Fixed Issues In Cloudera Runtime
You can review the list of reported issues and their fixes in Cloudera Runtime
The following issue is resolved:
- TSB 2024-650: Arbitrary file deletion vulnerability in Apache Zeppelin
The following issue is resolved:
- HOTREQ-1347 Select query with LIMIT clause can fail if there are marker files like "_SUCCESS" and "_MANIFEST"
- HOTREQ-1287 Wrong results for partitioned Parquet table when files contain partition column
- HOTREQ-1330 add a way to reenable abfs readahead
- HOTREQ-1334 S3 Copy Optimization
- HOTREQ-1315 Upgrade node.js due to CVE-2022-35255, CVE-2022-43548 and CVE-2022-32212
- HOTREQ-1344 Hot fix JIRA CDPD-47077 for Public Cloud 7.2.15
- HOTREQ-1320 HOTFIX for Bug - Add delegation token support for long running spark job
- HOTREQ-1369 Ranger S3 policy fails for read only or write only access
- HOTREQ-1275 Hotfix for - IMPALA-11751
- HOTREQ-1244 HOTFIX Request for CDPD-46957
- HOTREQ-1274 HOTFIX REQ for issue HUE with KNOX unable to open workflow links in new tab with right click
- HOTREQ-1376 Fix flow downloading via knox for LGIM
- HOTREQ-1282 CFM - Parameter context inheritence fail during startup
- HOTREQ-1372 CaptureChangeMySQL processor fixes
- HOTREQ-1399 Ship NIFI-11363 to solve ENGESC-19490
CDPD-44232: Performance and security enhancements in Hue
Python 2 has reached the end of life and is no longer supported. Hue now uses Python 3 which makes use of critical bug fixes and Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) fixes for many third-party software dependencies. The following changes have been made in the Hue codebase in this release of CDP Public Cloud:
- Python libraries such as django-auth-ldap, django-axes, djangorestframework-simplejwt, Mako, Markdown, pyth on-ldap, django-babel, django-mako, django-cors-headers, djangorestframework, eventlet, sqlparse, and so on have been upgraded from Python 2.7 to Python 3.8.
- The Django server has been upgraded from version 1.11.29 to 3.2.15.
- Hue now uses Gunicorn as a front-end server. Previously, Hue used the CherryPy server.
Known issue: CDPD-54714
- This is due to a missing configuration in Cloudera Manager. When Hue is enabled with Knox as authentication backend and Hue also in HA mode, all Hue instance's hostname should be added in knox_proxyhosts. This issue is known since Hue is still built with Python 2. This is not the issue related to recent Hue Python 3 build change.
- Follow the procedure available in the Integrate Hue with Knox documentation.