How to: Jobs ManagementPDF version

Spark 3 support in Oozie

This section describes how to re-enable the Spark actions, provides guidance on migrating your workflows from Spark actions to Spark 3 actions, highlights the differences between the two, and outlines the enhancements made to Spark actions to simplify the migration process.

Spark actions based on Spark 2 are no longer supported in Oozie because Spark 2 is deprecated. Both schema definitions and action execution implementations for Spark 2 are completely removed from Oozie. Hence, any Workflow file containing a Spark action fails to parse. Since Spark actions are removed and no longer available, you cannot re-enable them. Oozie supports the new Spark 3 based Spark 3 actions. To continue using Apache Spark with Oozie, you must migrate to Spark 3.