Running applications with CDS 3.1 for GPUs
With CDS 3.1 for GPUs, you can run Apache Spark 3 applications locally or distributed across a cluster, either by using an interactive shell or by submitting an application. Running Spark applications interactively is commonly performed during the data-exploration phase and for ad hoc analysis.
The Spark 3 job commands
With Spark 3, you use slightly different command names than with Spark 2, so that you can run both versions of Spark side-by-side without conflicts:
instead ofspark-submit
instead ofspark-shell
instead ofpyspark
For development and test purposes, you can also configure an alias on each host so that invoking the Spark 2 command name runs the corresponding Spark 3 executable.
Running a Spark job with CDS 3.1 for GPUs
- Log on to the node where you want to run the job.
- Run the following command to launch
wherespark3-shell --conf "spark.rapids.sql.enabled=true" \ --conf "spark.executor.memoryOverhead=5g"
--conf spark.rapids.sql.enabled=true
enables the following environment variables for GPUs:
"spark.task.resource.gpu.amount" - sets GPU resource amount per task "spark.rapids.sql.concurrentGpuTasks" - sets the number of concurrent tasks per GPU "spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes" - sets the input partition size for DataSource API, The recommended value is "256m". "spark.locality.wait" - controls how long Spark waits to obtain better locality for tasks. "spark.sql.adaptive.enabled" - enables Adaptive Query Execution. "spark.rapids.memory.pinnedPool.size" - sets the amount of pinned memory allocated per host. "spark.sql.adaptive.advisoryPartitionSizeInBytes" - sets the advisory size in bytes of the shuffle partition during adaptive optimization.
--conf "spark.executor.memoryOverhead=5g"
- sets the amount of additional memory to be allocated per executor process
- Run a job in spark3-shell.For example:
scala> val df = sc.makeRDD(1 to 100000000, 6).toDF df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [value: int] scala>val df2 = sc.makeRDD(1 to 100000000, 6).toDF df2: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [value: int] scala>$"value" as "a").join(df2select($"value" as "b"), $"a" === $"b").count res0: Long = 100000000
- You can verify that the job run used GPUs, by logging on to the Yarn UI v2 to review the
execution plan and the performance of your spark3-shell application:
Select the Applications tab then select your [spark3-shell application]. Select to see the execution plan.
Accessing the Spark 3 History Server
The Spark 3 history server is available on port 18089, rather than port 18088 as with the Spark 2 history server.