Quick Start Deployment for a Streams ClusterPDF version

Monitor your Cluster from the SMM UI

Use the SMM UI to monitor your cluster. You can quickly check the number of producers, brokers, topics, and consumer groups on the Overview tab. From the Topics tab, you can view topic details such as the producers and consumers that are connected to the topic or the number of events that are written into the topic in a certain time frame.

  • You have a topic with events in it.
  1. Go to the Cloudera Manager UI > SMM section.
  2. Review the information about your Kafka cluster on the Overview tab.

    The Overview shows the total number of producers, brokers, topics, and consumer groups. It also provides more detailed metrics about producers and consumers.

    Click the drop-down arrow in any of the boxes to view a list of Kafka resource. Select one or more Kafka resource to filter your view to just that resource. You can also search for a specific resource. You can click clear at any time to return to the unfiltered view.

  3. From the left navigation pane, click Topics.
    The Topic page contains a number of useful details about your Kafka topics. This page helps you answer the following questions:
    • How can I see if the replicas in this topic are in sync?
    • How do I see this topic's retention rate?
    • How can I see the replication factor for this topic?
    • How do I see the producers and consumers that are connected to this topic?
    • How do I find the total number of messages going into this topic, over a specified time range?
  4. Select the topic you are interested in. You can either scroll through the list of topics, or use the Search bar at the top left of the page.
  5. Click the green hexagon at the left of the topic to view details.
    To perform more tasks in SMM, review the following documents:
    • Monitoring Kafka Clusters using Streams Messaging Manager
    • Managing Alert Policies using Streams Messaging Manager
    • Managing Kafka Topics using Streams Messaging Manager
    • Monitoring End-to-End Latency using Streams Messaging Manager

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