Accessing Cloudera Data Engineering using the CLIPDF version

CDE CLI command reference

The Cloudera Data Engineering command line syntax is shown below. You can view additional syntax help by adding --help after any command.

  cde [command]

Available Commands:
  airflow     Airflow commands
  backup      Create and Restore CDE backups
  credential  Manage CDE credentials
  help        Help about any command
  job         Manage CDE jobs
  profile     Manage CDE configuration profiles
  repository  Manage CDE repository
  resource    Manage CDE resources
  run         Manage CDE runs
  session     Manage CDE sessions
  spark       Spark commands

      --access-key-id string         access key identifier
      --access-key-secret string     access key secret
      --auth-cache-file string       token file cache location (default "$USERCACHE/token-cache")
      --auth-no-cache                do not cache authentication tokens
      --auth-pass-file string        authentication password file location
      --cdp-endpoint string          CDP API endpoint (default depends on CDP Control Plane region)
      --config-profile string        CDE configuration profile name
      --credentials-file string      CDP credentials file location
      --credentials-profile string   CDP credentials profile name (default "default")
  -h, --help                         help for cde
      --hide-progress-bars           hide progress bars for file uploads
      --region string                CDP Control Plane region ("us-west-1", "eu-1" or "ap-1") (default "us-west-1")
      --skip-credentials-file        skip CDP credentials file discovery
      --tls-ca-certs string          additional PEM-encoded CA certificates
      --tls-insecure                 skip verification of API server TLS certificate
      --user string                  CDP user to authenticate as
      --vcluster-endpoint string     CDE virtual cluster endpoint
  -v, --verbose                      verbose logging
      --version                      version for cde

Use "cde [command] --help" for more information about a command.
  cde airflow [command]

Available Commands:
  activate-pyenv   Deprecated, please use /admin/airflow/env APIs or UI instead. Can be used ONLY for the private cloud setup. Activate an existing environment for a given VC
  delete-dag       Delete an unassociated DAG from Airflow
  get-active-pyenv Deprecated, please use /admin/airflow/env APIs or UI instead. Can be used ONLY for the private cloud setup. Get currently active airflow python env resource name
  reset-pyenv      Deprecated, please use /admin/airflow/env APIs or UI instead. Can be used ONLY for the private cloud setup. Reset Airflow env to factory defaults
  submit           Run a DAG on CDE Airflow
  cde backup [command]

Available Commands:
  create       Create a backup of jobs and resources
  list-archive List jobs and resources in an archive
  restore      Restore a backup of jobs and resources
  cde credential [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create a credential (experimental)
  delete      Delete a credential (experimental)
  describe    Describe a credential (experimental)
  list        List credentials (experimental)
  update      Update a credential (experimental)
  cde job [command]

Available Commands:
  clone       Clone an existing job or job run as a new job
  create      Create a job
  delete      Delete a job
  describe    Describe a job
  import      Import a job
  list        List jobs
  run         Run a job
  schedule    Operate CDE job schedules
  update      Update a job
  cde profile [command]

Available Commands:
  show-active Shows the active profile of config file
  cde repository [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create a repository
  delete      Delete a repository
  describe    Describe repository
  download    Download a file from a repository
  list        List repositories
  sync        Syncs a repository with its remote
  cde resource [command]

Available Commands:
  create           Create a resource
  delete           Delete a resource
  delete-file      Delete a file from a resource
  describe         Describe resource
  download         Download a file from a resource
  download-archive Download resource as archive
  list             List resources
  list-events      List resource events
  upload           Upload one or more files to a resource
  upload-archive   Upload and extract archive to resource
  cde run [command]

Available Commands:
  debug       Debug a run
  describe    Describe a run
  fg-status   Get the fine-grained statuses of a run
  kill        Kill a run
  list        List runs
  logs        Retrieve logs for a run
  ui          Open a run in the default browser
  wait        Wait for a run to end
  cde session [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create a session
  delete      Delete a session
  describe    Describe a sessions
  interact    interact with a running session
  kill        Kill a session
  list        List sessions
  logs        Retrieve logs for a session
  statements  List session statements
  cde spark [command]

Available Commands:
  submit      Run a jar/py file on CDE Spark