Using Streams Messaging ManagerPDF version

Monitoring Kafka cluster replications (Streams Replication Manager)

Get started with monitoring Streams Replication Manager using Streams Messaging Manager.

Streams Replication Manager is an enterprise-grade replication solution that enables fault tolerant, scalable and robust cross-cluster Kafka topic replication. Streams Replication Manager provides the ability to dynamically change configurations and keeps the topic properties in sync across clusters at high performance. Streams Replication Manager also delivers custom extensions that facilitate installation, management and monitoring making Streams Replication Manager a complete replication solution that is built for mission critical workloads.

Streams Messaging Manager is capable of integrating with Streams Replication Manager enabling you to monitor your Streams Replication Manager replications on the Streams Messaging Manager UI. You can monitor status of the Kafka cluster replications, number of topics associated with the replication, throughput, replication latency, and checkpoint latency. Additionally, the alerting features of Streams Messaging Manager are also supported for replications. This allows you to create receive alerts in connection to your replications.

The following tasks and concepts walk you through the Cluster Replications section of the Streams Messaging Manager UI, which is your main hub in Cloudera where you view and monitor details regarding your Streams Replication Manager replications.

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