connector
Modifying a Connector
Deleting a Connector
Monitoring Connectors
Monitoring Connector Profile
Monitoring Connector Settings
Monitoring Cluster Profile
Configuring Streams Replication Manager
Add Streams Replication Manager to an existing cluster
Configuring clusters and replications
Configuring the driver role target clusters
Configuring the service role target cluster
Configuring properties not exposed in Cloudera Manager
New topic and consumer group discovery
Configuration examples
Bidirectional replication example of two active clusters
Cross data center replication example of multiple clusters
Using Streams Replication Manager
SRM Command Line Tools
Configuring srm-control
Configure srm-control for unsecured environments using Cloudera Manager
Configure srm-control for unsecured environments using environment variables
Configure srm-control for secured environments using Cloudera Manager
Configure srm-control for secured environments using environment variables
Topics and Groups Subcommand
Offsets Subcommand
Monitoring Replication with Streams Messaging Manager
Replicating Data
How to Set up Failover and Failback
Configure SRM for Failover and Failback
Migrating Consumer Groups Between Clusters
Securing Streams Replication Manager
Security overview
SRM security example for a cluster environment managed by a single Cloudera Manager instance
SRM security example for a cluster environment managed by multiple Cloudera Manager instances
Integrating with Schema Registry
Integrating with NiFi
Understanding NiFi Record Based Processing
Setting up the HortonworksSchemaRegistry Controller Service
Adding and Configuring Record Reader and Writer Controller Services
Using Record-Enabled Processors
Integrating with Kafka
Integrating Kafka and Schema Registry Using NiFi Processors
Integrating Kafka and Schema Registry
Stateless Mode and High Availability
Using Schema Registry
Adding a new schema
Querying a schema
Evolving a schema
Deleting a schema
Securing Schema Registry
Schema Registry Authorization through Ranger Access Policies
Pre-defined Access Policies for Schema Registry
Add the user or group to a pre-defined access policy
Create a Custom Access Policy
Troubleshooting Security Issues
Troubleshooting Security Issues
Error Messages and Various Failures
Authentication and Kerberos Issues
HDFS Encryption Issues
Key Trustee KMS Encryption Issues
TLS/SSL Issues
YARN, MRv1, and Linux OS Security
TaskController Error Codes (MRv1)
ContainerExecutor Error Codes (YARN)
Troubleshooting Apache Hive
HeapDumpPath (/tmp) in Hive data nodes gets full due to .hprof files
Query fails with "Counters limit exceeded" error message
HiveServer is unresponsive due to large queries running in parallel
Troubleshooting Apache Impala
Troubleshooting Impala
Using Breakpad Minidumps for Crash Reporting
Troubleshooting Apache Hadoop YARN
Troubleshooting Docker on YARN
Troubleshooting on YARN
Troubleshooting Linux Container Executor
Troubleshooting Apache HBase
Troubleshooting HBase
Using the HBCK2 tool to remediate HBase clusters
Running the HBCK2 tool
Finding issues
Fixing issues
HBCK2 tool command reference
Thrift Server crashes after receiving invalid data
HBase is using more disk space than expected
Troubleshoot RegionServer grouping
Troubleshooting Apache Kudu
Troubleshooting Apache Kudu
Issues starting or restarting the master or the tablet server
Errors during hole punching test
Already present: FS layout already exists
NTP clock synchronization
Installing NTP-related packages
Monitoring NTP status
Using chrony for time synchronization
NTP configuration best practices
Troubleshooting NTP stability problems
Disk space usage
Reporting Kudu crashes using breakpad
Troubleshooting performance issues
Kudu tracing
Accessing the tracing web interface
RPC timeout traces
Kernel stack watchdog traces
Memory limits
Block cache size
Heap sampling
Slow name resolution and nscd
Usability issues
ClassNotFoundException: com.cloudera.kudu.hive.KuduStorageHandler
Runtime error: Could not create thread: Resource temporarily unavailable (error 11)
Tombstoned or STOPPED tablet replicas
Corruption: checksum error on CFile block
Generating a table list
Spark tuning
Symbolizing stack traces
Troubleshooting Cloudera Search
Cloudera Search Configuration and Log Files
Cloudera Search Configuration Files
View and Modify Cloudera Search Configuration
Cloudera Search Log Files
View and Modify Log Levels for Cloudera Search and Related Services
Identifying Problems
Troubleshooting Data Analytics Studio
Problem area: Queries page
Queries are not appearing on the Queries page
Query column is empty but you can see the DAG ID and Application ID
Cannot see the DAG ID and the Application ID
Cannot view queries of other users
Problem area: Compose page
Cannot see databases, or the query editor is missing
Unable to view new databases and tables, or unable to see changes to the existing databases or tables
Troubleshooting replication failure in the DAS Event Processor
Problem area: Reports page
Unable to start DAS
How DAS helps to debug Hive on Tez queries
Troubleshooting Hue
Unable to authenticate users in Hue using SAML
Cleaning up old data to improve performance
Unable to connect to database with provided credential
Activating Hive query editor on Hue UI
Completed Hue query shows executing on CM
Finding the list of Hue superusers
Knox Gateway UI: incorrect username or password
HTTP 403 error while accessing Hue
Unable to access Hue from Knox Gateway UI
Referer checking failed
Unable to view Snappy-compressed files
"Unknown Attribute Name" exception
Invalid query handle
Services backed by PostgreSQL fail or stop responding
Error validating LDAP user
502 Proxy Error while accessing Hue from the Load Balancer
Invalid method name: 'GetLog' error
Authorization Exception error
Cannot alter compressed tables in Hue
Connection failed error when accessing the Search app (Solr) from Hue
Downloading query results from Hue takes time
Hue Load Balancer does not start
Unable to terminate Hive queries from Job Browser
Unable to view or create Oozie workflows
MySQL: 1040, 'Too many connections' exception
Unable to connect Oracle database to Hue using SCAN
Increasing the maximum number of processes for Oracle database
UTF-8 codec error
ASCII codec error
Fixing authentication issues between HBase and Hue
Lengthy BalancerMember Route length
Enabling access to HBase browser from Hue
Fixing a warning related to accessing non-optimized Hue
Troubleshooting Apache Sqoop
Merge process stops during Sqoop incremental imports
Sqoop Hive import stops when HS2 does not use Kerberos authentication
Apache Hadoop YARN Reference
Tuning Apache Hadoop YARN
YARN tuning overview
Step 1: Worker host configuration
Step 2: Worker host planning
Step 3: Cluster size
Steps 4 and 5: Verify settings
Step 6: Verify container settings on cluster
Step 6A: Cluster container capacity
Step 6B: Container sanity checking
Step 7: MapReduce configuration
Step 7A: MapReduce sanity checking
Set properties in Cloudera Manager
Configure memory settings
YARN Configuration Properties
Use the YARN REST APIs to manage applications
Comparison of Fair Scheduler with Capacity Scheduler
Why one scheduler?
Scheduler performance improvements
Feature comparison
Migration from Fair Scheduler to Capacity Scheduler
Data Access
Apache Hive Materialized View Commands
Apache Impala Reference
Performance Considerations
Performance Best Practices
Query Join Performance
Table and Column Statistics
Generating Table and Column Statistics
Runtime Filtering
Partition Pruning for Queries
HDFS Caching
HDFS Block Skew
Understanding Performance using EXPLAIN Plan
Understanding Performance using SUMMARY Report
Understanding Performance using Query Profile
Scalability Considerations
Scaling Limits and Guidelines
Dedicated Coordinator
Hadoop File Formats Support
Using Text Data Files
Using Parquet Data Files
Using ORC Data Files
Using Avro Data Files
Using RCFile Data Files
Using SequenceFile Data Files
Storage Systems Supports
Impala with HDFS
Impala with Kudu
Configuring for Kudu Tables
Impala DDL for Kudu
Partitioning for Kudu Tables
Impala DML for Kudu Tables
Impala with HBase
Impala with Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS)
Impala with Amazon S3
Specifying Impala Credentials to Access S3
Ports Used by Impala
Migration Guide
Modifying Impala Startup Options
Setting up Data Cache for Remote Reads
Managing Metadata in Impala
On-demand Metadata
Apache Impala SQL Reference
Apache Impala SQL Overview
Schema objects
Data types
ARRAY complex type
BIGINT data type
BOOLEAN data type
CHAR data type
DATE data type
DECIMAL data type
DOUBLE data type
FLOAT data type
INT data type
MAP complex type
REAL data type
SMALLINT data type
STRING data type
STRUCT complex type
TIMESTAMP data type
Customizing time zones
TINYINT data type
VARCHAR data type
Complex types
SQL statements
DDL statements
DML statements
ALTER TABLE statement
ALTER VIEW statement
COMMENT statement
CREATE ROLE statement
CREATE TABLE statement
CREATE VIEW statement
DELETE statement
DESCRIBE statement
DROP ROLE statement
DROP STATS statement
DROP TABLE statement
DROP VIEW statement
EXPLAIN statement
GRANT statement
INSERT statement
LOAD DATA statement
REFRESH statement
REVOKE statement
SELECT statement
Joins in Impala SELECT statements
ORDER BY clause
GROUP BY clause
HAVING clause
LIMIT clause
OFFSET clause
Subqueries in Impala SELECT statements
WITH clause
DISTINCT operator
SET statement
SHOW statement
SHUTDOWN statement
UPDATE statement
UPSERT statement
USE statement
VALUES statement
Optimizer hints
Query options
Built-in functions
Mathematical functions
Bit functions
Conversion functions
Date and time functions
Conditional functions
String functions
Miscellaneous functions
Aggregate functions
APPX_MEDIAN function
AVG function
COUNT function
MAX function
MIN function
NDV function
SUM function
Analytic functions
User-defined functions (UDFs)
UDF concepts
Runtime environment for UDFs
Installing the UDF development package
Writing UDFs
Writing user-defined aggregate functions (UDAFs)
Building and deploying UDFs
Performance considerations for UDFs
Examples of creating and using UDFs
Security considerations for UDFs
Limitations and restrictions for Impala UDFs
Reserved words
Impala SQL and Hive SQL
SQL migration
Cloudera Search solrctl Reference
solrctl Reference
Using solrctl with an HTTP proxy
Operational Database
Apache Phoenix Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions
Apache Phoenix Performance Tuning
Performance tuning
Apache Atlas Reference
Apache Atlas Advanced Search language reference
Apache Atlas Statistics reference
Apache Atlas metadata attributes
Defining Apache Atlas enumerations
Purging deleted entities
Auditing purged entities
PUT /admin/purge/ API
POST /admin/audit/ API
Apache Atlas technical metadata migration reference
System metadata migration
HDFS entity metadata migration
Hive entity metadata migration
Impala entity metadata migration
Spark entity metadata migration
AWS S3 entity metadata migration
HiveServer metadata collection
HiveServer actions that produce Atlas entities
HiveServer entities created in Atlas
HiveServer relationships
HiveServer lineage
HiveServer audit entries
HBase metadata collection
HBase actions that produce Atlas entities
HBase entities created in Atlas
Hbase lineage
HBase audit entries
Impala metadata collection
Impala actions that produce Atlas entities
Impala entities created in Atlas
Impala lineage
Impala audit entries
Spark metadata collection
Spark actions that produce Atlas entities
Spark entities created in Apache Atlas
Spark lineage
Spark relationships
Spark audit entries
Spark troubleshooting
Streams Messaging
Streams Replication Manager Reference
srm-control Options Reference
Configuration Properties Reference for Properties not Available in Cloudera Manager
Kafka Connect Connector Reference
HDFS Sink Connector Properties Reference
Amazon S3 Sink Connector Properties Reference
Streams Messaging Manager REST API Reference
Streams Replication Manager REST API Reference
Cruise Control REST API Reference
Cloudera Manager Reference
Cloudera Manager Configuration Properties Reference
Cloudera Manager Configuration Properties Reference
ADLS Connector Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Atlas Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Core Configuration Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Data Analytics Studio Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Data Context Connector Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
HBase Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
HDFS Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Hive Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Hive LLAP Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Hive on Tez Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Hue Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Impala Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Java KeyStore KMS Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Kafka Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Key Trustee KMS Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Key Trustee Server Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Key-Value Store Indexer Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Knox Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Kudu Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Livy Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Oozie Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Ozone Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Phoenix Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Ranger Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
S3 Connector Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Schema Registry Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Solr Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Spark Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Sqoop Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Streams Messaging Manager Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Streams Replication Manager Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Tez Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
YARN Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
YARN Queue Manager Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Zeppelin Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
ZooKeeper Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Host Configuration Properties
Cloudera Manager Server Properties
Cloudera Management Service
Cloudera Manager Metrics Reference
Cloudera Manager Metrics
Accumulo Metrics
Active Database Metrics
Active Key Trustee Server Metrics
Activity Metrics
Activity Monitor Metrics
Agent Metrics
Alert Publisher Metrics
Atlas Metrics
Atlas Server Metrics
Attempt Metrics
Authentication Server Metrics
Authentication Server Load Balancer Metrics
Authentication Service Metrics
Cloudera Management Service Metrics
Cloudera Manager Server Metrics
Cluster Metrics
Core Configuration Metrics
Cruise Control Metrics
Cruise Control Server Metrics
Data Analytics Studio Metrics
Data Analytics Studio Eventprocessor Metrics
Data Analytics Studio Webapp Server Metrics
DataNode Metrics
Directory Metrics
Disk Metrics
Event Server Metrics
Failover Controller Metrics
Filesystem Metrics
Flume Metrics
Flume Channel Metrics
Flume Sink Metrics
Flume Source Metrics
Garbage Collector Metrics
HBase Metrics
HBase REST Server Metrics
HBase RegionServer Replication Peer Metrics
HBase Thrift Server Metrics
HDFS Metrics
HDFS Cache Directive Metrics
HDFS Cache Pool Metrics
HRegion Metrics
HTable Metrics
History Server Metrics
Hive Metrics
Hive Execution Metrics
Hive LLAP Metrics
Hive Metastore Server Metrics
Hive on Tez Metrics
HiveServer2 Metrics
Host Metrics
Host Monitor Metrics
HttpFS Metrics
Hue Metrics
Hue Server Metrics
Impala Metrics
Impala Catalog Server Metrics
Impala Daemon Metrics
Impala Daemon Resource Pool Metrics
Impala Llama ApplicationMaster Metrics
Impala Pool Metrics
Impala Pool User Metrics
Impala Query Metrics
Impala StateStore Metrics
Isilon Metrics
Java KeyStore KMS Metrics
JobHistory Server Metrics
JobTracker Metrics
JournalNode Metrics
Kafka Metrics
Kafka Broker Metrics
Kafka Broker Log Directory Metrics
Kafka Broker Topic Metrics
Kafka Broker Topic Partition Metrics
Kafka Connect Metrics
Kafka Connect Connector Sink Task Metrics Metrics
Kafka Connect Connector Source Task Metrics Metrics
Kafka Connect Connector Task Error Metrics Metrics
Kafka Connect Connector Task Metrics Metrics
Kafka Consumer Metrics
Kafka Consumer Group Metrics
Kafka MirrorMaker Metrics
Kafka Producer Metrics
Kafka Replica Metrics
Kerberos Ticket Renewer Metrics
Key Management Server Metrics
Key Management Server Proxy Metrics
Key Trustee KMS Metrics
Key Trustee Server Metrics
Key-Value Store Indexer Metrics
Knox Metrics
Knox Gateway Metrics
Knox IDBroker Metrics
Kudu Metrics
Kudu Replica Metrics
LLAP Proxy Metrics
Lily HBase Indexer Metrics
Livy Metrics
Livy Server Metrics
Load Balancer Metrics
MapReduce Metrics
Master Metrics
Monitor Metrics
NFS Gateway Metrics
NameNode Metrics
Navigator Audit Server Metrics
Navigator Luna KMS Metastore Metrics
Navigator Luna KMS Proxy Metrics
Navigator Metadata Server Metrics
Navigator Thales KMS Metastore Metrics
Navigator Thales KMS Proxy Metrics
Network Interface Metrics
NodeManager Metrics
Oozie Metrics
Oozie Server Metrics
Ozone Metrics
Ozone DataNode Metrics
Ozone Manager Metrics
Ozone Prometheus Metrics
Ozone Recon Metrics
Passive Database Metrics
Passive Key Trustee Server Metrics
Phoenix Metrics
Query Server Metrics
Ranger Metrics
Ranger Admin Metrics
Ranger KMS Metrics
Ranger KMS Server Metrics
Ranger KMS Server with KTS Metrics
Ranger KMS with Key Trustee Server Metrics
Ranger RMS Metrics
Ranger RMS Server Metrics
Ranger Tagsync Metrics
Ranger Usersync Metrics
RegionServer Metrics
Reports Manager Metrics
ResourceManager Metrics
S3 Gateway Metrics
SRM Driver Metrics
SRM Service Metrics
Schema Registry Metrics
Schema Registry Server Metrics
SecondaryNameNode Metrics
Sentry Metrics
Sentry Server Metrics
Server Metrics
Service Monitor Metrics
Solr Metrics
Solr Replica Metrics
Solr Server Metrics
Solr Shard Metrics
Spark Metrics
Sqoop Metrics
Sqoop 2 Metrics
Sqoop 2 Server Metrics
Storage Container Manager Metrics
Streams Messaging Manager Metrics
Streams Messaging Manager Rest Admin Server Metrics
Streams Messaging Manager UI Server Metrics
Streams Replication Manager Metrics
Tablet Server Metrics
TaskTracker Metrics
Telemetry Publisher Metrics
Tez Metrics
Time Series Table Metrics
Tracer Metrics
User Metrics
WebHCat Server Metrics
YARN Metrics
YARN Pool Metrics
YARN Pool User Metrics
YARN Queue Manager Metrics
YARN Queue Manager Store Metrics
YARN Queue Manager Webapp Metrics
Zeppelin Metrics
Zeppelin Server Metrics
ZooKeeper Metrics
Cloudera Manager Health Tests Reference
Cloudera Manager Health Tests
Active Database Health Tests
Active Key Trustee Server Health Tests
Activity Monitor Health Tests
Alert Publisher Health Tests
Atlas Health Tests
Atlas Server Health Tests
Authentication Server Health Tests
Authentication Server Load Balancer Health Tests
