Fixed Issues in Apache Atlas

Review the list of Atlas issues that are resolved in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.6.

CDPD-13803: Attribute search of QualifiedName begins with operator and not returning results when the value ends with a digit+dot.
This fix provides correct results of entities, when in basic search, search value has special characters or search value has digit+dot. This issue is now resolved.
CDPD-17968: Ambari to Cloudera Manager : Deleted entities in HDP-265 miss few attributes after migrated to CDH

Table-1234 (For example) is DELETED in HDP-2.6.5 and it is migrated to CDH-7.1.4. Attributes like name, db, owner are missing in DELETED entities whereas they are populated correctly in ACTIVE entities.


CDPD-19748: Update hive_db typedef to have managedlocation
Added "managedLocation" attribute to hive_db entity in Atlas. This issue is now resolved.

Apache patch information

  • ATLAS-4127
  • ATLAS-4137
  • ATLAS-4112