CDE upgrade version compatibility

Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) provides the in-place upgrade option from the eligible versions to the latest version. If you are on a version that is ineligible for in-place upgrade, the in-place upgrade option is disabled and you can perform a backup and restore.

Checking your upgrade options

To check if your CDE version is eligible for the in-place upgrade option, see Support lifecycle policy.

In-place upgrades

To perform an in-place upgrade, you must be on an a version eligible for the in-place upgrade option. The CDE versions eligible for in-place upgrade table includes the specific AWS and Azure versions from which you can perform an in-place upgrade to the latest CDE version.

Table 1. CDE versions eligible for in-place upgrade
Supported upgrade versions Target version

Azure: 1.22.0 and higher

AWS: 1.22.0 and higher


Backup and restore

If you are on a version that is not eligible for the in-place upgrade option, to upgrade to the latest version, create a new CDE service and transfer your jobs to the new service by following the instructions in Backing up and restoring CDE jobs.