Authentication Service Health Tests
Cloudera Management Service Health Tests
Cruise Control Health Tests
Cruise Control Server Health Tests
Data Analytics Studio Eventprocessor Health Tests
Data Analytics Studio Webapp Server Health Tests
DataNode Health Tests
Event Server Health Tests
Failover Controller Health Tests
Flume Health Tests
Flume Agent Health Tests
Garbage Collector Health Tests
HBase Health Tests
HBase REST Server Health Tests
HBase Thrift Server Health Tests
HDFS Health Tests
History Server Health Tests
Hive Health Tests
Hive Execution Health Tests
Hive LLAP Health Tests
Hive Metastore Server Health Tests
Hive on Tez Health Tests
HiveServer2 Health Tests
Host Health Tests
Host Monitor Health Tests
HttpFS Health Tests
Hue Health Tests
Hue Server Health Tests
Impala Health Tests
Impala Catalog Server Health Tests
Impala Daemon Health Tests
Impala Llama ApplicationMaster Health Tests
Impala StateStore Health Tests
JobHistory Server Health Tests
JobTracker Health Tests
JournalNode Health Tests
Kafka Health Tests
Kafka Broker Health Tests
Kafka Connect Health Tests
Kafka MirrorMaker Health Tests
Kerberos Ticket Renewer Health Tests
Key Management Server Health Tests
Key Management Server Proxy Health Tests
Key-Value Store Indexer Health Tests
Knox Health Tests
Knox Gateway Health Tests
Knox IDBroker Health Tests
LLAP Proxy Health Tests
Lily HBase Indexer Health Tests
Livy Health Tests
Livy Server Health Tests
Load Balancer Health Tests
MapReduce Health Tests
Master Health Tests
Monitor Health Tests
NFS Gateway Health Tests
NameNode Health Tests
Navigator Audit Server Health Tests
Navigator Luna KMS Metastore Health Tests
Navigator Luna KMS Proxy Health Tests
Navigator Metadata Server Health Tests
Navigator Thales KMS Metastore Health Tests
Navigator Thales KMS Proxy Health Tests
NodeManager Health Tests
Oozie Health Tests
Oozie Server Health Tests
Ozone DataNode Health Tests
Ozone Manager Health Tests
Ozone Prometheus Health Tests
Ozone Recon Health Tests
Passive Database Health Tests
Passive Key Trustee Server Health Tests
Phoenix Health Tests
Query Server Health Tests
Ranger Health Tests
Ranger Admin Health Tests
Ranger KMS Health Tests
Ranger KMS Server Health Tests
Ranger KMS Server with KTS Health Tests
Ranger KMS with Key Trustee Server Health Tests
Ranger RMS Health Tests
Ranger RMS Server Health Tests
Ranger Tagsync Health Tests
Ranger Usersync Health Tests
RegionServer Health Tests
Reports Manager Health Tests
ResourceManager Health Tests
S3 Gateway Health Tests
SRM Driver Health Tests
SRM Service Health Tests
Schema Registry Health Tests
Schema Registry Server Health Tests
SecondaryNameNode Health Tests
Sentry Health Tests
Sentry Server Health Tests
Service Monitor Health Tests
Solr Health Tests
Solr Server Health Tests
Spark Health Tests
Sqoop 2 Health Tests
Sqoop 2 Server Health Tests
Storage Container Manager Health Tests
Streams Messaging Manager Health Tests
Streams Messaging Manager Rest Admin Server Health Tests
Streams Messaging Manager UI Server Health Tests
Streams Replication Manager Health Tests
Tablet Server Health Tests
TaskTracker Health Tests
Telemetry Publisher Health Tests
Tracer Health Tests
WebHCat Server Health Tests
YARN Health Tests
YARN Queue Manager Store Health Tests
YARN Queue Manager Webapp Health Tests
Zeppelin Health Tests
Zeppelin Server Health Tests
ZooKeeper Health Tests
ZooKeeper Server Health Tests
Cloudera Manager Event Schema Reference
Cloudera Manager Events
HBASE Category
SYSTEM Category
Cloudera Manager Entities Reference
Cloudera Manager Entity Types and Attributes
Cloudera Manager Entity Types
Cloudera Manager Entity Type Attributes
Encryption Reference
Auto-TLS Requirements and Limitations
Rotate Auto-TLS Certificate Authority and Host Certificates
Auto-TLS Agent File Locations
"Unknown Attribute Name" exception
(Recommended) Enable Auto-TLS
.NET client
502 Proxy Error while accessing Hue from the Load Balancer
A List of S3A Configuration Properties
Aborting a Pending Command
About Apache Ozone integration with Apache Atlas
About Atlas High Availability
About HBase snapshots
About the Off-heap BucketCache
Access HDFS from the NFS Gateway
Access the Recon web user interface
Access the YARN Web User Interface
Accessing Aggregate Statistics Through tsquery
Accessing Apache HBase
Accessing Atlas logs
Accessing Avro data files from Spark SQL applications
Accessing Cloud Data
Accessing compressed files in Spark
Accessing data stored in Amazon S3 through Spark
Accessing external storage from Spark
Accessing Files Within an Encryption Zone
Accessing HDFS Files from Spark
Accessing Hive from Spark
Accessing ORC Data in Hive Tables
Accessing ORC files from Spark
Accessing Parquet files from Spark SQL applications
Accessing Spark SQL through the Spark shell
Accessing Storage Using Amazon S3
Accessing Storage Using Microsoft ADLS
Accessing the Cloudera Manager Admin Console
Accessing the Cloudera Manager Admin Console
Accessing the Cloudera Manager Admin Console
Accessing the Directory Usage Report
Accessing the License Page
Accessing the Oozie server with a browser
Accessing the Oozie server with the Oozie Client
Accessing the Ranger console
Accessing the Ranger KMS Web UI
Accessing the Spark History Server
Accessing the tracing web interface
Accessing the Web UI of a Completed Spark Application
Accessing the Web UI of a Running Spark Application
Accumulo Metrics
ACID operations
ACL examples
ACLS on HDFS features
ACLs supported by Ranger KMS and Ranger KMS Mapping
Activate read replicas on a table
Activating Hive query editor on Hue UI
Activating the Hive Web UI
Active / Active Architecture
Active / Stand-by Architecture
Active Database Health Tests
Active Database Metrics
Active Directory Settings
Active Key Trustee Server Health Tests
Active Key Trustee Server Metrics
Activity Charts
Activity Metrics
Activity Monitor Health Tests
Activity Monitor Metrics
Activity, Application, and Query Reports
Add a custom coprocessor
Add a group
Add a new provider in an existing provider configuration
Add a new shared provider configuration
Add a role through Hive
Add a role through Ranger
Add a user
Add a ZooKeeper service
Add Cruise Control as a service
Add custom descriptor to Apache Knox
Add custom service parameter to descriptor
Add custom service to existing descriptor in Apache Knox Proxy
Add HDFS system mount
Add or edit permissions
Add queues using YARN Queue Manager UI
Add storage directories using Cloudera Manager
Add Streams Replication Manager to an existing cluster
Add the HttpFS role
Add the user or group to a pre-defined access policy
Add-on Services
Adding a Cluster Using Currently Managed Hosts
Adding a Cluster Using New Hosts
Adding a Compute Cluster and Data Context
Adding a custom banner
Adding a Filter
Adding a HiveServer role
Adding a Host to a Cluster
Adding a Hue role instance with Cloudera Manager
Adding a Hue service with Cloudera Manager
Adding a load balancer
Adding a New Chart to the Custom Dashboard
Adding a new schema
Adding a Ranger security zone
Adding a Role Instance
Adding a Service
Adding a tag-based PII policy
Adding a tag-based service
Adding an Event Filter
Adding and configuring a new Hue service on a new host
Adding and Configuring Record Reader and Writer Controller Services
Adding and Deleting Clusters
Adding and Removing Charts from a Dashboard
Adding and Removing Range Partitions
Adding attributes to Business Metadata
Adding attributes to classifications
Adding Files to an Encryption Zone
Adding new role instances for Hue server, Hue Load Balancer, and Kerberos Ticket Renewer on new hosts
Adding schema to Oozie using Cloudera Manager
Adding tag-based policies
Adding the Lily HBase Indexer Service
Adding the Oozie service using Cloudera Manager
Adding trusted realms to the cluster
Additional Configuration Options for GCS
Additional considerations when configuring TLS/SSL for Oozie HA
Additional HDFS haadmin commands to administer the cluster
Additional Security Topics
Additional Steps for Apache Ranger
Adjust the Solr replication factor for index files stored in HDFS
ADLS Connector Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Admin ACLs
Administering Apache Kudu
Administering Hue
Administering Ranger Reports
Administering Ranger Users, Groups, Roles, and Permissions
Administrative commands
Admission Control and Query Queuing
Admission Control Sample Scenario
Advanced Committer Configuration
Advanced configuration for write-heavy workloads
Advanced erasure coding configuration
Advanced ORC properties
Advanced partitioning
Advantages of Defining a Schema for Production Use
Advantages of Parcels
Advantages of Separating Compute and Data Resources
After Evaluating Trial Software
After You Install
Agent Hosts
Agent Metrics
Aggregate and group data
Aggregate functions
Aggregation for Analytics
Alert Policies Overview
Alert Publisher
Alert Publisher Health Tests
Alert Publisher Metrics
Allocating DataNode memory as storage
Allocating Hosts for Key Trustee Server and Key Trustee KMS
Already present: FS layout already exists
ALTER TABLE statement
ALTER VIEW statement
Altering a table
Altering table properties
AM2CM Release Notes
Amazon S3 Security
Amazon S3 Sink Connector
Amazon S3 Sink Connector Properties Reference
Analytic functions
Apache Atlas Advanced Search language reference
Apache Atlas dashboard tour
Apache Atlas metadata attributes
Apache Atlas metadata collection overview
Apache Atlas Reference
Apache Atlas Statistics reference
Apache Atlas technical metadata migration reference
Apache Hadoop HDFS Overview
Apache Hadoop YARN Overview
Apache Hadoop YARN Reference
Apache HBase Overview
Apache Hive 3 architectural overview
Apache Hive 3 tables
Apache Hive content roadmap
Apache Hive key features
Apache Hive Materialized View Commands
Apache Hive Metastore Overview
Apache Hive Overview
Apache Hive Performance Tuning
Apache Hive query basics
Apache Hive-Kafka integration
Apache Impala Overview
Apache Impala Reference
Apache Impala SQL Overview
Apache Impala SQL Reference
Apache Kafka Overview
Apache Knox Authentication
Apache Knox Gateway Overview
Apache Knox Install Role Parameters
Apache Knox Install Role Parameters
Apache Knox Overview
Apache Kudu administration
Apache Kudu background maintenance tasks
Apache Kudu concepts
Apache Kudu Design
Apache Kudu Overview
Apache Kudu overview
Apache Kudu schema design
Apache Kudu transaction semantics
Apache Kudu usage limitations
Apache Ozone Overview
Apache Phoenix Frequently Asked Questions
Apache Phoenix Overview
Apache Phoenix Performance Tuning
Apache Phoenix-Hive usage examples
Apache Ranger
Apache Ranger Access Control and Auditing
Apache Ranger Auditing
Apache Ranger Authorization
Apache Spark access to Apache Hive
Apache Spark Overview
Apache Spark Overview
Apache Zeppelin Overview
API operations
APIs for accessing HDFS
Application ACL evaluation
Application ACLs
Application logs' ACLs
Application not running message
Application reservations
Applications and permissions reference
Applying a Host Template to a Host
APPX_MEDIAN function
ARRAY complex type
ASCII codec error
Assign Roles
Assigning administrator privileges to users
Assigning superuser status to an LDAP user
Assigning terms to categories
Associate a table in a non-customized environment without Kerberos
Associate node labels with queues
Associate table in a customized Kerberos environment
Associating Business Metadata attributes with entities
Associating classifications with entities
Associating tables of a schema to a namespace
Associating terms with entities
Atlas classifications drive Ranger policies
Atlas Health Tests
Atlas metadata model overview
Atlas Metrics
Atlas Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Atlas Server Health Tests
Atlas Server Metrics
Attempt Metrics
Audit Overview
Auditing purged entities
Authenticate Kerberos Principals Using Java
Authentication and Kerberos Issues
Authentication Overview
Authentication Server Health Tests
Authentication Server Load Balancer Health Tests
Authentication Server Load Balancer Metrics
Authentication Server Metrics
Authentication Service Health Tests
Authentication Service Metrics
Authentication tokens
Authentication using Kerberos
Authentication using Knox SSO
Authentication using LDAP
Authentication using SAML
Authorization Exception error
Authorization Overview
Authorization tokens
Authorizing Apache Hive Access
Auto-TLS Agent File Locations
Auto-TLS Requirements and Limitations
Automate partition discovery and repair
Automatic Invalidation of Metadata Cache
Automatic Invalidation/Refresh of Metadata
Automatic Logout
Automatic Logout
Automating mode selection
Automating Spark Jobs with Oozie Spark Action
AVG function
AWS S3 entity metadata migration
Back Up a Solr Collection
Back up HDFS metadata
Back up HDFS metadata using Cloudera Manager
Back up Key Trustee Server clients
Back up Key Trustee Server manually
Back up Key Trustee Server using Cloudera Manager
Back up Key Trustee Server using the ktbackup.sh script
Back up tables
Backing Up and Restoring Cloudera Search
Backing up databases
Backing Up Encryption Keys
Backing up HDFS metadata
Backing up Key Trustee Server and clients
Backing up NameNode metadata
Backing up the Cloudera Manager configuration
Backing up the Hue database
Backup and restore
Backup directory structure
Backup tools
Balancer commands
Balancing data across an HDFS cluster
Balancing data across disks of a DataNode
Basic partitioning
Batch Indexing
Batch Indexing into Offline Solr Shards
Batch Indexing into Online Solr Servers Using GoLive
Before You Begin a Trial Installation
Before You Install
Before You Install
Behavioral Changes In Cloudera Runtime 7.1.4
Benefits and Capabilities
Benefits of centralized cache management in HDFS
Best practices for building Apache Spark applications
Best practices for performance tuning
Best practices for rack and node setup for EC
Best practices when adding new tablet servers
Best practices when using RegionServer grouping
Bi-directional Replication Flows
Bidirectional replication example of two active clusters
BIGINT data type
Bit functions
Block cache size
Block move execution
Block move scheduling
BOOLEAN data type
Bringing a tablet that has lost a majority of replicas back online
Broker garbage log collection and log rotation
Broker log management
Broker migration
Broker Tuning
Browse HBase tables
Browsing HDFS Directories
BucketCache IO engine
Build the project and upload the JAR
Building a Chart with Time-Series Data
Building and deploying UDFs
Building and running a Spark Streaming application
Building Cloudera Manager charts with Kafka metrics
Building reusable modules in Apache Spark applications
Building Spark Applications
Building the Java client
Built-in functions
Bulk Write Access
Business Metadata overview
Bypass the BlockCache
Cache eviction priorities
Caching terminology
Calculations for reports
Call the UDF in a query
Calling Hive user-defined functions (UDFs)
Canary test for pyspark command
Cancelling a Query
Cannot alter compressed tables in Hue
Cannot see databases, or the query editor is missing
Cannot see the DAG ID and the Application ID
Cannot view queries of other users
Catalog operations
Catalog table
CDP Private Cloud Base
CDP Private Cloud Base Installation Guide
CDP Private Cloud Base Requirements and Supported Versions
CDP Private Cloud Base Trial Download Information
CDP Security Overview
CDS 3 Overview
CDS 3 Packaging, and Download
CDS 3 Powered by Apache Spark
CDS 3 Requirements
CDS 3.0 Maven Artifacts
Centralized cache management architecture
Change resource allocation mode
Changed Behavior after HDFS Encryption is Enabled
Changes for a cluster
Changes for a service, role, or host
Changing a nameservice name for Highly Available HDFS using Cloudera Manager
Changing directory configuration
Changing Embedded PostgreSQL Database Passwords
Changing Hostnames
Changing master hostnames
Changing Ranger audit storage location and migrating data
Changing the Chart Type
Changing the Configuration of a Service or Role Instance
Changing the page logo
Changing the retention period of DAS event logs
Changing the Upgrade Domain for hosts
CHAR data type
CHAR data type support
Chart Properties
Charting Time-Series Data
Charts Library
Check Cluster Security Settings
Check Job History
Check Job Status
Check query execution
Checking Host Heartbeats
Choose the right import method
Choosing a DynamoDB Table and IO Capacity
Choosing and Configuring Data Compression
Choosing and Running a Filter
Choosing and Running a Filter
Choosing Data Formats
Choosing manual TLS or Auto-TLS
Choosing the number of partitions for a topic
Choosing Transformations to Minimize Shuffles
ClassNotFoundException: com.cloudera.kudu.hive.KuduStorageHandler
Cleaning up after failed jobs
Cleaning up old data to improve performance
Cleaning up old queries, DAG information, and reports data
Cleaning up old queries, DAG information, and reports data using Ambari
CLI commands to perform snapshot operations
Client and broker compatibility across Kafka versions
Client authentication to secure Kudu clusters
Client authentication using delegation tokens
Client Configuration Files
Client connections to HiveServer
Client examples
Client examples
Close HiveWarehouseSession operations
Cloud storage connectors overview
Cloudera Authorization
Cloudera License Requirements for Replication
Cloudera Management Service
Cloudera Management Service
Cloudera Management Service
Cloudera Management Service Health Tests
Cloudera Management Service Metrics
Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Manager 7.1.4 Release Notes
Cloudera Manager Admin Console
Cloudera Manager Agents
Cloudera Manager Agents
Cloudera Manager API
Cloudera Manager Configuration Properties Reference
Cloudera Manager Configuration Properties Reference
Cloudera Manager Download Information
Cloudera Manager Entities Reference
Cloudera Manager Entity Type Attributes
Cloudera Manager Entity Types
Cloudera Manager Entity Types and Attributes
Cloudera Manager Event Schema Reference
Cloudera Manager Events
Cloudera Manager Health Tests
Cloudera Manager Health Tests Reference
Cloudera Manager Metrics
Cloudera Manager Metrics Reference
Cloudera Manager Overview
Cloudera Manager Release Notes
Cloudera Manager Security Overview
Cloudera Manager Server
Cloudera Manager Server Metrics
Cloudera Manager Server Properties
Cloudera Manager Snapshot Policies
Cloudera Manager sudo command options
Cloudera Manager Trigger Use Cases
Cloudera Manager user accounts
Cloudera Manager User Roles
Cloudera Manager Version Information
Cloudera Navigator Key HSM Overview
Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server
Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server Overview
Cloudera Runtime
Cloudera Runtime Component Versions
Cloudera Runtime Download Information
Cloudera Runtime Release Notes
Cloudera Runtime Security and Governance
Cloudera Runtime Version Information
Cloudera Search and CDP
Cloudera Search Architecture
Cloudera Search Authentication
Cloudera Search Configuration and Log Files
Cloudera Search Configuration Files
Cloudera Search Configuration Files
Cloudera Search ETL
Cloudera Search Log Files
Cloudera Search Overview
