Amazon AWS prerequisites for Cloudera Data Engineering

Amazon Web Services (AWS) prerequisites for Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE).

Review AWS account prerequisites for CDP

Refer to the CDP AWS account requirements and verify that the AWS account you are using for CDP has the required resources, and that you have the permissions required to manage these resources.

Review CDE-specific AWS resource requirements

Provisioning a CDE service and virtual clusters require access to the following AWS resources.

AWS Services used by Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE)

  • Network – Amazon VPC (see below for requirements)
  • Compute – Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
  • Load Balancing – Amazon ELB Classic Load Balancer
  • Key Management – AWS Key Management Service (KMS)
  • DNS – Amazon Route 53 (CDE makes use of this but it is hosted in Cloudera's AWS infrastructure)
  • Persistent Instance Storage – Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
  • Persistent Service and Virtual Cluster Storage – Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
  • Database – Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

VPC Requirements

You can use an existing VPC, or allow CDP to create one when you create an environment.

Option 1: use your own VPC

Minimum requirements:

  • CDE requires at least two subnets, each in a different Availability Zone (AZ). If you require a public endpoint for CDE, provision at least one public subnet.
  • Ensure that the CIDR block for the subnets is sized appropriately. For each CDE environment, in addition to ensuring enough IPs to accomodate the maximum number of autoscaling compute instances, allow for a fixed overhead of three instances for core CDE services and approximately one instance for every two virtual clusters.
  • You must enable DNS for the VPC.

Recommended setup:

  • Cloudera recommends that you provision at least three subnets, each in a different Availability Zone (AZ). If you do not require a public endpoint, use three private subnets. If you require a public endpoint, use at least two private subnets and one public subnet.
  • Private subnets should have routable IPs over your internal VPN. If IPs are not routable, private CDE endpoints must be accessed via a SOCKS. This is not recommended.
  • Tag the VPC and the subnets as shared so that Kubernetes can find them. For load balancers to be able to choose the subnets correctly, you are also required to tag private subnets with the tag, and public subnets with the tag.

Note that only the load balancer needs to be on a public subnet for access to CDE. By default, if they are available, CDE will configure the EKS to run on private subnets.

Option 2: CDP creates a new VPC

If you choose to allow CDP to create a new VPC, three subnets will be automatically created. One subnet is created for each availability zone assuming three AZs per region; If a region has two AZs instead of three, three subnets are still created, with two in the same AZ.

You will be asked to specify a valid CIDR in IPv4 range that will be used to define the range of private IPs for EC2 instances provisioned into these subnets.

Related AWS documentation: Amazon EKS - Cluster VPC Considerations, Creating a VPC for your Amazon EKS Cluster

Firewall requirements

HTTPS access to CDE endpoints is available over port 443 for the following cases:

  • Internal only – Should be accessible from your organization's network, but not the public internet.
  • Internet facing (public endpoint) – Should be accessible from the public internet as well as your organization's internal network.

If you are using a firewall or a security group setting to prevent egress traffic from the service, make sure that the and URLs on port 443 are allowed at all times.

If egress traffic is blocked to these URLs, then autoscaling cannot pull images, which can result in broken pods. For more information on required outbound access, see Outbound network access destinations for AWS and Security groups.

Do not remove firewall rules added during provisioning. The rules are also required for regular operation. You must also maintain the minimum firewall requirements set by the cloud provider. For more information, see Amazon EKS security group considerations in the Amazon AWS documentation.

If you’re using Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), you’ll need to ensure that you are using *.* and TCP 5432 / 3306 / 443 ports.

Review the default AWS service limits and your current AWS account limits

By default, AWS imposes certain default limits for AWS services for each user account. Make sure you review your account's current usage status and resource limits before you start provisioning additional resources for CDP and CDE.

For example, depending on your AWS account, you may only be allowed to provision a certain number of EC2 instances. Be sure to review your AWS service limits before your proceed.

Related AWS documentation: AWS Service Limits, Amazon EC2 Resource Limits.

Supported AWS regions

CDP supports the following AWS regions: Supported AWS regions. However, the CDE service also requires AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Make sure you select a region that includes EKS.

Related AWS documentation: Region Table.

Set up an AWS Cloud Credential

Create a role-based AWS credential that allows CDP to authenticate with your AWS account and has authorization to provision AWS resources on your behalf. Role-based authentication uses an IAM role with an attached IAM policy that has the minimum permissions required to use CDP.

Once you have created this IAM policy, register it in CDP as a cloud credential. Reference this credential when you register an AWS environment in CDP environment as described in the next step.

