Java client security examples

Review the Java client security examples to learn what configuration properties you have to set when connecting to secured or unsecured clusters.

The following code snippets give you a few simple examples on what configuration properties you need to set for your Kafka clients when connecting them to either secured or unsecured Kafka clusters. Use the following examples as a starting point and make changes as necessary. Depending on your environment, you may need to set other optional properties. See the upstream Apache Kafka documentation for a comprehensive list of available properties.


Properties producerConfig = new Properties();
producerConfig.put("bootstrap.servers", "***BROKER HOST***:***PORT***");


Properties producerConfig = new Properties();
producerConfig.put("bootstrap.servers", "***BROKER HOST***:***PORT***");
producerConfig.put(“security.protocol”, “SSL”);
producerConfig.put(“ssl.truststore.location”, “***PATH TO TRUSTSTORE***”); // .jks format
producerConfig.put(“ssl.truststore.password”, “***TRUSTSTORE PASSWORD***”);
producerConfig.put(“ssl.keystore.location”, “***PATH TO KEYSTORE***”); // .jks format
producerConfig.put(“ssl.keystore.password”, “***KEYSTORE PASSWORD***”);

PLAIN (LDAP, PAM, and others)

Properties producerConfig = new Properties();
producerConfig.put("bootstrap.servers", "***BROKER HOST***:***PORT***");
producerConfig.put(“security.protocol”, “SASL_SSL”);
producerConfig.put(“sasl.mechanism”, “PLAIN”);
producerConfig.put(“ssl.truststore.location”, “***PATH TO TRUSTSTORE***”); // .jks format
producerConfig.put(“ssl.truststore.password”, “***TRUSTSTORE PASSWORD***”);
producerConfig.put(“sasl.jaas.config”, “ required username="***USERNAME***" password="***PASSWORD***"); // credentials sent across the wire, also enable SSL/TLS encryption


Properties producerConfig = new Properties();
producerConfig.put("bootstrap.servers", "***BROKER HOST***:***PORT***");
producerConfig.put(“security.protocol”, “SASL_PLAINTEXT”);
producerConfig.put(“”, “***SERVICE NAME***”); // kafka
producerConfig.put(“sasl.jaas.config”, “ required useTicketCache=true;”); // use kerberos ticket cache