Cloudera Search Security Overview
Cloudera Search solrctl Reference
Cloudera Search Tasks and Processes
Cluster balancing algorithm
Cluster Configuration Overview
Cluster Lifecycle Management with Cloudera Manager
Cluster management limitations
Cluster Metrics
Cluster Migration Architectures
Cluster sizing
Cluster Utilization Report overview
Cluster-Wide Configuration
Coarse-grained authorization
Collecting metrics via HTTP
Column compression
Column design
Column encoding
Columnar datastore
Command Details
Command Details
Command Line Tools
Commands for configuring storage policies
Commands for managing buckets
Commands for managing keys
Commands for managing volumes
Commands for using cache pools and directives
COMMENT statement
Commit transaction in Spark Direct Reader mode
Common Kudu workflows
Common replication topologies
Common web interface pages
Compacting on-disk data
Compaction prerequisites
Compactor properties
Compare queries
Compare tables using ANY/SOME/ALL
Comparing Configurations for a Service Between Clusters
Comparing replication and erasure coding
Comparing Similar Activities
Comparison of Fair Scheduler with Capacity Scheduler
Compatibility Considerations for Virtual Private Clusters
Compatibility Policies
Completed Hue query shows executing on CM
Complex types
Component Types and Metrics for Alert Policies
Compose queries
Compound operators
Conditional functions
Config Templates
Configuration Example
Configuration Example
Configuration examples
Configuration options for Spark to work with o3fs
Configuration options to store Hive managed tables on Ozone
Configuration properties
Configuration Properties Reference for Properties not Available in Cloudera Manager
Configurations and CLI options for the HDFS Balancer
Configure a resource-based policy: ADLS
Configure a resource-based policy: Atlas
Configure a resource-based policy: HBase
Configure a resource-based policy: HDFS
Configure a resource-based policy: Hive
Configure a resource-based policy: Kafka
Configure a resource-based policy: Knox
Configure a resource-based policy: NiFi
Configure a resource-based policy: NiFi Registry
Configure a resource-based policy: Solr
Configure a resource-based policy: YARN
Configure a resource-based service: ADLS
Configure a resource-based service: Atlas
Configure a resource-based service: HBase
Configure a resource-based service: HDFS
Configure a resource-based service: Hive
Configure a resource-based service: Kafka
Configure a resource-based service: Knox
Configure a resource-based service: NiFi
Configure a resource-based service: NiFi Registry
Configure a resource-based service: Solr
Configure a resource-based service: YARN
Configure a Spark job for dynamic resource allocation
Configure acceptable Kerberos principal patterns
Configure Access to GCS from Your Cluster
Configure Antivirus Software on CDP Hosts
Configure Apache Knox authentication for AD/LDAP
Configure Apache Knox authentication for PAM
Configure archival storage
Configure Atlas authentication for AD
Configure Atlas authentication for LDAP
Configure Atlas file-based authentication
Configure Atlas PAM authentication
Configure Authentication for Amazon S3
Configure authentication using Active Directory
Configure authentication using an external program
Configure authentication using an LDAP-compliant identity service
Configure authentication using Kerberos (SPNEGO)
Configure authentication using SAML
Configure AWS Credentials
Configure Browser-based Interfaces to Require Authentication (SPNEGO)
Configure Browsers for Kerberos Authentication (SPNEGO)
Configure BucketCache IO engine
Configure bulk load replication
Configure clients on a producer or consumer level
Configure clients on an application level
Configure cluster capacity with queues
Configure Cluster to Use Kerberos Authentication
Configure columns to store MOBs
Configure CPU scheduling and isolation
Configure Cross-Origin Support for YARN UIs and REST APIs
Configure data locality
Configure DataNode memory as storage
Configure Debug Delay
Configure Docker
Configure dynamic queue properties
Configure Encryption for Amazon S3
Configure encryption in HBase
Configure four-letter-word commands in ZooKeeper
Configure FPGA scheduling and isolation
Configure GPU scheduling and isolation
Configure HBase for use with Phoenix
Configure HBase garbage collection
Configure HBase in Cloudera Manager to store snapshots in Amazon S3
Configure HBase servers to authenticate with a secure HDFS cluster
Configure HDFS RPC protection
Configure High Availability for Hive-HDFS ACL Sync
Configure High Availability for Ranger KMS with DB
Configure High Availability for Ranger KMS with DB
Configure High Availability for Ranger KMS with KTS
Configure High Availability for Ranger KMS with KTS
Configure Hive-HDFS ACL Sync
Configure HiveServer for ETL using YARN queues
Configure HMS properties for authorization
Configure JMX ephemeral ports
Configure Kafka brokers
Configure Kafka brokers
Configure Kafka clients
Configure Kafka clients
Configure Kerberos authentication for Apache Atlas
Configure Kerberos authentication for Apache Ranger
Configure Kerberos Authentication for Solr
Configure Kerberos Authentication for the Kafka Connect role
Configure Kerberos authentication in Apache Knox shared providers
Configure Lily HBase Indexer Service to Use Kerberos Authentication
Configure Lily HBase Indexer to use TLS/SSL
Configure Log Aggregation
Configure memory settings
Configure metastore database properties
Configure mountable HDFS
Configure Network Names
Configure node labels
Configure NodeManager heartbeat
Configure Oozie client when TLS/SSL is enabled
Configure partitions for transactions
Configure Per Queue Properties
Configure Phoenix-Hive connector using Cloudera Manager
Configure Phoenix-Spark connector using Cloudera Manager
Configure placement rules
Configure PostgreSQL for Streaming Components
Configure preemption
Configure queue mapping to use the user name from the application tag using Cloudera Manager
Configure queue ordering policies
Configure Ranger Admin High Availability
Configure Ranger Admin High Availability with a Load Balancer
Configure Ranger authentication for AD
Configure Ranger authentication for LDAP
Configure Ranger authentication for PAM
Configure Ranger authentication for UNIX
Configure read replicas using Cloudera Manager
Configure RegionServer grouping
Configure S3 credentials for working with Ozone
Configure Scheduler Properties at the Global Level
Configure secure HBase replication
Configure secure HBase replication
Configure secure replication
Configure snapshots
Configure source and destination realms in krb5.conf
Configure SRM for Failover and Failback
Configure srm-control for secured environments using Cloudera Manager
Configure srm-control for secured environments using environment variables
Configure srm-control for unsecured environments using Cloudera Manager
Configure srm-control for unsecured environments using environment variables
Configure storage balancing for DataNodes using Cloudera Manager
Configure temporary table storage
Configure the blocksize for a column family
Configure the Cluster Utilization Report
Configure the compaction speed using Cloudera Manager
Configure the dynamic resource pool used for exporting and importing snapshots in Amazon S3
Configure the G1GC garbage collector
Configure the graceful shutdown timeout property
Configure the HBase canary
Configure the HBase client TGT renewal period
Configure the HBase thrift server role
Configure the MOB cache using Cloudera Manager
Configure the NFS Gateway
Configure the off-heap BucketCache using Cloudera Manager
Configure the off-heap BucketCache using the command line
Configure the resource-based Ranger service used for authorization
Configure the scanner heartbeat using Cloudera Manager
Configure the storage policy for WALs using Cloudera Manager
Configure the storage policy for WALs using the Command Line
Configure TLS encryption manually for Phoenix Query Server
Configure TLS/SSL encryption for Solr
Configure TLS/SSL Encryption for the Kafka Connect Role
Configure TLS/SSL for Apache Ranger
Configure TLS/SSL for Core Hadoop Services
Configure TLS/SSL for HBase REST Server
Configure TLS/SSL for HBase Thrift Server
Configure TLS/SSL for HBase Web UIs
Configure TLS/SSL for HDFS
Configure TLS/SSL for Oozie
Configure TLS/SSL for YARN
Configure Transparent Data Encryption for Ozone
Configure ulimit for HBase using Cloudera Manager
Configure ulimit using Pluggable Authentication Modules using the Command Line
Configure User Impersonation for Access to Hive
Configure User Impersonation for Access to Phoenix
Configure Usersync assignment of Admin users
Configure work preserving recovery on NodeManager
Configure work preserving recovery on ResourceManager
Configure YARN for managing Docker containers
Configure YARN ResourceManager high availability
Configure YARN Security for Long-Running Applications
Configure YARN Services API to Manage Long-running Applications
Configure YARN Services using Cloudera Manager
Configure ZooKeeper client shell for Kerberos authentication
Configure ZooKeeper server for Kerberos authentication
Configure Zookeeper TLS/SSL support for Kafka
Configure ZooKeeper TLS/SSL using Cloudera Manager
Configuring /tmp directory for cluster hosts
Configuring a Custom Java Home Location
Configuring a database for Ranger or Ranger KMS
Configuring a dedicated MIT KDC for cross-realm trust
Configuring a Local Package Repository
Configuring a Local Parcel Repository
Configuring a Mail Transfer Agent for Key Trustee Server
Configuring a Peer Relationship
Configuring a PostgreSQL Database for Ranger or Ranger KMS
Configuring a Proxy Server
Configuring a Ranger or Ranger KMS Database: MySQL/MariaDB
Configuring a Ranger or Ranger KMS Database: Oracle
Configuring a secure Kudu cluster using Cloudera Manager
Configuring a secure Kudu cluster using the command line
Configuring Access to Google Cloud Storage
Configuring Access to S3
Configuring Access to S3 on CDP Private Cloud Base
Configuring Access to S3 on CDP Public Cloud
Configuring ACLs on HDFS
Configuring Advanced Security Options for Apache Ranger
Configuring Alert Delivery
Configuring Alert Email Delivery
Configuring Alert SNMP Delivery
Configuring Alerts Transitioning Out of Alerting Health Threshold
Configuring an external database for Oozie
Configuring and Managing S3Guard
Configuring and Monitoring Atlas
Configuring and running the HDFS balancer using Cloudera Manager
Configuring and Starting the PostgreSQL Server
Configuring and tuning S3A block upload
Configuring and Using Hive-HDFS ACL Sync
Configuring and Using Ranger KMS
Configuring and Using Zeppelin Interpreters
Configuring Apache Hadoop YARN High Availability
Configuring Apache Hadoop YARN Log Aggregation
Configuring Apache Hadoop YARN Security
Configuring Apache HBase
Configuring Apache HBase for Apache Phoenix
Configuring Apache HBase High Availability
Configuring Apache Hive
Configuring Apache Kafka
Configuring Apache Ranger High Availability
Configuring Apache Spark
Configuring Apache Zeppelin
Configuring Apache ZooKeeper
Configuring Atlas Authentication
Configuring Atlas Authorization
Configuring Atlas Authorization using Ranger
Configuring Atlas using Cloudera Manager
Configuring authentication for long-running Spark Streaming jobs
Configuring Authentication in Cloudera Manager
Configuring Authentication in Cloudera Manager
Configuring authentication with LDAP and Direct Bind
Configuring authentication with LDAP and Search Bind
Configuring Authorization
Configuring block size
Configuring capacity estimations and goals
Configuring CDP Services for HDFS Encryption
Configuring Client Access to Impala
Configuring Cloudera Manager
Configuring Cloudera Manager Agents
Configuring Cloudera Manager Server Ports
Configuring Cloudera Manager to Use an Internal Remote Parcel Repository
Configuring Clusters
Configuring clusters and replications
Configuring coarse-grained authorization with ACLs
Configuring concurrent moves
Configuring Cruise Control
Configuring Custom Alert Scripts
Configuring Custom Cgroups
Configuring Dashboards
Configuring Data Protection
Configuring Dedicated Coordinators and Executors
Configuring Delegation for Clients
Configuring Directories for Intermediate Data
Configuring Directory Monitoring
Configuring dynamic resource allocation
Configuring Dynamic Resource Pool
Configuring Encryption for Specific Buckets
Configuring Event Based Automatic Metadata Sync
Configuring external authentication and authorization for Cloudera Manager
Configuring external file authorization
Configuring Fault Tolerance
Configuring for HDFS high availability
Configuring for Kudu Tables
Configuring group permissions
Configuring HBase BlockCache
Configuring HBase MultiWAL
Configuring HBase snapshots
Configuring HBase to use HDFS HA
Configuring HDFS ACLs
Configuring HDFS High Availability
Configuring HDFS trash
Configuring Health Monitoring
Configuring heterogeneous storage in HDFS
Configuring high availability for Hue
Configuring Hive and Impala for high availability with Hue
Configuring HiveServer high availability using a load balancer
Configuring HiveServer high availability using Dynamic Service Discovery
Configuring HMS for high availability
Configuring Host Monitor Data Storage
Configuring Host Monitoring
Configuring Hosts
Configuring Hosts to Use the Internal Repository
Configuring HSTS for HDFS Web UIs
Configuring HTTPS encryption for the Kudu master and tablet server web UIs
Configuring Hue as a TLS/SSL client
Configuring Hue as a TLS/SSL server
Configuring Impala
Configuring Impala Query Data Store Maximum Size
Configuring Impala Query Monitoring
Configuring Impala Query Monitoring
Configuring Impala TLS/SSL
Configuring Impala to work with HDFS HA
Configuring Impala Web UI
Configuring JDBC execution mode
Configuring JDBC for Impala
Configuring Kerberos Authentication
Configuring Key Trustee Server High Availability Using Cloudera Manager
Configuring Kudu's integration with Apache Ranger
Configuring LDAP Authentication
Configuring LDAP Group Mappings
Configuring LDAP on unmanaged clusters
Configuring legacy CREATE TABLE behavior
Configuring Lily HBase Indexer Security
Configuring Livy
Configuring Load Balancer for Impala
Configuring Local Package and Parcel Repositories
Configuring Log Alerts
Configuring Log Alerts
Configuring Log Directories
Configuring Log Events
Configuring log levels for command line tools
Configuring Logging Thresholds
Configuring Logs
Configuring Management Service Database Limits
Configuring MariaDB for Oozie
Configuring Maximum File Descriptors
Configuring Memory Allocations
Configuring metastore location
Configuring Monitoring Settings
Configuring MultiWAL support using Cloudera Manager
Configuring MySQL 5 for Oozie
Configuring MySQL 8 for Oozie
Configuring MySQL for Streaming Components
Configuring Native TLS Acceleration
Configuring Network Settings for a Proxy Server
Configuring OAuth in Data Hub
Configuring OAuth with core-site.xml
Configuring OAuth with the Hadoop CredentialProvider
Configuring ODBC for Impala
Configuring Oozie
Configuring Oozie data purge settings using Cloudera Manager
Configuring Oozie High Availability using Cloudera Manager
Configuring Oozie Sqoop1 Action workflow JDBC drivers
Configuring Oozie to enable MapReduce jobs to read or write from Amazon S3
Configuring oozie to use HDFS HA
Configuring Oozie to use HDFS HA
Configuring Oracle for Oozie
Configuring other CDP components to use HDFS HA
Configuring Ozone Security
Configuring Ozone to work with Prometheus
Configuring Peers with SAML Authentication
Configuring Per-Bucket Settings
Configuring Per-Bucket Settings to Access Data Around the World
Configuring Periodic Stacks Collection
Configuring PostgreSQL for Oozie
Configuring properties not exposed in Cloudera Manager
Configuring Proxy Users to Access HDFS
Configuring query vectorization
Configuring quotas
Configuring Ranger Authentication with UNIX, LDAP, AD, or PAM
Configuring Ranger Authentication with UNIX, LDAP, or AD
Configuring Ranger Authorization for Atlas
Configuring Ranger KMS High Availability
Configuring Ranger KMS High Availability
Configuring Replication of HDFS Data
Configuring Replication of Hive/Impala Data
Configuring Resource Parameters
Configuring resource-based policies
Configuring resource-based services
Configuring Roles to Use a Custom Garbage Collection Parameter
Configuring S3Guard
Configuring S3Guard for Cluster Access to S3
Configuring S3Guard in Cloudera Manager
Configuring SAML authentication on managed clusters
Configuring secure access between Solr and Hue
Configuring Service Monitor Data Storage
Configuring Service Monitoring
Configuring Services to Use LZO Compression
Configuring Simple Authorization in Atlas
Configuring SMM for Monitoring SRM Replications
Configuring Spark application logging properties
Configuring Spark application properties in spark-defaults.conf
Configuring Spark Applications
Configuring Spark Direct Reader mode
Configuring Spark on YARN Applications
Configuring srm-control
Configuring storage balancing for DataNodes
Configuring Streams Messaging Manager for Kafka Connect
Configuring Streams Replication Manager
Configuring Suppression of Health Tests Before Tests Run
Configuring the balancer threshold
Configuring the Database for Streaming Components
Configuring the driver role target clusters
Configuring the Frequency of Diagnostic Data Collection
Configuring the Hive Delegation Token Store
Configuring the Hive Metastore to use HDFS HA
Configuring the HiveServer load balancer
Configuring the Hue Server to Store Data in the Oracle database
Configuring the Kafka Connect Role
Configuring the service role target cluster
Configuring the storage policy for the Write-Ahead Log (WAL)
Configuring Time-Series Query Results
Configuring TLS Encryption for Cloudera Manager Using Auto-TLS
Configuring TLS/SSL encryption manually for DAS using Cloudera Manager
Configuring TLS/SSL for Apache Atlas
Configuring TLS/SSL for HBase
Configuring TLS/SSL for Hue
Configuring TLS/SSL for the KMS
Configuring ulimit for HBase
Configuring Upgrade Domains
Configuring Upgrade Domains
Configuring user authentication
Configuring user authentication using LDAP
Configuring user authentication using SPNEGO
Configuring Which Log Messages Become Events
Configuring YARN Application Monitoring
Configuring YARN Application Monitoring
Configuring YARN Docker Containers Support
Confirm the election status of a ZooKeeper service
Connect an external database
Connect to Phoenix Query Server
Connect to Phoenix Query Server through Apache Knox
Connect workers
Connecting Hive to BI tools using a JDBC/ODBC driver
Connecting Kafka clients to Data Hub provisioned clusters
Connecting to an Apache Hive endpoint through Apache Knox
Connecting to Impala Daemon in Impala Shell
Connecting to PQS using JDBC
Connection failed error when accessing the Search app (Solr) from Hue
Considerations for backfill inserts
Considerations for configuring High Availability on Ozone Manager
Considerations for Oozie to work with AWS
Considerations for Realm Names
Considerations for working with HDFS snapshots
ContainerExecutor Error Codes (YARN)
Contents of the BlockCache
