Creating an Airflow pipeline with custom files using CDE CLI [technical preview]

By creating a pipeline in CDE using the CLI, you can add custom files that are available for tasks. This is a technical preview.

This feature is available in CDE 1.19 and above in new Virtual Cluster installations only.

For use cases where custom files need to be accessed within an Airflow task, you need to first upload the custom files to a CDE resource, and then specify it in the job creation parameter using the --airflow-file-mount-<n>-resource option. These files are available only to the jobs in which they are linked.

The general form of the command is:

cde job create \
  --name <my_job_name> \
  --type airflow \
  --mount-1-resource <my_dag_resource> \
  --dag-file <> \
  --airflow-file-mount-n-resource <my_file_resource> \
  --airflow-file-mount-n-prefix <my_custom_prefix>   # Optional

In the --airflow-file-mount-n-resource parameter, n is an integer number (beginning at 1). This allows you to specify multiple ...-resource parameters, to mount multiple resources.

Each resource is mounted at /app/mount/<prefix>. If you do not need to specify a custom prefix, the mount point of your resource will be based on the resource name. For example, if the name of your CDE resource is 'my_resource', the files in the resource will be made available within Airflow under /app/mount/my_resource.

If you do want to specify a custom prefix for your resource's mount point, use the optional --airflow-file-mount-n-prefix parameter, specifying n as the same number as the corresponding --airflow-file-mount-n-resource parameter.

Run the following commands to upload the custom files to a CDE resource, and then create the job:
cde resource create --name my_pipeline_resource
cde resource upload --name my_pipeline_resource --local-path

cde resource create --name my_file_resource
cde resource upload --name my_file_resource --local-path my_file.conf

cde job create --name my_pipeline --type airflow --dag-file --mount-1-resource my_pipeline_resource --airflow-file-mount-1-resource my_file_resource
The files can be reached in Airflow DAGs with the following pattern: /app/mount/<resource_name or resource_alias>/<file_name>, like in the following example:
read_conf = BashOperator(
    	bash_command=”cat /app/mount/my_file_resource/my_file.conf”
cde job create --name my_pipeline --type airflow --dag-file --mount-1-resource my_pipeline_resource --airflow-file-mount-1-resource my_file_resource --airflow-file-mount-1-prefix my_custom_prefix
In this case, the file is available at:
read_conf = BashOperator(
    	bash_command=”cat /app/mount/my_custom_prefix/my_file.conf”