Instructions: Cross-account access IAM role

Register an AWS Environment in CDP

A CDP user must have the Environment Creator role in order to register an environment. An environment determines the specific cloud provider region and virtual network in which resources can be provisioned, and includes the credential that should be used to access the cloud provider account.

CDE supports deployment into environments with non-transparent proxies. To use this feature, you need to register a proxy and add it to the environment during environment registration. Registering a proxy requires Power User privileges.

Instructions: Register an AWS environment

CDE Role Requirements

There are two CDP user roles associated with the CDE service: DEAdmin and DEUser. Any CDP user with the EnvironmentAdmin (or higher) access level must assign these roles to users who require access to the Cloudera Data Engineering console within their environment.

Furthermore, if you want to allow users to log in to provisioned workspaces and run workloads on them, this will need to be configured separately.

Set up the AWS account to run kubectl commands

  1. In the AWS console, create an IAM user ( for example, kubectl-user) with Programmatic access (you don't need to grant any permissions).
  2. Note the User ARN and copy the Access key ID and Secret access key and set up an AWS profile as follows:

    aws_access_key_id = <Access Key ID>
    aws_secret_access_key = <Secret access key>
  3. Navigate to IAM Roles and edit the cross-account IAM role (note the Role ARN) that was created as part of the CDP prerequisites.
  4. Navigate to Trust relationships > Edit trust relationships.
  5. Add the following to the policy document, then click Update trust policy.
     "Effect": "Allow",
     "Principal": {
      "AWS": "User ARN from step 2"
     "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
  6. Download the kubeconfig file from the CDE UI and save it ( ~/.kube/cde-env1-kube-config, for example), then run the following shell commands:
    $ export AWS_PROFILE=kubectl-user
    $ cred=$(aws sts assume-role --role-arn <Role ARN from step 3> --role-session-name test | jq .Credentials)
    $ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(echo $cred|jq .AccessKeyId|tr -d '"')
    $ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(echo $cred|jq .SecretAccessKey|tr -d '"')
    $ export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=$(echo $cred|jq .SessionToken|tr -d '"')
    $ export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cde-env1-kube-config
    $ export TILLER_NAMESPACE=tiller
  7. You should now be able to run kubectl commands.

Using AWS S3 buckets with encryption

You may need to incorporate a policy to use at-rest encryption on your Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 buckets and telemetry log bucket. Starting with CDE 1.18 or higher, telemetry buckets with a customer-managed key is supported. When the policy is used, the data is encrypted before it is saved to your disk in S3 and is decrypted when read. This encryption and decryption takes place in the S3 infrastructure and is transparent to authentiated clients. See server-side encryption listed below under Encrypting Data on S3.

For CDE to write and read data to and from an encrypted S3 bucket, you must configure a KMS Key ARN under the Customer Managed Encryption Key for a CDP environment before you create a CDE service.

Once the KMS KEY ARN is configured, newly created CDE services will use that key to access the encrypted bucket. If the key is not configured or is invalid, then CDE cant access the encrypted telemetry bucket. This results in service/jobs logs not being stored on S3 and will be available on the Virtual Cluster user interface or for Diagnostics bundles. Additionally, the Spark user interface will not be available for completed applications.

There may be cases when you want the telemetry bucket to be encrypted with a key that is different from the one that is specified under the Customer Managed Encryption Key (see Adding a customer managed encryption key to a CDP environment running on AWS linked below) and use it to encrypt the EBS volumes and RDS instances running in the environment. In those cases, it's possible to override KMS KEY ARN via the "telemetry.encryption.key" property during service creation.

Using Customer Managed Keys (CMK) encryption

You can use customer managed key (CMK) enabled environments for Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) services deployed on AWS to use CMK-based data-at-rest encryption for Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) and Kubernetes secrets. For more information, see Enabling Customer Managed Keys (CMK) on Amazon Web Services (AWS) linked below.
While creating a CMK, if not provided, the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) creates a default key-policy for the newly created KMS key. The default key-policy allows CDP cross-account roles to use CMK. Instead of using default key-policy, if you want to change the key-policy, then the key-policy must contain the permission blocks below for CDE service to use CMK:
    "Sid": "AllowAutoscalingAndCDPCrossAccountRoleUseOfTheCMK",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Resource": "*"
    "Sid": "AllowAutoscalingAndCDPCrossAccountRoleUseOfTheCMKGrants",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Resource": "*",
            "kms:GrantIsForAWSResource": "true"
    "Sid": "AllowCreateGrantToLiftieCluster",
    "Effect": "Allow",
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::[YOUR-ACCOUNT-ID]:role/CDP-CROSSACCOUNT-ROLE"
    "Action": "kms:CreateGrant",
    "Resource": "*",
            "aws:CalledViaFirst": ""