Control access to queues using ACLs
Controlling Data Access with Tags
Conversion functions
Convert a managed, non-transactional table to external
Convert an HDFS file to ORC
Convert DER, JKS, PEM Files for TLS/SSL Artifacts
Convert Instance Directories to Configs
Converting from an NFS-mounted shared edits directory to Quorum-Based Storage
Converting from Device Names to UUIDs for Encrypted Devices
Converting Hive CLI scripts to Beeline
Copy Sample Tweets to HDFS
Copying data between a secure and an insecure cluster using DistCp and WebHDFS
Core Configuration Metrics
Core Configuration Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Core Configuration Service
Corruption: checksum error on CFile block
COUNT function
Create a Collection for Tweets
Create a Collection in Cloudera Search
Create a Collection in Cloudera Search
Create a CRUD transactional table
Create a Custom Access Policy
Create a Custom Role
Create a custom YARN service
Create a default directory for managed tables
Create a GCP Service Account
Create a Hadoop archive
Create a Kafka Topic to Store your Events
Create a read-only Admin user (Auditor)
Create a Replica of an Existing Shard
Create a snapshot policy
Create a Solr Collection
Create a Sqoop import command
Create a standard YARN service
Create a Streams Cluster on CDP Private Cloud Base
Create a table for a Kafka stream
Create a temporary table
Create a Test Collection
Create a time-bound policy
Create a topology map
Create a topology script
Create a user-defined function
Create an insert-only transactional table
Create and Run a Note
Create and use a materialized view
Create and use a partitioned materialized view
Create empty table on the destination cluster
Create new YARN services using UI
Create partitions dynamically
Create placement rules
CREATE ROLE statement
Create snapshots on a directory
Create snapshots using Cloudera Manager
CREATE TABLE statement
Create the S3Guard Table in DynamoDB
Create the UDF class
CREATE VIEW statement
Create, use, and drop an external table
Creating a Connector
Creating a Custom Cluster Utilization Report
Creating a Dashboard
Creating a group in Hue
Creating a Host Template
Creating a Hue user
Creating a Kafka Topic
Creating a Lily HBase Indexer Configuration File
Creating a Lily HBase Indexer Configuration File
Creating a Morphline Configuration File
Creating a Morphline Configuration File
Creating a new Kudu table from Impala
Creating a Notifier
Creating a Permanent Internal Repository
Creating a Pre-Deployed Cloudera Manager Host
Creating a Pre-Deployed Worker Host
Creating a Role Group
Creating a Runtime Cluster Using a Cloudera Manager Template
Creating a Temporary Internal Repository
Creating a Trigger for CPU Capacity
Creating a Trigger for Memory Capacity
Creating a Trigger Using the Expression Editor
Creating a truststore file in PEM format
Creating an Alert Policy
Creating Business Metadata
Creating categories
Creating classifications
Creating DynamoDB Access Policy
Creating Encryption Zones
Creating glossaries
Creating labels
Creating Static Pools
Creating system tables to run query on Hive and Tez DAG events
Creating tables
Creating terms
Creating the Template
Creating Triggers from Charts
Creating Virtual Images of Cluster Hosts
Cross Data Center Replication
Cross data center replication example of multiple clusters
Cruise Control
Cruise Control
Cruise Control Health Tests
Cruise Control Metrics
Cruise Control Overview
Cruise Control REST API endpoints
Cruise Control Server Health Tests
Cruise Control Server Metrics
Custom Configuration
Custom Installation Solutions
Customize dynamic resource allocation settings
Customize interpreter settings in a note
Customize the HDFS home directory
Customizing HDFS
Customizing Kerberos principals
Customizing Per-Bucket Secrets Held in Credential Files
Customizing the Hue web UI
Customizing time zones
DAS administration using Ambari in CDP
DAS administration using Cloudera Manager in CDP
DAS architecture
Dashboard Types
Data Access
Data Access
Data Access
Data Analytics Studio (DAS)
Data Analytics Studio Eventprocessor Health Tests
Data Analytics Studio Eventprocessor Metrics
Data Analytics Studio Metrics
Data Analytics Studio Overview
Data Analytics Studio overview
Data Analytics Studio Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Data Analytics Studio Webapp Server Health Tests
Data Analytics Studio Webapp Server Metrics
Data at Rest Encryption Reference Architecture
Data at Rest Encryption Requirements
Data at Rest Encryption Requirements
Data compaction
Data Context Connector Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Data Encryption Components and Solutions
Data Engineering
Data Engineering
Data Granularity and Time-Series Metric Data
Data migration to Apache Hive
Data protection
Data Replication
Data Stewardship with Apache Atlas
Data Storage for Monitoring Data
Data storage metrics
Data types
Database Requirements
DataNode Health Tests
DataNode Metrics
DataNodes page
Date and time functions
DATE data type
DDL statements
Deactivate and Remove Parcels
Debug Web UI for Catalog Server
Debug Web UI for Impala Daemon
Debug Web UI for StateStore
Decide to use the BucketCache
DECIMAL data type
Decimal type
Decommissioning Hosts
Decommissioning or permanently removing a tablet server from a cluster
Decommissioning Role Instances
Decrease Reserve Space
Dedicated Coordinator
Default EXPIRES ON tag policy
Default User Roles
Default view of Kafka Connect in the SMM UI
Defining Apache Atlas enumerations
Defining related terms
Delegation token based authentication
Delete a group
Delete a Key
Delete a role
Delete a user
Delete All Documents in a Solr Collection
Delete data from a table
Delete HBase snapshots from Amazon S3
Delete placement rules
Delete queues
Delete snapshots using Cloudera Manager
DELETE statement
Delete the Cluster
Deleting a Cluster
Deleting a Connector
Deleting a Host from Cloudera Manager
Deleting a Kafka Topic
Deleting a Notifier
Deleting a row
Deleting a schema
Deleting a Solr Collection
Deleting an Alert Policy
Deleting Encryption Zones
Deleting Hosts
Deleting in bulk
Deleting Role Instances
Deleting Services
Deleting tables
Deploy and manage services on YARN
Deploy HBase replication
Deploying and configuring Oozie Sqoop1 Action JDBC drivers
Deploying Clients
Deployment Planning for Cloudera Search
Deprecation Notices In Cloudera Runtime 7.1.4
Describe a materialized view
DESCRIBE statement
Designating a Replication Source
Designating Directories to Include in Disk Usage Reports
Detecting slow DataNodes
Determine the table type
Developing and running an Apache Spark WordCount application
Developing Apache Kafka Applications
Developing Apache Spark Applications
Developing Applications with Apache Kudu
Developing applications with Apache Kudu
Diagnostic Data Collection
Diagnostics logging
Dimensioning Guidelines for Deploying Cloudera Search
Directory Metrics
Directory Usage Report
Disable a provider in an existing provider configuration
Disable automatic compaction
Disable loading of coprocessors
Disable proxy for a known service in Apache Knox
Disable RegionServer grouping
Disable replication at the peer level
Disable the BoundedByteBufferPool
Disable the Firewall
Disabling an Alert Policy
Disabling and redeploying HDFS HA
Disabling impersonation (doas)
Disabling Oozie High Availability
Disabling Redaction of sensitive information when using the Cloudera Manager API
Disabling S3Guard and destroying a table
Disabling Static Service Pools
Disabling the Automatic Sending of Diagnostic Data from a Manually Triggered Collection
Disabling the Firewall
Disabling Transparent Hugepages (THP)
Discovering possible predicates
Disk Balancer commands
Disk management
Disk Metrics
Disk Removal
Disk Replacement
Disk space usage
Disk space versus namespace
Disk Usage Reports
Disk Usage Reports
Displaying Chart Details
Distcp between secure clusters in different Kerberos realms
Distcp syntax and examples
DISTINCT operator
DML statements
Docker on YARN configuration properties
Docker on YARN example: DistributedShell
Docker on YARN example: MapReduce job
Docker on YARN example: Spark-on-Docker-on-YARN
DOUBLE data type
Download the Cluster Utilization Report
Download the Trial version of CDP Private Cloud Base
Download the Trial version of CDP Private Cloud Base
Downloading and exporting data from Hue
Downloading and Publishing the Package Repository
Downloading and Publishing the Parcel Repository
Downloading Audit Events
Downloading Client Configuration Files
Downloading HDFS Directory Access Permission Reports
Downloading Hdfsfindtool from the CDH archives
Downloading query results from Hue takes time
Downloading Reports as CSV and XLS Files
Drop a materialized view
Drop an external table along with data
DROP ROLE statement
DROP STATS statement
DROP TABLE statement
DROP VIEW statement
Dropping a Kudu table using Impala
Dumping the Oozie database
Dynamic allocation
Dynamic queues
Dynamic resource allocation properties
Dynamic Resource Pool Settings
Dynamic resource-based column masking in Hive with Ranger policies
Dynamic tag-based column masking in Hive with Ranger policies
Dynamically loading a custom filter
Edit a group
Edit a role
Edit a user
Edit or delete a snapshot policy
Edit placement rules
Editing a Chart
Editing a Host Template
Editing rack assignments for hosts
Editing tables
Editing the S3Guard Configuration
Editing, Deleting, Suppressing, or Deleting a Trigger
Effects of WAL rolling on replication
Elements of the Recon web user interface
Enable Access Control for Data
Enable Access Control for Interpreter, Configuration, and Credential Settings
Enable Access Control for Notebooks
Enable an NTP Service
Enable an NTP Service
Enable and disable snapshot creation using Cloudera Manager
Enable asynchronous scheduler
Enable authorization for additional HDFS web UIs
Enable authorization for HDFS web UIs
Enable authorization in Kafka with Ranger
Enable automatic compaction
Enable bulk load replication using Cloudera Manager
Enable Cgroups
Enable Cluster-wide HBase Replication
Enable detection of slow DataNodes
Enable disk IO statistics
Enable Garbage Collector Logging
Enable GZipCodec as the default compression codec
Enable HBase high availability using Cloudera Manager
Enable HBase indexing
Enable hedged reads for HBase
Enable Intra-Queue preemption
Enable Intra-Queue Preemption for a specific queue
Enable Kerberos Authentication in Solr
Enable LDAP Authentication in Solr
Enable multi-threaded faceting
Enable namespace mapping
Enable or disable authentication with delegation tokens
Enable override of default queue mappings at individual queue level
Enable Phoenix ACLs
Enable preemption for a specific queue
Enable proxy for a known service in Apache Knox
Enable Ranger Authorization in Solr
Enable RegionServer grouping using Cloudera Manager
Enable replication on a specific table
Enable Replication on HBase Column Families
Enable SASL in HiveServer
Enable scheduled queries
Enable security for Cruise Control
Enable Sensitive Data Redaction
Enable server-server mutual authentication
Enable snapshot creation on a directory
Enable the AdminServer
Enable the Cluster Utilization Report
Enable TLS/SSL for HiveServer
Enabling a multi-threaded environment for Hue
Enabling Access Control for Zeppelin Elements
Enabling access to HBase browser from Hue
Enabling ACL for RegionServer grouping
Enabling Admission Control
Enabling an Alert Policy
Enabling and Configuring Static Service Pools
Enabling and Disabling HDFS Snapshots
Enabling and Disabling Log Event Capture
Enabling and disabling trash
Enabling Configuration Change Alerts
Enabling Configuration Change Alerts
Enabling core dump for the Kudu service
Enabling Fast Upload using Cloudera Manager
Enabling fault-tolerant processing in Spark Streaming
Enabling HBase Alerts
Enabling HDFS Encryption Using a Java KeyStore
Enabling HDFS Encryption Using Navigator Key Trustee Server
Enabling HDFS Encryption Using the Wizard
Enabling HDFS HA
Enabling Health Alerts
Enabling High Availability and automatic failover
Enabling Hue applications with Cloudera Manager
Enabling Hue as a TLS/SSL client
Enabling Hue as a TLS/SSL server using Cloudera Manager
Enabling Interceptors
Enabling Kerberos authentication and RPC encryption
Enabling Kerberos Authentication for CDP
Enabling Kerberos Authentication for the KMS
Enabling LDAP Authentication for impala-shell
Enabling LDAP authentication with HiveServer2 and Impala
Enabling LDAP for in Hue
Enabling Native Acceleration For MLlib
Enabling Oozie High Availability
Enabling Oozie SLA with Cloudera Manager
Enabling or disabling anonymous usage date collection
Enabling Ranger authorization
Enabling Replication Between Clusters with Kerberos Authentication
Enabling Resource Management with Control Groups
Enabling Snapshots
Enabling Solr Clients to Authenticate with a Secure Solr
Enabling Spark authentication
Enabling Spark Encryption
Enabling Speculative Execution
Enabling SSE-C
Enabling SSE-KMS
Enabling SSE-S3
Enabling the Oozie web console on managed clusters
Enabling the SQL editor autocompleter
Enabling TLS/SSL communication with HiveServer2
Enabling TLS/SSL communication with Impala
Enabling TLS/SSL for Hue Load Balancer
Enabling vectorized query execution
Enabling, Disabling, or Deleting A Replication Policy
Encrypting an S3 Bucket with Amazon S3 Default Encryption
Encrypting and Decrypting Data Using Cloudera Navigator Encrypt
Encrypting Communication
Encrypting Data at Rest
Encrypting Data at Rest
Encrypting Data in Transit
Encrypting Data in Transit
Encrypting Data in Transit Between Clusters
Encrypting Data on S3
Encryption Mechanisms
Encryption Overview
Encryption Reference
Encryption Zones and Keys
End to End Latency Overview
End to End Latency Use Cases
Ending a CDP Private Cloud Base Trial
Enforcing TLS version 1.2 for Hue
Enter Required Parameters
Environment variables for sizing NameNode heap memory
Erasure coding CLI command
Erasure coding examples
Erasure coding overview
Error Messages and Various Failures
Error validating LDAP user
Errors during hole punching test
Escape an illegal identifier
Essential metrics to monitor
ETL with Cloudera Morphlines
Event Server
Event Server Health Tests
Event Server Metrics
Evolving a schema
Example configuration to add to the sudoers file
Example Morphline Usage
Example use cases
Example workload
Example: Configuration for work preserving recovery
Example: Running SparkPi on YARN
Example: Using the HBase-Spark connector
Examples of accessing Amazon S3 data from Spark
Examples of controlling data access using classifications
Examples of creating and using UDFs
Examples of DistCp commands using the S3 protocol and hidden credentials
Examples of estimating NameNode heap memory
Examples of Interacting with Schema Registry
Examples of overlapping quota policies
Examples of using the Amazon Web Services command-line interface for S3 Gateway
Exit statuses for the HDFS Balancer
EXPLAIN statement
Exploring using Lineage
Export a Note
Export a snapshot to another cluster
Export all resource-based policies for all services
Export Ranger reports
Export resource-based policies for a specific service
Export tag-based policies
Exporting Data from Charts
Exporting the Cluster Configuration
Expose HBase metrics to a Ganglia server
Extending Atlas to Manage Metadata from Additional Sources
Extending Cloudera Manager
External table access
Failover Controller Health Tests
Failover Controller Metrics
Failures during INSERT, UPDATE, UPSERT, and DELETE operations
Fan-in and Fan-out Replication Flows
Feature comparison
Fetching Spark Maven dependencies
File descriptor limits
File descriptors
Files and directories
Files and directories
Filesystem Metrics
Filter Attributes
Filter Attributes
Filter Expressions
Filter Expressions
Filter HMS results
Filter types
Filtering Audit Events
Filtering by Day of Week or Hour of Day
Filtering Events
Filtering Jobs
Filtering Logs
Filtering Metrics
Filtering Metrics
Filtering Queries
Filtering the Activities List
Filtering the Tasks List
Finding issues
Finding the list of Hue superusers
Finding the list of Hue superusers
Fine-grained authorization
Fixed issues in Cloudera Manager 7.1.4
Fixed Issues In Cloudera Runtime 7.1.4
Fixing a warning related to accessing non-optimized Hue
Fixing authentication issues between HBase and Hue
Fixing block inconsistencies
Fixing issues
FLOAT data type
Flume Agent Health Tests
Flume Channel Metrics
Flume Health Tests
Flume Metrics
Flume Sink Metrics
Flume Source Metrics
Flushing data to disk
Format for using Hadoop archives with MapReduce
Frequently asked questions
Garbage Collector Health Tests
Garbage Collector Metrics
General Quota Syntax
General Settings
Generate a Collection Configuration Using Configs
Generate a Collection Configuration Using Instance Directories
Generate and view Apache Hive statistics
Generate surrogate keys
Generating a New Certificate
Generating a table list
Generating statistics
Generating Table and Column Statistics
Get scheduled query information and monitor the query
Getting Started on your Streams Cluster
Getting the JDBC driver
Glossaries overview
Governance Overview
Graceful HBase shutdown
Gracefully shut down an HBase RegionServer
Gracefully shut down the HBase service
GRANT statement
Granularity of Metrics
GROUP BY clause
Grouping (Faceting) Time Series
Groups and fetching
Guidelines for Schema Design
Guidelines for using snapshot diff-based replication
Hadoop archive components
Hadoop File Formats Support
Hadoop Users (user:group) and Kerberos Principals
Handling bucketed tables
Handling disk failures
Handling large messages
Hardware Requirements
Hash and hash partitioning
Hash and range partitioning
Hash partitioning
Hash partitioning
HashTable/SyncTable tool configuration
HAVING clause
HBase actions that produce Atlas entities
HBase audit entries
HBase authentication
HBase authorization
HBase backup and disaster recovery strategies
HBASE Category
HBase entities created in Atlas
HBase filtering
HBase Health Tests
HBase I/O components
HBase is using more disk space than expected
Hbase lineage
HBase metadata collection
HBase Metrics
HBase on CDP
HBase online merge
HBase Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
HBase read replicas
HBase RegionServer Replication Peer Metrics
HBase REST Server Health Tests
HBase REST Server Metrics
HBase Shell example
HBase snapshots on Amazon S3 with Kerberos enabled
HBase Thrift Server Health Tests
HBase Thrift Server Metrics
HBaseMapReduceIndexerTool command line reference
HBCK2 tool command reference
HDFS Block Skew
HDFS Cache Directive Metrics
HDFS Cache Pool Metrics
HDFS Caching
HDFS commands for metadata files and directories
HDFS Encryption Issues
HDFS entity metadata migration
HDFS Health Tests
HDFS Metrics
HDFS Metrics
HDFS Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
HDFS Replication
HDFS Sink Connector
HDFS Sink Connector Properties Reference
HDFS storage policies
HDFS storage types
HDFS storage types
HDFS Transparent Encryption
HDFS, Hive, and Impala Replication
Health Tests
Health Tests and Health History
Health Tests and Health History
Heap sampling
HeapDumpPath (/tmp) in Hive data nodes gets full due to .hprof files
