Application AccessPDF version

Application Access

Learn more about the client RPMs /Debian packages, role requirements and how to access the services installed on the CDP cluster from your containerized application or edge nodes.

For users creating applications that connect to a CDP service(s), the Cluster Administrator must have provided the configurations required for you to connect to the services.

Client RPMs enable you to access services installed on the CDP cluster from your containerized application or edge nodes that are not managed by Cloudera Manager. You can use Client RPMs for the use cases that require thin client applications binding, without having to download and install the entire CDP parcel which requires over 10 GB of storage space on each platform node. Starting with the CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.9 release, '-client' RPM/Debian packages are available.

Client libraries can be deployed on nodes that are not managed by Cloudera Manager. However, the burden of managing the configuration of those nodes such that the clients can connect and interact with the cluster falls outside the scope of support. Therefore, before contacting Cloudera support, the client issue must be replicated on a managed node by the customer. If the issue cannot be replicated on a managed node, then the issue is likely due to the configuration of the unmanaged node.