CDS 3.1 for GPUs

CDS 3.1 for GPUs is an add-on service that enables you to take advantage of the RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark to accelerate Apache Spark 3 performance on existing CDP Private Cloud Base clusters.

On CDP Private Cloud Base, a Spark 3 service (including CDS 3.1 for GPUs) can coexist with the existing Spark 2 service. The configurations of the two services do not conflict and both services use the same YARN service. The port of the Spark History Server is 18088 for Spark 2 and 18089 for Spark 3.

Unsupported Features:

This release does not support the following features:

  • Phoenix Connector
  • SparkR
  • Hive Warehouse Connector
  • Kudu
  • Oozie
  • Zeppelin