Hierarchical queue characteristics
High Availability on HDFS clusters
Highly Available Kafka Architectures
History Server Health Tests
History Server Metrics
Hive 3 ACID transactions
Hive Authentication
Hive entity metadata migration
Hive Execution Health Tests
Hive Execution Metrics
Hive Health Tests
Hive LLAP Health Tests
Hive LLAP Metrics
Hive LLAP Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Hive Metastore Server Health Tests
Hive Metastore Server Metrics
Hive Metrics
Hive on Spark Executor Nodes
Hive on Tez Health Tests
Hive on Tez Metrics
Hive on Tez Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Hive Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Hive Replication in Dynamic Environments
Hive Tables and DDL Commands
Hive Warehouse Connector for accessing Apache Spark data
Hive Warehouse Connector Interfaces
Hive-HDFS ACL Sync Reference
Hive-HDFS ACL Sync Use Cases
Hive/Impala Replication
Hive/Impala Replication with Snapshots
HiveServer actions that produce Atlas entities
HiveServer audit entries
HiveServer entities created in Atlas
HiveServer is unresponsive due to large queries running in parallel
HiveServer lineage
HiveServer metadata collection
HiveServer relationships
HiveServer2 Health Tests
HiveServer2 Metrics
HMS table storage
Home Page
Host Configuration Properties
Host Details
Host Health Tests
Host Inspector
Host Management
Host Metrics
Host Monitor
Host Monitor and Service Monitor Memory Configuration
Host Monitor Health Tests
Host Monitor Metrics
Host Selection for Hive/Impala Replication
Host Templates
Hosts Disks Overview
Hotfixes in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.4
How Client Configurations are Deployed
How Cloudera Search Works
How Cruise Control rebalancing works
How Cruise Control retrieves metrics
How DAS helps to debug Hive on Tez queries
How Integration works
How NameNode manages blocks on a failed DataNode
How NFS Gateway authenticates and maps users
How Ozone manages read operations
How Ozone manages write operations
How tag-based access control works
How the type-read classification works
How to Add Root and Intermediate CAs to Truststore for TLS/SSL
How to Configure a MapReduce Job to Access S3 with an HDFS Credstore
How to pass JVM options to Ranger KMS services
How to pass JVM options to Ranger services
How to Set up Failover and Failback
HRegion Metrics
HSM-Specific Setup for Cloudera Navigator Key HSM
HTable Metrics
HTTP 403 error while accessing Hue
HttpFS authentication
HttpFS Health Tests
HttpFS Metrics
Hue Advanced Configuration Snippet
Hue configuration files
Hue Health Tests
Hue Load Balancer does not start
Hue logs
Hue Metrics
Hue Overview
Hue Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Hue Server Health Tests
Hue Server Metrics
Hue supported browsers
HWC API Examples
HWC execution modes
HWC supported types mapping
IAM Role permissions for working with SSE-KMS
Identify Roles that Use the Embedded Database Server
Identifying Problems
Impact of quota violation policy
Impala actions that produce Atlas entities
Impala audit entries
Impala Authentication
Impala Authorization
Impala Best Practices
Impala Catalog Server Health Tests
Impala Catalog Server Metrics
Impala Daemon Health Tests
Impala Daemon Metrics
Impala Daemon Resource Pool Metrics
Impala database containment model
Impala DDL for Kudu
Impala DML for Kudu Tables
Impala entities created in Atlas
Impala entity metadata migration
Impala Health Tests
Impala integration limitations
Impala lineage
Impala lineage
Impala Llama ApplicationMaster Health Tests
Impala Llama ApplicationMaster Metrics
Impala Logs
Impala metadata collection
Impala Metrics
Impala Pool Metrics
Impala Pool User Metrics
Impala Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Impala query counter metrics
Impala Query Metrics
Impala Requirements
Impala Shell Command Reference
Impala Shell Configuration File
Impala Shell Configuration Options
Impala Shell Tool
Impala SQL and Hive SQL
Impala StateStore Health Tests
Impala StateStore Metrics
Impala Tab
Impala with Amazon S3
Impala with Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS)
Impala with HBase
Impala with HDFS
Impala with Kudu
Import a Note
Import and sync LDAP users and groups
Import command options
Import Data from RDBMS into an S3 Bucket
Import Data into an External Hive Table Backed by S3
Import Data into S3 Bucket in Incremental Mode
Import External Packages
Import RDBMS data into Hive
Import RDBMS data to HDFS
Import resource-based policies for a specific service
Import resource-based policies for all services
Import tag-based policies
Importing a Bucket into S3Guard
Importing and exporting resource-based policies
Importing and exporting tag-based policies
Importing Business Metadata associations in bulk
Importing Data into Amazon S3 Using Sqoop
Importing data into HBase
Importing Data into Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store (Gen1 and Gen2) Using Sqoop
Importing Glossary terms in bulk
Importing Hive Metadata using Command-Line (CLI) utility
Importing the Template to a New Cluster
Improving Performance for S3A
Improving Performance in Shuffle Handler and IFile Reader
Improving performance using partitions
Improving performance with centralized cache management
Improving performance with short-circuit local reads
Improving Software Performance
Increasing StateStore Timeout
Increasing storage capacity with HDFS compression
Increasing the maximum number of processes for Oracle database
Incrementally update an imported table
Index Sample Data
Indexing Data
Indexing Data Using Morphlines
Indexing Sample Tweets with Cloudera Search
Information and debugging
Initializing Key Trustee Server
Initializing Navigator Key HSM
Initializing Standalone Key Trustee Server
Initializing Standalone Key Trustee Server Using Cloudera Manager
Initiate replication when data already exist
Initiating HDFS failover using the Cloudera Manager API
INSERT and primary key uniqueness violations
Insert data into a table
INSERT statement
Inserting a row
Inserting in bulk
Inspecting Network Performance
Install and Configure MariaDB
Install and Configure MySQL
Install and Configure Oracle Database
Install and Configure PostgreSQL for CDP
Install Cloudera Manager Packages
Install Cloudera Runtime
Install Cloudera Runtime
Install Docker
Installation Reference
Installation Wizard
Installing a Trial Cluster
Installing a Trial Streaming Cluster
Installing Apache Knox
Installing Apache Knox
Installing Atlas in HA using CDP Private Cloud Base cluster
Installing Atlas in HA using HDP cluster
Installing CDP Private Cloud Base
Installing CDS 3
Installing Cloudera Manager, Cloudera Runtime, and Managed Services
Installing Cloudera Navigator Encrypt
Installing Cloudera Navigator Key HSM
Installing Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server
Installing Connectors
Installing Hive on Tez and adding a HiveServer role
Installing Key Trustee Server Using Cloudera Manager
Installing NTP-related packages
Installing OpenJDK for CDP Runtime
Installing OpenJDK on Cloudera Manager
Installing Oracle JDK for CDP Runtime
Installing PostgreSQL Server
Installing Ranger KMS
Installing Ranger KMS with Key Trustee Server
Installing Ranger RMS (Technical Preview)
Installing the GPL Extras Parcel
Installing the Kafka Connect Role
Installing the psycopg2 Python Package
Installing the REST Server using Cloudera Manager
Installing the UDF development package
Instantiating a Cloudera Manager Image
Instantiating a worker host
INT data type
Integrating Apache Hive with Apache Spark and BI
Integrating Atlas with Ozone
Integrating Hive and a BI tool
Integrating Kafka and Schema Registry
Integrating Kafka and Schema Registry Using NiFi Processors
Integrating Key HSM with Key Trustee Server
Integrating MIT Kerberos and Active Directory
Integrating with Kafka
Integrating with NiFi
Integrating with Schema Registry
Integrating your identity provider's SAML server with Hue
Interacting with Hive views
Internal and external Impala tables
Internal private key infrastructure (PKI)
Introducing the S3A Committers
Introduction to HDFS metadata files and directories
Introduction to Hive metastore
Introduction to Ozone
Introduction to Parcels
Introduction to S3Guard
Invalid method name: 'GetLog' error
Invalid query handle
Isilon Metrics
ISR management
Issues starting or restarting the master or the tablet server
Java API example
Java client
Java KeyStore KMS Metrics
Java KeyStore KMS Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Java Requirements
JBOD Disk migration
JBOD setup
JDBC connection string syntax
JDBC connection string syntax
JDBC execution mode
JobHistory Server Health Tests
JobHistory Server Metrics
JobTracker Health Tests
JobTracker Metrics
Joins in Impala SELECT statements
JournalNode Health Tests
JournalNode Metrics
JVM and garbage collection
Kafka Architecture
Kafka Broker Health Tests
Kafka Broker Log Directory Metrics
Kafka Broker Metrics
Kafka Broker Topic Metrics
Kafka Broker Topic Partition Metrics
Kafka brokers and Zookeeper
Kafka clients and ZooKeeper
Kafka Connect
Kafka Connect API Security
Kafka Connect Connector Reference
Kafka Connect Connector Sink Task Metrics Metrics
Kafka Connect Connector Source Task Metrics Metrics
Kafka Connect Connector Task Error Metrics Metrics
Kafka Connect Connector Task Metrics Metrics
Kafka Connect Health Tests
Kafka Connect Metrics
Kafka Connect Overview
Kafka Connect Setup
Kafka Consumer Group Metrics
Kafka Consumer Metrics
Kafka consumers
Kafka FAQ
Kafka Health Tests
Kafka Introduction
Kafka Metrics
Kafka MirrorMaker Health Tests
Kafka MirrorMaker Metrics
Kafka Producer Metrics
Kafka producers
Kafka Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Kafka public APIs
Kafka Replica Metrics
Kafka security hardening with Zookeeper ACLs
Kafka storage handler and table properties
Kafka Streams
Kafka-ZooKeeper performance tuning
Keep replicas current
Kerberos authentication
Kerberos authentication for non-default users
Kerberos configuration for Ozone
Kerberos Configuration Strategies for CDP
Kerberos configurations for HWC
Kerberos Connectivity Test
Kerberos principal and keytab properties for Ozone service daemons
Kerberos Security Artifacts Overview
Kerberos setup guidelines for Distcp between secure clusters
Kerberos setup guidelines for Distcp between secure clusters (without cross-realm authentication)
Kerberos Ticket Renewer Health Tests
Kerberos Ticket Renewer Metrics
Kernel stack watchdog traces
Key Concepts and Architecture
Key Features
Key Management Server Health Tests
Key Management Server Metrics
Key Management Server Proxy Health Tests
Key Management Server Proxy Metrics
Key management using ofs
Key Trustee KMS
Key Trustee KMS Encryption Issues
Key Trustee KMS Metrics
Key Trustee KMS operations not supported by Ranger KMS
Key Trustee KMS Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Key Trustee Server
Key Trustee Server Metrics
Key Trustee Server Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Key Trustee Server System Requirements
Key-Value Store Indexer Health Tests
Key-Value Store Indexer Metrics
Key-Value Store Indexer Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Keystores and the Hadoop Key Management Server
KMS ACL Configuration for Hive
Known issue: Ranger group mapping
Known issues
Known issues and limitations
Known issues and limitations
Known Issues in Cloudera Manager 7.1.4
Known Issues In Cloudera Runtime 7.1.4
Knox Gateway Health Tests
Knox Gateway Metrics
Knox Gateway UI: incorrect username or password
Knox Health Tests
Knox IDBroker Health Tests
Knox IDBroker Metrics
Knox Metrics
Knox Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Knox Supported Services Matrix
Knox Topology Management in Cloudera Manager
Kudu architecture in a CDP private cloud base deployment
Kudu authentication with Kerberos
Kudu example applications
Kudu integration with Spark
Kudu master web interface
Kudu metrics
Kudu Metrics
Kudu network architecture
Kudu Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Kudu Python client
Kudu Replica Metrics
Kudu security
Kudu tablet server web interface
Kudu tracing
Kudu web interfaces
Kudu-Impala integration
Launch a YARN service
Launch distcp
Launch Zeppelin
LAZY_PERSIST memory storage policy
LDAP authentication
LDAP properties
LDAP Settings
Leader positions and in-sync replicas
Lengthy BalancerMember Route length
Leveraging Business Metadata
Leveraging Native Processor Instruction Sets
Lifecycle and Security Auditing
Lily HBase Batch Indexing for Cloudera Search
Lily HBase Indexer Health Tests
Lily HBase Indexer Metrics
Lily HBase Near Real Time Indexing for Cloudera Search
LIMIT clause
Limit concurrent connections
Limit CPU usage with Cgroups
Limitations and restrictions for Impala UDFs
Limitations of Amazon S3
Limitations of erasure coding
Limitations of Phoenix-Hive connector
Limitations of the S3A Committers
Limiting Replication Hosts
Limiting the speed of compactions
Lineage lifecycle
Lineage overview
Linux Container Executor
Linux Control Groups (cgroups)
List and Create Keys
List files in Hadoop archives
Listing available metrics
Listing Repositories
Live write access
Livy API reference for batch jobs
Livy API reference for interactive sessions
Livy batch object
Livy Health Tests
Livy Metrics
Livy objects for interactive sessions
Livy Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Livy Server Health Tests
Livy Server Metrics
LLAP Proxy Health Tests
LLAP Proxy Metrics
Load Balancer Health Tests
Load Balancer Metrics
LOAD DATA statement
Loading ORC data into DataFrames using predicate push-down
Loading the Oozie database
Locating Hive tables and changing the location
Log a Security Support Case
Log Aggregation File Controllers
Log Aggregation Properties
Log cleaner
Log Details
Log redaction
Logical operators, comparison operators and comparators
Logical replication
Logs and Events
Logs and log segments
Logs List
Low-latency analytical processing
Main Use Cases
Maintaining Cloudera Navigator Encrypt
Maintenance manager
Maintenance Mode
Manage databases and tables
Manage HBase snapshots on Amazon S3 in Cloudera Manager
Manage HBase snapshots using Cloudera Manager
Manage HBase snapshots using the HBase shell
Manage individual delegation tokens
Manage partition retention time
Manage partitions
Manage Policies for HBase snapshots in Amazon S3
Manage queries
Manage query rewrites
Manage Queues
Manage reports
Manage the YARN service life cycle through the REST API
Management basics
Managing Access Control Lists
Managing Alert Policies and Notifiers
Managing Alert Policies using Streams Messaging Manager
Managing Alerts
Managing and Allocating Cluster Resources using Capacity Scheduler
Managing Anonymous Usage Data Collection
Managing Apache Hadoop YARN Services
Managing Apache HBase
Managing Apache HBase Security
Managing Apache Hive
Managing Apache Impala
Managing Apache Kafka
Managing Apache Phoenix Security
Managing Apache Phoenix security
Managing Apache ZooKeeper
Managing Apache ZooKeeper Security
Managing Auditing with Ranger
Managing Business Terms with Atlas Glossaries
Managing Cloudera Manager
Managing Cloudera Manager Server Logs
Managing Cloudera Runtime Services
Managing Cloudera Search
Managing Clusters
Managing Collection Configuration
Managing Collections
Managing columns
Managing Cruise Control
Managing Dashboards
Managing Data Storage
Managing Disk Space for Log Files
Managing Encryption Keys and Zones
Managing existing Apache Knox shared providers
Managing HDFS Snapshots
Managing Hosts
Managing Hue permissions
Managing Kafka Topics using Streams Messaging Manager
Managing Kerberos credentials using Cloudera Manager
Managing Key Trustee Server Certificates
Managing Key Trustee Server Organizations
Managing Knox shared providers in Cloudera Manager
Managing Kudu with Cloudera Manager
Managing Licenses
Managing Logs
Managing Metadata in Impala
Managing Metadata in Impala
Managing Parcels
Managing partitions
Managing Re-encryption Operations
Managing Resources in Impala
Managing Role Groups
Managing Roles
Managing Service Parameters for Apache Knox via Cloudera Manager
Managing services for Apache Knox via Cloudera Manager
Managing Snapshot Policies
Managing snapshot policies using Cloudera Manager
Managing Spark Driver Logs
Managing storage elements by using the command-line interface
Managing Suppressed Validations
Managing tables
Managing the Cloudera Manager Agent Logs
Managing the Navigator Key HSM Service
Managing topics across multiple Kafka clusters
Managing YARN Docker Containers
Managing YARN queue users
Managing, Deploying and Monitoring Connectors
Manually configuring SAML authentication
Manually Configuring TLS Encryption for Cloudera Manager
Manually Configuring TLS Encryption on the Agent Listening Port
Manually failing over to the standby NameNode
Manually Install Cloudera Manager Agent Packages
Manually Redeploying Client Configuration Files
Manually Triggering Collection and Transfer of Diagnostic Data to Cloudera
MAP complex type
Mapping Kerberos Principals to Short Names
Mapping Phoenix schemas to HBase namespaces
MapReduce Health Tests
MapReduce Indexing
MapReduce Job ACLs
MapReduce Metrics
MapReduceIndexerTool Input Splits
MapReduceIndexerTool Metadata
MapReduceIndexerTool Usage Syntax
Master Health Tests
Master Metrics
Mathematical functions
Maven artifacts
Maven Artifacts for Cloudera Runtime
MAX function
Maximizing storage resources using ORC
Memory limits
Merge data in tables
Merge process stops during Sqoop incremental imports
Metric Aggregation
Metric Expression Functions
Metric Expressions
Metrics and Insight
Metrics and queries
Migrate brokers by modifying broker IDs in meta.properties
Migrate Databases from the Embedded Database Server to the External PostgreSQL Database Server
Migrate from the Cloudera Manager External PostgreSQL Database Server to a MySQL/Oracle Database Server
Migrate Solr Replicas
Migrate the Ranger Admin role instance to a new host
Migrate the Ranger KMS db role instance to a new host
Migrate the Ranger KMS KTS role instance to a new host
Migrating ACLs from Key Trustee KMS to Ranger KMS
Migrating Consumer Groups Between Clusters
Migrating Data from Cloudera Navigator to Atlas
Migrating Data Using Sqoop
Migrating Embedded PostgreSQL Database to External PostgreSQL Database
Migrating from PostgreSQL Database Server to MySQL/Oracle Database Server
Migrating from the Cloudera Manager Embedded PostgreSQL Database Server to an External PostgreSQL Database
Migrating Keys from a Java KeyStore to Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server
Migrating Kudu data from one directory to another on the same host
Migrating Ranger Key Management Server Role Instances to a New Host
Migrating to multiple Kudu masters
Migration from Fair Scheduler to Capacity Scheduler
Migration Guide
MIN function
Minimizing cluster disruption during temporary planned downtime of a single tablet server
Miscellaneous functions
Missing Containers page
MOB cache properties
Modify a Kafka Topic
Modify a provider in an existing provider configuration
Modify custom service parameter in descriptor
Modify GCS Bucket Permissions
Modify interpreter settings
Modifying a Connector
Modifying Configuration Properties Using Cloudera Manager
