Guidelines for database upkeep

There are database upkeep guidelines for Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) that you'll need to consider.

Upgrade mySQL for AWS

Upgrade mySQL for AWS to ensure you are using a supported version to work with CDE.
  1. In the AWS console, navigate to RDS > cluster-id > Modify.
  2. Select the version that you want to upgrade from the Database engine version drop-down list.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. Click Apply Immediately to apply changes.

Increasing database size on Azure

Azure databases can fill up with logs and entries with every job that runs in CDE Virtual Clusters. When the database fills up, increase the size of your database.
  1. Ensure that there are no jobs running.
  2. Go to the Azure Portal.
  3. Locate the Azure SQL database named <cluster id>, for example, cluster-2cmmds8q.
  4. Navigate to the Pricing Tier section.
  5. Move the slider to the desired value.
  6. Click OK and wait for the scaling to complete.
  7. Resume running your jobs.

Increasing database size on Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) databases can fill up with logs and entries with every job that runs in CDE Virtual Clusters. When the database fills up, increase the size of your database.
  1. Go to the AWS Console.
  2. Navigate to the RDS Service page.
  3. Click Databases and use the filter to find your cluster id, for instance, cluster-w8d65nxp.
  4. Select the target database.
  5. In the Database homepage in the top right-hand corner, click Modify.
  6. Scroll down to the database size settings and set the Allocated Storage Property to the desired value.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Set the desired timeframe for maintenance.
  9. Click Continue and wait for the database status to become available.
  10. Resume running your jobs.