June 23, 2021
This release (1.8) of the Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) service on CDP Public Cloud introduces the new features and improvements that are described in this topic.
Python virtual environment improvements
Python virtual environments are now built in dedicated pods, and support C-based Python libraries.
Open source CDE/CDW operators for Apache Airflow
You can now use CDE and CDW operators with your existing Apache Airflow deployment. For more information and instructions, see Using CDE with an external Apache Airflow deployment.
CDE jobs in different virtual clusters within the same DAG file
Airflow DAG files can now trigger CDE jobs in different virtual clusters. For more information, see Automating data pipelines using Apache Airflow in Cloudera Data Engineering.
CIDR notation support for IP whitelist
You can now add IP ranges to the whitelist using CIDR notation.
Subnet selection option
You can now select a subnet to use for CDE when enabling a CDE service.