Modifying Impala Startup Options
Modifying Impala Startup Options
Modifying Peers
Modifying the Health Threshold
Modifying the session cookie timeout value
Monitor Health Tests
Monitor Metrics
Monitor RegionServer grouping
Monitor the BlockCache
Monitor the performance of hedged reads
Monitor your Cluster from the SMM UI
Monitoring a Cluster Using Cloudera Manager
Monitoring Activities
Monitoring and Debugging Spark Applications
Monitoring and Diagnostics
Monitoring and Diagnostics
Monitoring and Maintaining S3Guard
Monitoring Brokers
Monitoring Checkpoint Latency for Cluster Replication
Monitoring cluster health with ksck
Monitoring Cluster Profile
Monitoring Cluster Replications by Quick Ranges
Monitoring Cluster Replications Overview
Monitoring Clusters
Monitoring Clusters
Monitoring Connector Profile
Monitoring Connector Settings
Monitoring Connectors
Monitoring Consumers
Monitoring End-to-end Latency
Monitoring End-to-End Latency using Streams Messaging Manager
Monitoring heap memory usage
Monitoring Hosts
Monitoring Impala
Monitoring Impala Queries
Monitoring Kafka Cluster Replications using Streams Messaging Manager
Monitoring Kafka Clusters using Streams Messaging Manager
Monitoring Kafka Connect using Streams Messaging Manager
Monitoring NTP status
Monitoring Producers
Monitoring Replication Latency for Cluster Replication
Monitoring Replication with Streams Messaging Manager
Monitoring Service Status
Monitoring Services
Monitoring Spark Applications
Monitoring Status of the Clusters to be Replicated
Monitoring the Performance of HDFS Replications
Monitoring the Performance of Hive or Impala Replications
Monitoring Throughput and Latency by Values
Monitoring Throughput for Cluster Replication
Monitoring Topics
Monitoring Topics to be Replicated
Monitoring YARN Applications
More Resources
Move HBase Master Role to another host
Moving a Host Between Clusters
Moving a NameNode to a different host using Cloudera Manager
Moving and Resizing Charts on a Dashboard
Moving data from databases to Apache Hive
Moving data from HDFS to Apache Hive
Moving highly available NameNode, failover controller, and JournalNode roles using the Migrate Roles wizard
Moving Monitoring Data on an Active Cluster
Moving NameNode roles
Moving the Cloudera Manager Server to a New Host
Moving the Hue service to a different host
Moving the JournalNode edits directory for a role group using Cloudera Manager
Moving the JournalNode edits directory for a role instance using Cloudera Manager
Multi-server LDAP/AD autentication
Multilevel partitioning
MySQL: 1040, 'Too many connections' exception
NameNode architecture
NameNode Health Tests
NameNode Metrics
Navigator Audit Server Health Tests
Navigator Audit Server Metrics
Navigator Encrypt
Navigator Encrypt Access Control List
Navigator Encrypt Overview
Navigator Key HSM
Navigator Key Trustee Server
Navigator Luna KMS Metastore Health Tests
Navigator Luna KMS Metastore Metrics
Navigator Luna KMS Proxy Health Tests
Navigator Luna KMS Proxy Metrics
Navigator Metadata Server Health Tests
Navigator Metadata Server Metrics
Navigator Thales KMS Metastore Health Tests
Navigator Thales KMS Metastore Metrics
Navigator Thales KMS Proxy Health Tests
Navigator Thales KMS Proxy Metrics
NDV function
Near Real Time Indexing
Network and I/O threads
Network Interface Metrics
Network Latency and Replication
Networking and Security Requirements
Networking Considerations for Virtual Private Clusters
Networking parameters
New topic and consumer group discovery
Next steps
NFS Gateway Health Tests
NFS Gateway Metrics
NodeManager Health Tests
NodeManager Metrics
Non-covering range partitions
Notes about replication
NTP clock synchronization
NTP configuration best practices
Number-of-Regions Quotas
Number-of-Tables Quotas
Obtain and Deploy Keys and Certificates for TLS/SSL
Obtaining Time-Series Data Using the API
Off-heap BucketCache
OFFSET clause
Offsets Subcommand
On-demand Metadata
On-demand Metadata
On-premise to Cloud and Kafka Version Upgrade
Oozie configurations with CDP services
Oozie database configurations
Oozie Health Tests
Oozie High Availability
Oozie Metrics
Oozie Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Oozie scheduling examples
Oozie Server Health Tests
Oozie Server Metrics
Operating System Requirements
Operating system requirements
Operational Database
Operational Database
Operational Database
Optimize mountable HDFS
Optimizer hints
Optimizing data storage
Optimizing HBase I/O
Optimizing NameNode disk space with Hadoop archives
Optimizing performance
Optimizing performance for evaluating SQL predicates
Optimizing Performance for HDFS Transparent Encryption
Optimizing Performance in Cloudera Runtime
Optimizing queries using partition pruning
Optimizing S3A read performance for different file types
Options to determine differences between contents of snapshots
ORC vs Parquet in CDP
Orchestrating a rolling restart with no downtime
ORDER BY clause
Orphaned Snapshots
Other known issues
Other Tasks and Settings
Overriding Configuration Properties
Overriding custom keystore alias on a Ranger KMS Server
Overview of Apache HBase
Overview of Apache Phoenix
Overview of Hadoop archives
Overview of HDFS
Overview of Oozie
Overview of Parcels
Overview of Proxy Usage and Load Balancing for Search
Overview of the Ozone Manager in High Availability
Overview page
Overview Tab
Ozone architecture
Ozone configuration options to work with CDP components
Ozone DataNode Health Tests
Ozone DataNode Metrics
Ozone Manager Health Tests
Ozone Manager Metrics
Ozone Manager nodes in High Availability
Ozone Metrics
Ozone Prometheus Health Tests
Ozone Prometheus Metrics
Ozone Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Ozone Recon Health Tests
Ozone Recon Metrics
Packaging different versions of libraries with an Apache Spark application
PAM Authentication
Parameters to configure the Disk Balancer
Parcel Configuration Settings
Parcel Life Cycle
Parcel Locations
Partition a cluster using node labels
Partition pruning
Partition Pruning for Queries
Partitioning examples
Partitioning for Kudu Tables
Partitioning guidelines
Partitioning limitations
Partitioning tables
Partitions introduction
Passive Database Health Tests
Passive Database Metrics
Passive Key Trustee Server Health Tests
Passive Key Trustee Server Metrics
Pausing a Cluster in AWS
Perform a backup of the HDFS metadata
Perform a disk hot swap for DataNodes using Cloudera Manager
Perform ETL by ingesting data from Kafka into Hive
Perform hostname changes
Perform scans using HBase Shell
Perform the migration
Perform the recovery
Perform the removal
Performance and Scalability Limitations
Performance and storage considerations for Spark SQL DROP TABLE PURGE
Performance Best Practices
Performance Considerations
Performance considerations
Performance Considerations
Performance considerations for UDFs
Performance Impact of Encryption
Performance Management
Performance Trade Offs
Performance tuning
Performant .NET producer
Performing Maintenance on a Cluster Host
Periodic Stacks Collection
Periodically rebuild a materialized view
Phoenix Health Tests
Phoenix Metrics
Phoenix Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Phoenix-Spark connector usage examples
Physical backups of an entire node
Physical backups of an entire node
Pipelines page
Plan the data movement across disks
Planning for Apache Impala
Planning for Streams Replication Manager
Pluggable authentication modules in HiveServer
Populating an HBase Table
Ports Used by Cloudera Manager
Ports Used by Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server
Ports Used by Cloudera Runtime Components
Ports Used by DistCp
Ports Used by Impala
Ports Used by Third-Party Components
POST /admin/audit/ API
Post-migration verification
Pre-defined Access Policies for Schema Registry
Predicate push-down optimization
Preloaded resource-based services and policies
Prepare for hostname changes
Prepare for removal
Prepare for the migration
Prepare for the recovery
Prepare to back up the HDFS metadata
Preparing a New Cluster
Preparing for Encryption Using Cloudera Navigator Encrypt
Preparing the hardware resources for HDFS High Availability
Preparing the S3 Bucket
Preparing to Index Sample Tweets with Cloudera Search
Prerequisites and Assumptions
Prerequisites and exceptions for the example configuration
Prerequisites for configuring short-ciruit local reads
Prerequisites for configuring TLS/SSL for Oozie
Prerequisites for enabling erasure coding
Prerequisites for enabling HDFS HA using Cloudera Manager
Prerequisites for installing Docker
Prerequisites for setting up Atlas HA
Prerequisites to configure TLS/SSL for HBase
Presentation of Aggregate Data
Preventing inadvertent deletion of directories
Previewing tables using Data Preview
Primary key design
Primary key index
Privileged commands for Cloudera Manager installation
Problem area: Compose page
Problem area: Queries page
Problem area: Reports page
Process Management
Production Installation
Propagating classifications through lineage
Properties for configuring centralized caching
Properties for configuring short-circuit local reads on HDFS
Properties for configuring the Balancer
Properties to set the size of the NameNode edits directory
Protocol between consumer and broker
Proxy Cloudera Manager through Apache Knox
Pruning Old Data from S3Guard Tables
Purging deleted entities
PUT /admin/purge/ API
Putting all Hosts in an Upgrade Domain group into Maintenance Mode
Queries are not appearing on the Queries page
Query column is empty but you can see the DAG ID and Application ID
Query correlated data
Query Details
Query fails with "Counters limit exceeded" error message
Query Join Performance
Query live data from Kafka
Query options
Query results cache
Query Sample Data
Query Server Health Tests
Query Server Metrics
Query the information_schema database
Query vectorization
Querying a schema
Querying an existing Kudu table from Impala
Querying files into a DataFrame
Querying Kafka data
Querying metric data
Queue ACLs
Quick Start Deployment for a Streams Cluster
Quota enforcement
Quota violation policies
Rack awareness (Location awareness)
Raft consensus algorithm
Range partitioning
Range partitioning
Ranger access conditions
Ranger AD Integration
Ranger Admin Health Tests
Ranger Admin Metrics
Ranger client caching
Ranger console navigation
Ranger Health Tests
Ranger Hive-HDFS ACL Sync Overview
Ranger KMS Health Tests
Ranger KMS Metrics
Ranger KMS Server Health Tests
Ranger KMS Server Metrics
Ranger KMS Server with KTS Health Tests
Ranger KMS Server with KTS Metrics
Ranger KMS with Key Trustee Server Health Tests
Ranger KMS with Key Trustee Server Metrics
Ranger Metrics
Ranger Policies Overview
Ranger Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Ranger RMS Health Tests
Ranger RMS Metrics
Ranger RMS Server Health Tests
Ranger RMS Server Metrics
Ranger Security Zones
Ranger tag-based policies
Ranger Tagsync Health Tests
Ranger Tagsync Metrics
Ranger UI authentication
Ranger UI authorization
Ranger user management
Ranger Usersync
Ranger Usersync Health Tests
Ranger Usersync Metrics
Re-encrypting an EDEK
Re-encrypting Encrypted Data Encryption Keys (EDEKs)
Read access
Read and write operations
Read and write requests with Ozone Manager in High Availability
Read operations (scans)
Read replica properties
Read the Events
Reading data from HBase
Reading Hive ORC tables
Reading managed tables through HWC
Reads (scans)
REAL data type
Reassigning replicas between log directories
Reassignment examples
Rebalance after adding Kafka broker
Rebalance after demoting Kafka broker
Rebalance after removing Kafka broker
Rebalancing partitions
Rebalancing with Cruise Control
Rebuilding a Kudu filesystem layout
Recommendations for client development
Recommendations for managing Docker containers on YARN
Recommended configurations for the Balancer
Recommended configurations for the balancer
Recommended deployment architecture
Recommended settings for G1GC
Recommissioning Hosts
Recommissioning Role Instances
Record management
Record order and assignment
Record User Data Paths
Recover data from a snapshot
Recovering a Key Trustee Server
Recovering from a dead Kudu master in a multi-master deployment
Recovering from disk failure
Recovering from full disks
Redaction of Sensitive Information from Diagnostic Bundles
Redeploying the Oozie ShareLib
Redeploying the Oozie sharelib using Cloudera Manager
Reducing the Size of Data Structures
Refer to a table using dot notation
Reference architecture
Referencing Amazon S3 in URIs
Referencing S3 Credentials for YARN, MapReduce, or Spark Clients
Referencing S3 Data in Applications
Referer checking failed
Refining query search using filters
REFRESH statement
RegionServer Health Tests
RegionServer Metrics
Register the UDF
Registering a Lily HBase Indexer Configuration with the Lily HBase Indexer Service
Registering Cloudera Navigator Encrypt with Key Trustee Server
Reload, view, and filter functions
Remote Topics
Remove a DataNode
Remove a RegionServer from RegionServer grouping
Remove Cloudera Manager, User Data, and Databases
Remove custom service parameter from descriptor
Remove or add storage directories for NameNode data directories
Remove storage directories using Cloudera Manager
Removing a Chart from a Custom Dashboard
Removing a Filter
Removing a Host From a Cluster
Removing an Event Filter
Removing Kudu masters from a multi-master deployment
Removing scratch directories
Renaming a Cluster
Renaming a Service
Renew and Redistribute Certificates
Renewing a License
Reorder placement rules
Repair partitions manually using MSCK repair
Replace a disk on a DataNode host
Replace a ZooKeeper disk
Replace a ZooKeeper role on an unmanaged cluster
Replace a ZooKeeper role with ZooKeeper service downtime
Replace a ZooKeeper role without ZooKeeper service downtime
Replacing Key Trustee Server Certificates
Replicate pre-exist data in an active-active deployment
Replicating Data
Replicating Data to Impala Clusters
Replicating Directories with Thousands of Files and Subdirectories
Replicating from Unsecure to Secure Clusters
Replication across three or more clusters
Replication caveats
Replication Flows Overview
Replication Manager
Replication Manager Log Retention
Replication Manager Overview
Replication of encrypted data
Replication of Impala and Hive User Defined Functions (UDFs)
Replication of Parameters
Replication requirements
Replication with Sentry Enabled
Reporting Kudu crashes using breakpad
Reports Manager
Reports Manager Health Tests
Reports Manager Metrics
Repository Configuration Files
Request a timeline-consistent read
Required Databases
Requirements for Oozie High Availability
Reserved words
Resetting Configuration Properties to the Default Value
Resetting Hue user password
Resource allocation overview
Resource distribution workflow
Resource Management
Resource Management
Resource Planning for Data at Rest Encryption
Resource Scheduling and Management
Resource Tuning Example
Resource-based Services and Policies
ResourceManager Health Tests
ResourceManager Metrics
REST endpoints supported on Ozone S3 Gateway
Restarting a Cloudera Runtime Service
Restarting Services and Instances after Configuration Changes
Restarting the Cloudera Management Service
Restore a Solr Collection
Restore an HBase snapshot from Amazon S3
Restore an HBase snapshot from Amazon S3 with a new name
Restore data from a replica
Restore HDFS metadata from a backup using Cloudera Manager
Restore Key Trustee Server from ktbackup.sh backups
Restore Key Trustee Server in package-based installations
Restore Key Trustee Server in parcel-based installations
Restoring NameNode metadata
Restoring Navigator Key Trustee Server
Restoring Snapshots
Restoring tables from backups
Restoring the Cloudera Manager configuration
Restrict access to Kafka metadata in Zookeeper
Restricting Access to S3Guard Tables
Restricting classifications based on user permission
Restricting supported ciphers for Hue
Results Tab
Results Tab
Retrieving log directory replica assignment information
Retrieving metric data
Review Changes
REVOKE statement
Role Assignments
Role Groups
Role Instance Reference
Role Instances
Roll Over an Existing Key
Rolling Encryption Keys
Rolling Restart
Rotate Auto-TLS Certificate Authority and Host Certificates
Rotate the master key/secret
Row-level filtering and column masking in Hive
Row-level filtering in Hive with Ranger policies
RPC timeout traces
Run a Hive command
Run the Cloudera Manager Server Installer
Run the Cloudera Manager Server Installer
Run the Disk Balancer plan
Running a MapReduce Job
Running a query on a different Hive instance
Running a query on a different Hive instance
Running a Spark MLlib example
Running a tablet rebalancing tool in Cloudera Manager
Running a tablet rebalancing tool on a rack-aware cluster
Running an interactive session with the Livy API
Running Apache Spark Applications
Running Commands and SQL Statements in Impala Shell
Running Diagnostic Commands for Roles
Running Dockerized Applications on YARN
Running HBaseMapReduceIndexerTool
Running PySpark in a virtual environment
Running sample Spark applications
Running shell commands
Running Spark 3 Applications with CDS
Running Spark applications on secure clusters
Running Spark applications on YARN
Running Spark Python applications
Running tablet rebalancing tool
Running the balancer
Running the HBCK2 tool
Running the Host Inspector
Running the Prune Command Using Cloudera Manager Admin Console
Running the Prune Command Using the Cloudera Manager API
Running YARN Services
Running your first Spark application
Runtime Cluster Hosts and Role Assignments
Runtime environment for UDFs
Runtime error: Could not create thread: Resource temporarily unavailable (error 11)
Runtime Filtering
S3 Connector Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
S3 Gateway Health Tests
S3 Gateway Metrics
S3 Performance Checklist
S3A and Checksums (Advanced Feature)
S3Guard with Sqoop
S3Guard: Operational Issues
Safely Writing to S3 Through the S3A Committers
SAML properties
Sample Custom Alert Script
Sample pom.xml file for Spark Streaming with Kafka
Sample Python Code
SAN Certificates
Save a YARN service definition
Saving a Chart
Saving aliases
Saving Charts to a New Dashboard
Saving Charts to an Existing Dashboard
Saving Charts to Dashboards
Saving searches
Saving the search results
Scalability Considerations
Scaling Kudu
Scaling Limits and Guidelines
Scaling recommendations and limitations
Scaling storage on Kudu master and tablet servers in the cloud
Scheduler performance improvements
Scheduling among queues
Scheduling in Oozie using cron-like syntax
Scheduling queries
Schema alterations
Schema design limitations
Schema design limitations
Schema Entities
Schema objects
Schema Registry
Schema Registry
Schema Registry
Schema Registry Authorization through Ranger Access Policies
Schema Registry Component Architecture
Schema Registry Concepts
Schema Registry Health Tests
Schema Registry Metrics
Schema Registry Overview
Schema Registry Overview
Schema Registry Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Schema Registry Server Health Tests
Schema Registry Server Metrics
