Handling ineligible upgrades for Cloudera Data Engineering
In certain scenarios, your Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) service is not eligible for an in-place upgrade to the latest CDE version. In such a scenario, follow a manual upgrade process where administrators create a new service and import all jobs and resources. Learn how to conduct a workaround for each scenario.
Older CDE versions
If the version of your CDE service is older than six months, it is outside of the upgrade window. Older CDE versions do not support in-place upgrade and you cannot use the process listed in Handling upgrade failures for CDE. To check whether your CDE version is eligible for the in-place upgrade option, see Support lifecycle policy.
CDE provides the in-place upgrade option from the eligible versions to the latest version. If you are on a release that is ineligible for the in-place upgrade, the in-place upgrade option is disabled and you can perform a backup and restore. For more information, see CDE upgrade version compatibility.
Solution: A manual upgrade option is available. To upgrade, create a new CDE Service and transfer your jobs to the new service by following the instructions in Backing up and restoring CDE jobs.
Older Data Lake versions
If your CDE service uses an old Data Lake version, and therefore it is not compatible with the latest CDE version, your CDE service is not eligible to perform either an in-place upgrade or a manual upgrade. For information about CDE and its compatible Data Lake version, see Compatibility for Cloudera Data Engineering and Runtime components.
Solution: Upgrade your Data Lake to a compatible version associated with the CDE version. For more information about upgrading Data Lake, see Upgrading a Data Lake.
Airflow operators and libraries
If you use Airflow operators and libraries, before you can use the in-place upgrade, follow the procedure described in In-place upgrade with Airflow Operators and Libraries.
Solution: See In-place upgrade with Airflow Operators and Libraries.
Hotfix version of CDE
There is no upgrade available to CDE hotfix versions.