Schema Registry Use Cases
Schemaless Mode Overview and Best Practices
Script with HBase Shell
Search and other Runtime components
Search applications
Search Ranger reports
Search Tutorial
Searching by Topic Name
Searching Cluster Replications by Source
Searching for entities using Business Metadata attributes
Searching for entities using classifications
Searching for Properties
Searching metadata tags
Searching overview
Searching queries
Searching tables
Searching using terms
Searching with Metadata
Searching Within the File System
Secondary Sort
SecondaryNameNode Health Tests
SecondaryNameNode Metrics
Secure Configs with ZooKeeper ACLs and Ranger
Secure Hive Metastore
Secure HiveServer using LDAP
Secure Your Cluster
Securing Access to Hadoop Cluster: Apache Knox
Securing Apache Hive
Securing Apache Kafka
Securing Atlas
Securing Atlas
Securing Cloudera Search
Securing Cruise Control
Securing database connections with TLS/SSL
Securing DataNodes
Securing Hue
Securing Hue passwords with scripts
Securing Impala
Securing Kafka Connect
Securing Key Trustee Server Host
Securing Schema Registry
Securing sessions
Securing Streams Messaging Manager
Securing Streams Messaging Manager
Securing Streams Replication Manager
Securing the Key Management System (KMS)
Securing the S3A Committers
Security Considerations
Security considerations
Security considerations for UDFs
Security examples
Security examples
Security limitations
Security Management
Security Model and Operations on S3
Security overview
Security tokens in Ozone
Select Services
SELECT statement
Selecting a Point In Time or a Time Range
Selecting Columns to Show in the Activities List
Selecting Columns to Show in the Tasks List
Sending Diagnostic Data to Cloudera for YARN Applications
Sending Usage and Diagnostic Data to Cloudera
Sentry Health Tests
Sentry Metrics
Sentry Server Health Tests
Sentry Server Metrics
Sentry to Ranger Replication
Server and Client Configuration
Server management limitations
Server Metrics
Service Dependencies in Cloudera Manager
Service Monitor Health Tests
Service Monitor Metrics
Service Monitor Requirements
Service Summary
Services backed by PostgreSQL fail or stop responding
Set Application-Master resource-limit for a specific queue
Set consumer and producer properties as table properties
Set default Application Master resource limit
Set global application limits
Set global maximum application priority
Set HADOOP_CONF to the destination cluster
Set Maximum Application limit for a specific queue
Set Ordering policies within a specific queue
Set properties in Cloudera Manager
Set Proxy Server Authentication for Clusters Using Kerberos
Set quotas using Cloudera Manager
SET statement
Set Up a Cluster Using the Wizard
Set Up a Gateway Host to Restrict Access to the Cluster
Set up a JDBC URL connection override
Set up a PostgreSQL database
Set up a storage policy for HDFS
Set Up a Streaming Cluster
Set Up Access to Cloudera EDH (Microsoft Azure Marketplace)
Set up an Oracle database
Set up JDBCStorageHandler for Postgres
Set up MariaDB or MySQL database
Set up MirrorMaker in Cloudera Manager
Set Up Sqoop
Set up SSD storage using Cloudera Manager
Set up the cost-based optimizer and statistics
Set up the development environment
Set up WebHDFS on a secure cluster
Set user limits within a queue
Setting an Advanced Configuration Snippet for a Cloudera Runtime Service
Setting an Advanced Configuration Snippet for a Cluster
Setting HDFS quotas
Setting Java System Properties for Solr
Setting Lucene Version
Setting Oozie permissions
Setting Python path variables for Livy
Setting Quotas
Setting SELinux Mode
Setting the cache timeout
Setting the Idle Query and Idle Session Timeouts
Setting the Oozie database timezone
Setting the trash interval
Setting the vm.swappiness Linux Kernel Parameter
Setting Timeout and Retries for Thrift Connections to Backend Client
Setting Timeouts in Impala
Setting Up a Web Server
Setting Up a Web Server
Setting up Atlas High Availability
Setting up Atlas Kafka import tool
Setting up Data Cache for Remote Reads
Setting up Data Cache for Remote Reads
Setting Up HDFS Caching
Setting Up Key Trustee Server High Availability
Setting up o3fs
Setting up the backend Hive metastore database
Setting up the HortonworksSchemaRegistry Controller Service
Setting up the metastore database
Setting user limits for HBase
Setting user limits for Kafka
Settings to avoid data loss
Setup Database
Shell commands
Shiro Settings: Reference
shiro.ini Example
Show materialized views
SHOW statement
Showing Atlas Server status
SHUTDOWN statement
Shutting Down and Starting Up the Cluster
Simple .NET consumer
Simple .NET producer
Simple Java consumer
Simple Java producer
Single tablet write operations
Size the BlockCache
Sizing estimation based on network and disk message throughput
Sizing NameNode heap memory
Slow name resolution and nscd
SMALLINT data type
Snapshot failures
Snapshots History
Software Distribution Management
Solr and HDFS - the Block Cache
Solr Health Tests
Solr Metrics
Solr Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Solr Replica Metrics
Solr Server Health Tests
Solr Server Metrics
Solr Server Tuning Categories
Solr Shard Metrics
solrctl Reference
Solutions to Common Problems
Sorting the Activities List
Sorting the Tasks List
Source Data
Space quotas
Spark actions that produce Atlas entities
Spark application model
Spark audit entries
Spark cluster execution overview
Spark Direct Reader mode
Spark entities created in Apache Atlas
Spark entity metadata migration
Spark execution model
Spark Health Tests
Spark Indexing
Spark integration best practices
Spark integration known issues and limitations
Spark integration limitations
Spark Job ACLs
Spark lineage
Spark metadata collection
Spark Metrics
Spark on YARN deployment modes
Spark Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Spark relationships
Spark security
Spark SQL example
Spark Streaming and Dynamic Allocation
Spark Streaming Example
Spark troubleshooting
Spark tuning
spark-submit command options
Specify the JDBC connection string
Specify truststore properties
Specifying domains or pages to which Hue can redirect users
Specifying HTTP request methods
Specifying Impala Credentials to Access S3
Specifying Racks for Hosts
Specifying racks for hosts
Specifying the Diagnostic Data Directory
Specifying TLS/SSL Minimum Allowed Version and Ciphers
Speeding up Job Commits by Increasing the Number of Threads
Spooling Query Results
SQL migration
SQL statements
SQLContext and HiveContext
Sqoop 2 Health Tests
Sqoop 2 Metrics
Sqoop 2 Server Health Tests
Sqoop 2 Server Metrics
Sqoop Hive import stops when HS2 does not use Kerberos authentication
Sqoop Import into ADLS
Sqoop Import into Amazon S3
Sqoop Metrics
Sqoop Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
SRM Command Line Tools
SRM Driver Health Tests
SRM Driver Metrics
SRM security example for a cluster environment managed by a single Cloudera Manager instance
SRM security example for a cluster environment managed by multiple Cloudera Manager instances
SRM Service Health Tests
SRM Service Metrics
srm-control Options Reference
SSE-C: Server-Side Encryption with Customer-Provided Encryption Keys
SSE-KMS: Amazon S3-KMS Managed Encryption Keys
SSE-S3: Amazon S3-Managed Encryption Keys
Stale Configurations
Start and stop queues
Start and stop the NFS Gateway services
Start compaction manually
Start HBase
Start Hive on an insecure cluster
Start Hive using a password
Starting a Cloudera Runtime Service on All Hosts
Starting All the Roles on a Host
Starting and Stopping Cloudera Management Service Roles
Starting and stopping HBase using Cloudera Manager
Starting and stopping Kudu processes
Starting Apache Hive
Starting the Cloudera Management Service
Starting the Embedded PostgreSQL Database
Starting the Lily HBase NRT Indexer Service
Starting the Oozie server
Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Cloudera Manager Agents
Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Role Instances
Starting, Stopping, and Restarting the Cloudera Manager Server
Starting, Stopping, Refreshing, and Restarting a Cluster
State Management
Stateless Mode and High Availability
Static Service Pools
Statistics generation and viewing commands
Status Summary
Status Summary
Step 11: Inspect Cluster
Step 1: Configure a Repository for Cloudera Manager
Step 1: Generate keys and certificates for Kafka brokers
Step 1: Identify Roles that Use the Embedded Database Server
Step 1: Install Cloudera Manager and CDP
Step 1: Welcome (Add Cluster - Installation)
Step 1: Welcome (Add Cluster - Installation)
Step 1: Worker host configuration
Step 2: Cluster Basics
Step 2: Cluster Basics
Step 2: Create your own certificate authority
Step 2: Install Java Development Kit
Step 2: Install JCE policy files for AES-256 encryption
Step 2: Migrate Databases from the Embedded Database Server to the External PostgreSQL Database Server
Step 2: Worker host planning
Step 3: Cluster size
Step 3: Create the Kerberos Principal for Cloudera Manager Server
Step 3: Install Cloudera Manager Server
Step 3: Setup Auto-TLS
Step 3: Setup Auto-TLS
Step 3: Sign the certificate
Step 4. Install and Configure Databases
Step 4: Configure Kafka brokers
Step 4: Enable Kerberos using the wizard
Step 4: Specify Hosts
Step 4: Specify Hosts
Step 5: Configure Kafka clients
Step 5: Create the HDFS superuser
Step 5: Select Repository
Step 5: Select Repository
Step 5: Set up and configure the Cloudera Manager database
Step 6: Get or create a Kerberos principal for each user account
Step 6: Install Parcels
Step 6: Install Runtime and Other Software
Step 6: Select JDK
Step 6: Verify container settings on cluster
Step 6A: Cluster container capacity
Step 6B: Container sanity checking
Step 7: Enter Login Credentials
Step 7: MapReduce configuration
Step 7: Prepare the cluster for each user
Step 7: Set Up a Cluster Using the Wizard
Step 7A: MapReduce sanity checking
Step 8: Inspect Cluster
Step 8: Install Agents
Step 8: Verify that Kerberos security is working
Step 9: (Optional) Enable authentication for HTTP web consoles for Hadoop roles
Step 9: Install Parcels
Steps 4 and 5: Verify settings
Stop all Services
Stop HBase
Stop replication in an emergency
Stopping a Cloudera Runtime Service on All Hosts
Stopping All the Roles on a Host
Stopping Impala
Stopping the Cloudera Management Service
Stopping the Embedded PostgreSQL Database
Stopping the Oozie server
Storage Container Manager Health Tests
Storage Container Manager Metrics
Storage group classification
Storage group pairing
Storage Space Planning for Cloudera Manager
Storage Systems Supports
Store HBase snapshots on Amazon S3
Storing Data Using Ozone
Storing medium objects (MOBs)
Streams Messaging
Streams Messaging
Streams Messaging
Streams Messaging Manager
Streams Messaging Manager
Streams Messaging Manager
Streams Messaging Manager Health Tests
Streams Messaging Manager Metrics
Streams Messaging Manager Overview
Streams Messaging Manager Overview
Streams Messaging Manager Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Streams Messaging Manager Rest Admin Server Health Tests
Streams Messaging Manager Rest Admin Server Metrics
Streams Messaging Manager UI Server Health Tests
Streams Messaging Manager UI Server Metrics
Streams Replication Manager
Streams Replication Manager
Streams Replication Manager
Streams Replication Manager Architecture
Streams Replication Manager Driver
Streams Replication Manager Health Tests
Streams Replication Manager Metrics
Streams Replication Manager Overview
Streams Replication Manager Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Streams Replication Manager Reference
Streams Replication Manager requirements
Streams Replication Manager Service
STRING data type
String functions
STRUCT complex type
Submit a Python app
Submit a Scala or Java application
Submitting batch applications using the Livy API
Submitting Spark applications
Submitting Spark Applications to YARN
Submitting Spark applications using Livy
Subqueries in Impala SELECT statements
Subquery restrictions
Subscribing to a topic
SUM function
Support matrix for Replication Manager on CDP Private Cloud Base
Supported special characters
Suppressing a Configuration Validation in Cloudera Manager
Suppressing a Health Test
Suppressing Configuration and Parameter Validation Warnings
Suppressing Configuration Validations Before They Trigger Warnings
Suppressing Health Test Results
Switching from CMS to G1GC
Symbolizing stack traces
Synchronize table data using HashTable/SyncTable tool
Synchronizing the contents of JournalNodes
Syntax for scm_prepare_database.sh
SYSTEM Category
System Level Broker Tuning
System metadata migration
System Requirements for POC Streams Cluster
Table and Column Statistics
Tablet history garbage collection and the ancient history mark
Tablet server
Tablet Server Health Tests
Tablet Server Metrics
Tag-based Services and Policies
Tags and policy evaluation
Take a snapshot using a shell script
Take HBase snapshots
Taking and Deleting HDFS Snapshots
Task architecture and load-balancing
Task Attempts
TaskController Error Codes (MRv1)
TaskTracker Health Tests
TaskTracker Hosts
TaskTracker Metrics
Telemetry Publisher Health Tests
Telemetry Publisher Metrics
Test MOB storage and retrieval performance
Testing the Installation
Testing the LDAP configuration
Testing with Hue
Tez Metrics
Tez Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
The Actions Menu
The Cloud Storage Connectors
The File Browser
The HDFS mover command
The perfect schema
The Processes Tab
The S3A Committers and Third-Party Object Stores
The Task Distribution Chart
Thread Tuning for S3A Data Upload
Thrift Server crashes after receiving invalid data
Throttle quota examples
Throttle quotas
Time Line
Time Series Attributes
Time Series Entities and their Attributes
Time Series Table Metrics
Timeline consistency
TIMESTAMP compatibility for Parquet files
TIMESTAMP data type
TINYINT data type
Tips and Best Practices for Jobs
TLS/SSL Issues
Tombstoned or STOPPED tablet replicas
Tool usage
Top-down process for adding a new metadata source
Topics and Groups Subcommand
Tracer Health Tests
Tracer Metrics
Tracking an Apache Hive query in YARN
Tracking Hive on Tez query execution
Transactional table access
Transitioning Navigator content to Atlas
Transparent Encryption Recommendations for HBase
Transparent Encryption Recommendations for Hive
Transparent Encryption Recommendations for Hue
Transparent Encryption Recommendations for Impala
Transparent Encryption Recommendations for MapReduce and YARN
Transparent Encryption Recommendations for Search
Transparent Encryption Recommendations for Spark
Transparent Encryption Recommendations for Sqoop
Trash behavior with HDFS Transparent Encryption enabled
Trial Installation
Troubleshoot RegionServer grouping
Troubleshooting Apache Hadoop YARN
Troubleshooting Apache HBase
Troubleshooting Apache Hive
Troubleshooting Apache Impala
Troubleshooting Apache Kudu
Troubleshooting Apache Kudu
Troubleshooting Apache Sqoop
Troubleshooting Cloudera Search
Troubleshooting Cluster Configuration and Operation
Troubleshooting Data Analytics Studio
Troubleshooting Docker on YARN
Troubleshooting HBase
Troubleshooting Hue
Troubleshooting Impala
Troubleshooting Installation Problems
Troubleshooting Linux Container Executor
Troubleshooting NTP stability problems
Troubleshooting on YARN
Troubleshooting performance issues
Troubleshooting Performance of Decommissioning
Troubleshooting replication failure in the DAS Event Processor
Troubleshooting S3 and S3Guard
Troubleshooting SAML authentication
Troubleshooting Security Issues
Troubleshooting Security Issues
Troubleshooting the S3A Committers
Trusted users
tsquery Language
tsquery Syntax
Tuning and Troubleshooting Host Decommissioning
Tuning Apache Hadoop YARN
Tuning Apache Kafka Performance
Tuning Apache Spark
Tuning Apache Spark Applications
Tuning Cloudera Search
Tuning Garbage Collection
Tuning HBase Prior to Decommissioning DataNodes
Tuning HDFS Prior to Decommissioning DataNodes
Tuning Hue
Tuning Impala
Tuning JVM Garbage Collection
Tuning Replication
Tuning Resource Allocation
Tuning S3A Uploads
Tuning Spark Shuffle Operations
Tuning the metastore
Tuning the Number of Partitions
Turning safe mode on HA NameNodes
UDF concepts
UI Tools
Unable to access Hue from Knox Gateway UI
Unable to authenticate users in Hue using SAML
Unable to connect Oracle database to Hue using SCAN
Unable to connect to database with provided credential
Unable to start DAS
Unable to terminate Hive queries from Job Browser
Unable to view new databases and tables, or unable to see changes to the existing databases or tables
Unable to view or create Oozie workflows
Unable to view Snappy-compressed files
Under AutoTLS secure a HiveServer JDBC/ODBC endpoint
Understanding --go-live and HDFS ACLs
Understanding Apache Phoenix-Hive connector
Understanding Apache Phoenix-Spark connector
Understanding erasure coding policies
Understanding HBase garbage collection
Understanding Hue users and groups
Understanding Keystores and Truststores
Understanding NiFi Record Based Processing
Understanding Package Management
Understanding Performance using EXPLAIN Plan
Understanding Performance using Query Profile
Understanding Performance using SUMMARY Report
Understanding Replication Flows
Understanding the extractHBaseCells Morphline Command
Understanding the extractHBaseCells Morphline Command
Understanding the kafka-run-class Bash Script
Understanding YARN architecture
Uninstall Cloudera Manager Agent and Managed Software
Uninstall the Cloudera Manager Server
Uninstalling a Runtime Component From a Single Host
Uninstalling Cloudera Manager and Managed Software
Unlock Kafka metadata in Zookeeper
Unsupported Apache Spark Features
Unsupported command line tools
Unsupported Interfaces and Features
Unsuppressing Health Tests
Update data in a table
UPDATE statement
Updating a Notifier
Updating a row
Updating an Alert Policy
Updating in bulk
Updating the Schema in a Solr Collection
Upgrading from a CDP Private Cloud Base Trial to CDP Private Cloud Base
Uploading tables
Upsert option in Kudu Spark
UPSERT statement
Upserting a row
URL schema for Ozone S3 Gateway
URL to browse Ozone buckets
Usability issues
Use a CTE in a query
Use a custom MapReduce job
Use a subquery
Use BulkLoad
Use Case 1: Registering and Querying a Schema for a Kafka Topic
Use case 1: Use Cloudera Manager to generate internal CA and corresponding certificates
Use case 2: Enabling Auto-TLS with an intermediate CA signed by an existing Root CA
Use Case 2: Reading/Deserializing and Writing/Serializing Data from and to a Kafka Topic
Use Case 3: Dataflow Management with Schema-based Routing
Use case 3: Enabling Auto-TLS with Existing Certificates
Use Case Architectures
Use cases
Use cases for ACLs on HDFS
Use cases for BulkLoad
Use cases for centralized cache management
Use cases for HBase
Use Cgroups
Use cluster replication
Use CopyTable
Use CPU scheduling
Use CPU scheduling with distributed shell
Use curl to access a URL protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO
Use Custom JAR Files with Cloudera Search
Use FPGA scheduling
Use FPGA with distributed shell
Use GPU scheduling
Use GPU scheduling with distributed shell
Use GZipCodec with a one-time job
Use HashTable and SyncTable Tool
Use HWC for streaming
Use materialized view optimations from a subquery
Use multiple ZooKeeper services
Use node labels
Use rsync to copy files from one broker to another
Use Self-Signed Certificates for TLS
Use snapshots
Use Spark
Use Sqoop
USE statement
Use the Apache Thrift Proxy API
Use the Cluster Utilization Report to manage resources
Use the HBase APIs for Java
Use the HBase command-line utilities
Use the HBase REST server
Use the HBase shell
Use the Hue HBase app
Use the JDBC interpreter to access Hive
Use the JDBC interpreter to access Phoenix
Use the Livy interpreter to access Spark
Use the Network Time Protocol (NTP) with HBase
Use the YARN CLI to View Logs for Applications
Use the YARN REST APIs to manage applications
Use the yarn rmadmin tool to administer ResourceManager high availability
Use wildcards with SHOW DATABASES
User Account Requirements
User authentication in Hue
User Management
User management in Hue
User Metrics
User-defined functions (UDFs)
Using --go-live with SSL or Kerberos
Using a Credential Provider to Secure S3 Credentials
Using a credential provider to secure S3 credentials
Using a custom Kerberos keytab retrieval script
Using a Local Parcel Repository
Using advanced search
Using an Internally Hosted Remote Parcel Repository
Using Apache HBase Backup and Disaster Recovery
Using Apache Hive
Using Apache Impala with Apache Kudu
Using Apache Impala with Apache Kudu
Using Apache Phoenix to Store and Access Data
Using Apache Zeppelin
Using Atlas-Hive import utility with Ozone entities
Using auth-to-local rules to isolate cluster users
Using Avro Data Files
Using Basic Search
Using Breakpad Minidumps for Crash Reporting
Using chrony for time synchronization
Using CLI commands to create and list ACLs
Using Cloudera Manager to manage HDFS HA
Using cluster names in the kudu command line tool
Using common table expressions
Using Configuration Properties to Authenticate
Using constraints
Using Context-Sensitive Variables in Charts
Using custom libraries with Spark
Using Data Analytics Studio
Using dfs.datanode.max.transfer.threads with HBase
Using DistCp
Using DistCp between HA clusters using Cloudera Manager
Using DistCp to copy files
Using DistCp with Amazon S3
Using DistCp with Highly Available remote clusters
Using DNS with HBase
Using EC2 Instance Metadata to Authenticate
Using Environment Variables to Authenticate
Using erasure coding for existing data
Using erasure coding for new data
Using Fast Upload with Amazon S3
Using Free-text Search
Using functions
Using governance-based data discovery
Using HBase blocksize
Using HBase coprocessors
Using HBase replication
Using HBase scanner heartbeat
Using HDFS snapshots for data protection
Using HdfsFindTool to find files
Using hedged reads
Using Hive Warehouse Connector with Oozie Spark action
Using HttpFS to provide access to HDFS
Using Hue
Using Hue
Using Impala to query Kudu tables
Using import utility tools with Atlas
Using JdbcStorageHandler to query RDBMS
Using JdbcStorageHandler to query RDBMS
Using JMX for accessing HDFS metrics
Using Kafka Connect
Using Kafka's inter-broker security
Using Livy with interactive notebooks
Using Livy with Spark
Using Load Balancer with HttpFS
Using MapReduce Batch Indexing to Index Sample Tweets
Using materialized views
Using metadata for cluster governance
Using metadata for cluster governance
Using non-JDBC drivers
Using ORC Data Files
Using Ozone S3 Gateway to work with storage elements
Using Parquet Data Files
Using Per-Bucket Credentials to Authenticate
Using PySpark
Using quota management
Using rack awareness for read replicas
Using Ranger to Provide Authorization in CDP
Using Ranger to Provide Authorization in CDP
Using Ranger with Ozone
Using RCFile Data Files
Using Record-Enabled Processors
Using RegionServer grouping
Using S3Guard for Consistent S3 Metadata
Using Schema Registry
Using Search filters
Using SequenceFile Data Files
Using Snapshots with Replication
Using solrctl with an HTTP proxy
Using Spark Hive Warehouse and HBase Connector Client .jar files with Livy
Using Spark MLlib
Using Spark SQL
Using Spark Streaming
Using Spark with a secure Kudu cluster
Using Sqoop actions with Oozie
Using Streams Replication Manager
Using tag attributes and values in Ranger tag-based policy conditions
Using Tags in Cloudera Manager
Using Text Data Files
Using the CDS 3 Maven Repo
Using the Charts Library with the Kudu service
Using the Cloudera Manager API
Using the Cloudera Manager API for Cluster Automation
Using the Cloudera Manager API to backup and restore clusters
Using the Cloudera Manager API to Manage and Configure Clusters
Using the Cloudera Manager API to Obtain Configuration Files
Using the Cloudera Manager API to Set Advanced Configuration Snippets (Safety Valves)
Using the Cloudera Runtime Maven Repository
Using the Database Explorer
Using the Directory Committer in MapReduce
Using the Directory Usage Report
Using the HBase-Spark connector
Using the HBCK2 tool to remediate HBase clusters
Using the Indexer HTTP Interface
Using the Lily HBase NRT Indexer Service
Using the Livy API to run Spark jobs
Using the NFS Gateway for accessing HDFS
Using the Note Toolbar
Using the Ranger Console
Using the Ranger Key Management Service
Using the REST API
Using the REST proxy API
Using the S3Guard CLI
Using the S3Guard Command to List and Delete Uploads
Using the Spark DataFrame API
Using Unique Filenames to Avoid File Update Inconsistency
Using YARN Web UI and CLI
Using Zeppelin Interpreters
UTF-8 codec error
Validating Hadoop Key Operations
Validating Key HSM Settings
Validating the Cloudera Search Deployment
Validation of Configuration Properties
VALUES statement
VARCHAR data type
Varchar type
Variations on Put
Verify that replication works
Verify the ZooKeeper authentication
Verify validity of the NFS services
Verifying Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee Server Operations
Verifying if a memory limit is sufficient
Verifying That an S3A Committer Was Used
Verifying that Indexing Works
Verifying that S3Guard is Enabled on a Bucket
Verifying the Impala dependency on Kudu
Version and Download Information
View All Applications
View and Modify Cloudera Search Configuration
View and Modify Log Levels for Cloudera Search and Related Services
View application details
View audit details
View Cluster Overview
View compaction progress
View Existing Solr Collections
View Nodes and Node Details
View query details
View Queues and Queue Details
View Ranger reports
View transaction locks
View transactions
Viewing a Job's Task Attempts
Viewing a List of All Suppressed Validations
Viewing a List of Suppressed Health Tests
Viewing Activity Details in a Report Format
Viewing All Hosts
Viewing and Debugging Spark Applications Using Logs
Viewing and Downloading Stacks Logs
Viewing and Editing Host Overrides
Viewing and Editing Overridden Configuration Properties
Viewing and Reverting Configuration Changes
Viewing Audit Events
Viewing Charts for Cluster, Service, Role, and Host Instances
Viewing Cloudera Manager Agent Logs in the Logs Page
Viewing Cloudera Manager Server Logs in the Logs Page
Viewing Current Disk Usage by User, Group, or Directory
Viewing detailed information
Viewing Events
Viewing Health Test Results
Viewing Historical Disk Usage by User, Group, or Directory
Viewing Host and Service Monitor Data Storage
Viewing Host Details
Viewing Host Role Assignments
Viewing Host Status
Viewing Individual Hosts
Viewing Jobs
Viewing lineage
Viewing Logs
Viewing Parcel Usage
Viewing Past Host Inspector Results
Viewing Past Status
Viewing Past Status
Viewing Queries
Viewing racks assigned to cluster hosts
Viewing Replication Details
Viewing Replication History
Viewing Replication Policies
Viewing Role Instance Status
Viewing Running and Recent Commands
Viewing Running and Recent Commands For a Cluster
Viewing Running and Recent Commands for a Service or Role
Viewing Service Instance Details
Viewing Service Status
Viewing storage information
Viewing table and column statistics
Viewing the API documentation
Viewing the Cloudera Manager Agent Log
Viewing the Cloudera Manager Agent Logs
Viewing the Cloudera Manager Server Log
Viewing the Cloudera Manager Server Log
Viewing the DAG counters
Viewing the DAG flow
Viewing the Disks Overview
Viewing the Distribution of Task Attempts
Viewing the Health and Status of a Role Instance
Viewing the Hive configurations for a query
Viewing the Hosts in a Cluster
Viewing the Jobs in a Pig, Oozie, or Hive Activity
Viewing the Join report
Viewing the Maintenance Mode Status of a Cluster
Viewing the Maintenance Mode Status of a Cluster
Viewing the query details
Viewing the query recommendations
Viewing the query timeline
Viewing the Read and Write report
Viewing the Status of a Service Instance
Viewing the task-level DAG information
Viewing the Tez configurations for a query
Viewing the URLs of the Client Configuration Files
Viewing the visual explain for a query
Virtual machine options for HBase Shell
Virtual memory handling
Virtual Private Clusters and Cloudera SDX
Visualizing Spark Applications Using the Web Application UI
Volume and bucket management using ofs
Volume for buckets created using Ozone S3 Gateway
Web UI encryption
Web UI redaction
Web User Interface for Debugging
WebHCat Server Health Tests
WebHCat Server Metrics
What Is Cloudera Search
What's New
What's New in Cloudera Manager 7.1.4
When Shuffles Do Not Occur
When to Add a Shuffle Transformation
When to use Atlas classifications for access control
Why HDFS data becomes unbalanced
Why one scheduler?
Wildcards and variables in resource-based policies
WITH clause
Work Preserving Recovery for YARN components
Working with Amazon S3
Working with Apache Hive Metastore
Working with Atlas classifications and labels
Working with Classifications and Labels
Working with Google Cloud Storage
Working with ofs
Working with Ozone ACLs
Working with Ozone File System (o3fs)
Working with S3 buckets in the same AWS region
Working with the Oozie server
Working with the Recon web user interface
Working with Third-party S3-compatible Object Stores
Working with versioned S3 buckets
Working with Zeppelin Notes
Write a few Events into the Topic
Write transformed Hive data to Kafka
Write-ahead log garbage collection
Writing data to HBase
Writing data to Kafka
Writing managed tables through HWC
Writing to multiple tablets
Writing UDFs
Writing user-defined aggregate functions (UDAFs)
YARN ACL rules
YARN ACL syntax
YARN ACL types
YARN Configuration Properties
YARN Features
YARN Health Tests
YARN Log Aggregation Overview
YARN Metrics
YARN Pool Metrics
YARN Pool User Metrics
YARN Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
YARN Queue Manager Metrics
YARN Queue Manager Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
YARN Queue Manager Store Health Tests
YARN Queue Manager Store Metrics
YARN Queue Manager Webapp Health Tests
YARN Queue Manager Webapp Metrics
YARN resource allocation of multiple resource-types
YARN ResourceManager High Availability
YARN ResourceManager high availability architecture
YARN services API examples
YARN tuning overview
YARN, MRv1, and Linux OS Security
Zeppelin Health Tests
Zeppelin Metrics
Zeppelin Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
Zeppelin Server Health Tests
Zeppelin Server Metrics
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices: Atlas
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices: HBase
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices: HDFS
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices: Kafka
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices: Oozie
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices: Ranger
ZooKeeper ACLs best practices: Search
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices: YARN
ZooKeeper ACLs Best Practices: ZooKeeper
ZooKeeper Authentication
ZooKeeper Health Tests
ZooKeeper Metrics
ZooKeeper Properties in Cloudera Runtime 7.1
ZooKeeper Server Health Tests
Filter topics
Setting Quotas
Accessing the Cloudera Manager Admin Console
Monitoring and Diagnostics
Time Line
Selecting a Point In Time or a Time Range
Health Tests
Viewing Health Test Results
Suppressing Health Test Results
Suppressing a Health Test
Configuring Suppression of Health Tests Before Tests Run
Viewing a List of Suppressed Health Tests
Unsuppressing Health Tests
Viewing Charts for Cluster, Service, Role, and Host Instances
Exporting Data from Charts
Adding and Removing Charts from a Dashboard
Creating Triggers from Charts
Configuring Monitoring Settings
Configuring Health Monitoring
Configuring Service Monitoring
Configuring Host Monitoring
Configuring Directory Monitoring
Configuring YARN Application Monitoring
Configuring Impala Query Monitoring
Configuring Impala Query Data Store Maximum Size
Enabling Configuration Change Alerts
Filtering Metrics
Configuring Log Events
Configuring Logs
Configuring Logging Thresholds
Configuring Log Directories
Enabling and Disabling Log Event Capture
Configuring Which Log Messages Become Events
Configuring Log Alerts
Monitoring Clusters
Cluster Utilization Report overview
Enable the Cluster Utilization Report
Configure the Cluster Utilization Report
Use the Cluster Utilization Report to manage resources
Overview Tab
Impala Tab
Download the Cluster Utilization Report
Creating a Custom Cluster Utilization Report
Metrics and queries
Impala query counter metrics
Calculations for reports
Retrieving metric data
Querying metric data
Inspecting Network Performance
Monitoring Services
Monitoring Service Status
Viewing the URLs of the Client Configuration Files
Viewing the Status of a Service Instance
Viewing the Health and Status of a Role Instance
Viewing the Maintenance Mode Status of a Cluster
Viewing Service Status
Viewing Past Status
Status Summary
Service Summary
Health Tests and Health History
Viewing Service Instance Details
Role Instance Reference
Viewing Role Instance Status
The Actions Menu
Viewing Past Status
Health Tests and Health History
Status Summary
The Processes Tab
Running Diagnostic Commands for Roles
Periodic Stacks Collection
Configuring Periodic Stacks Collection
Viewing and Downloading Stacks Logs
Viewing Running and Recent Commands
Viewing Running and Recent Commands For a Cluster
Viewing Running and Recent Commands for a Service or Role
Command Details
Monitoring Hosts
Viewing All Hosts
Role Assignments
Viewing the Disks Overview
Viewing the Hosts in a Cluster
Viewing Individual Hosts
Host Details
Viewing Host Details
Charts Library
Host Inspector
Running the Host Inspector
Viewing Past Host Inspector Results
Monitoring Activities
Selecting Columns to Show in the Activities List
Sorting the Activities List
Filtering the Activities List
Activity Charts
Viewing the Jobs in a Pig, Oozie, or Hive Activity
Task Attempts
Viewing a Job's Task Attempts
Selecting Columns to Show in the Tasks List
Sorting the Tasks List
Filtering the Tasks List
Viewing Activity Details in a Report Format
Comparing Similar Activities
Viewing the Distribution of Task Attempts
The Task Distribution Chart
TaskTracker Hosts
Monitoring Impala Queries
Viewing Queries
Configuring Impala Query Monitoring
Impala Best Practices
Results Tab
Filtering Queries
Filter Expressions
Filter Attributes
Choosing and Running a Filter
Query Details
Monitoring YARN Applications
Viewing Jobs
Configuring YARN Application Monitoring
Results Tab
Filtering Jobs
Filter Expressions
Choosing and Running a Filter
Filter Attributes
Sending Diagnostic Data to Cloudera for YARN Applications
Monitoring Spark Applications
Viewing and Debugging Spark Applications Using Logs
Managing Spark Driver Logs
Visualizing Spark Applications Using the Web Application UI
Accessing the Web UI of a Running Spark Application
Accessing the Web UI of a Completed Spark Application
Viewing Events
Filtering Events
Adding an Event Filter
Removing an Event Filter
Managing Alerts
Configuring Alert Email Delivery
Configuring Alert SNMP Delivery
Configuring Custom Alert Scripts
Sample Custom Alert Script
Enabling Configuration Change Alerts
Enabling HBase Alerts
Enabling Health Alerts
Modifying the Health Threshold
Configuring Alerts Transitioning Out of Alerting Health Threshold
Configuring Log Alerts
Configuring Alert Delivery
Creating a Trigger Using the Expression Editor
Editing, Deleting, Suppressing, or Deleting a Trigger
Cloudera Manager Trigger Use Cases
Creating a Trigger for Memory Capacity
Creating a Trigger for CPU Capacity
Lifecycle and Security Auditing
Viewing Audit Events
Filtering Audit Events
Adding a Filter
Removing a Filter
Downloading Audit Events
Charting Time-Series Data
Building a Chart with Time-Series Data
Configuring Time-Series Query Results
Using Context-Sensitive Variables in Charts
Chart Properties
Changing the Chart Type
Grouping (Faceting) Time Series
Displaying Chart Details
Editing a Chart
Saving a Chart
Obtaining Time-Series Data Using the API
Dashboard Types
Creating a Dashboard
Managing Dashboards
Configuring Dashboards
Saving Charts to Dashboards
Saving Charts to a New Dashboard
Saving Charts to an Existing Dashboard
Adding a New Chart to the Custom Dashboard
Removing a Chart from a Custom Dashboard
Moving and Resizing Charts on a Dashboard
tsquery Language
tsquery Syntax
Metric Expressions
Metric Expression Functions
Discovering possible predicates
Filtering by Day of Week or Hour of Day
Time Series Attributes
Time Series Entities and their Attributes
Metric Aggregation
Presentation of Aggregate Data
Accessing Aggregate Statistics Through tsquery
Filtering Metrics
Viewing Logs
Logs List
Filtering Logs
Log Details
Viewing the Cloudera Manager Server Log
Viewing Cloudera Manager Server Logs in the Logs Page
Viewing the Cloudera Manager Server Log
Viewing the Cloudera Manager Agent Logs
Viewing Cloudera Manager Agent Logs in the Logs Page
Viewing the Cloudera Manager Agent Log
Managing Disk Space for Log Files
Directory Usage Report
Accessing the Directory Usage Report
Using the Directory Usage Report
Disk Usage Reports
Disk Usage Reports
Viewing Current Disk Usage by User, Group, or Directory
Viewing Historical Disk Usage by User, Group, or Directory
Downloading Reports as CSV and XLS Files
Activity, Application, and Query Reports
The File Browser
Searching Within the File System
Enabling Snapshots
Setting Quotas
Designating Directories to Include in Disk Usage Reports
Downloading HDFS Directory Access Permission Reports
Sending Usage and Diagnostic Data to Cloudera
Configuring a Proxy Server
Managing Anonymous Usage Data Collection
Diagnostic Data Collection
Configuring the Frequency of Diagnostic Data Collection
Specifying the Diagnostic Data Directory
Redaction of Sensitive Information from Diagnostic Bundles
Disabling the Automatic Sending of Diagnostic Data from a Manually Triggered Collection
Manually Triggering Collection and Transfer of Diagnostic Data to Cloudera
Troubleshooting Cluster Configuration and Operation
Solutions to Common Problems
Logs and Events
Monitoring and Diagnostics
Setting Quotas
To set quotas for an HDFS directory and its contents, see
Setting HDFS Quotas
Parent topic:
The File Browser