Using a custom Kerberos configuration path
How to use a custom Kerberos configuration path ( a path other than the default file path, /etc/krb5.conf) for an existing cluster.
From Cloudera Data Platform 7.1.9 ( Cloudera Manager 7.11.3 ) onwards, you are able to set a custom path for the Kerberos Configuration file, krb5.conf. The valid paths are limited to /etc/hadoop/* or /etc/krb5.conf when Manage krb5.conf through Cloudera Manager setting is enabled in Cloudera Manager; otherwise, any path is acceptable.
The steps below show how to change the default kerberos path(/etc/krb5.conf) to a custom path(e.g. /etc/hadoop/[***custom_path***]/krb5.conf)
Define the Kerberos file path by following Option1 - if you want Cloudera Manager to manage the krb configuration, or else
Option 2.
Option 1: Configure Manage krb5.conf by Cloudera Manager and set the new location of krb5.conf to /etc/hadoop/[***custom_path***]/krb5.conf.
- Go to Cloudera Manager > Administration > Settings.
Enter /etc/hadoop/[***custom_path***]/krb5.conf for
krb5.conf file path.
- Select the Manage krb5.conf by Cloudera Manager checkbox.
Click on Save Changes.
- Restart Cloudera Manager Server.
- Stop the cluster.
- Stop Cloudera Management services.
- Run the Kerberos Staleness Wizard to ensure the new krb5.conf file is deployed on all hosts. Go to Home > Configuration > Configuration Issues.Click on Cluster has stale Kerberos client configuration and complete the wizard for Deploy Kerberos Client Configuration.
Option 2: Where Manage krb5.conf by Cloudera Manager is unselected before changing the krb5 file path.- Go to Cloudera Manager > Administration > Settings.
- Enter /etc/hadoop/[***custom_path***]/krb5.conf for krb5.conf file path.
- Click on Save Changes.
- Restart Cloudera Manager Server.
- Stop the cluster.
- Stop Cloudera Management services.
If using MIT KDC, fix the KDC services to point to the new file location. Skip
this step if using AD.
# vim /etc/sysconfig/krb5kdc # cat /etc/sysconfig/krb5kdc KRB5KDC_ARGS= KRB5_CONFIG=/etc/hadoop/[***custom_path***]/krb5.conf
# vim /etc/sysconfig/kadmin # cat /etc/sysconfig/kadmin KADMIND_ARGS= KRB5_CONFIG=/etc/hadoop/[***custom_path***]/krb5.conf
# service krb5kdc restart && service kadmin restart Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart krb5kdc.service Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart kadmin.service
Add the following to /etc/default/cloudera-scm-server.
Restart the Cloudera Manager Server by running the following
command on the Cloudera Manager Server host:
sudo systemctl restart cloudera-scm-server
- Once the CM server has started , go to Cloudera Manager > Administration > Security > Kerberos Credentials, and click Setup KDC for this Cloudera Manager wizard to re-add the KDC.
Go to Cloudera Manager > Security > Kerberos Credentials, and click on Regenerate selected to
regenerate credentials for all the roles.
If 'Regenerate credentials' fails, then “sleep 30” should be
added between the account deletion ( ldapdelete) and account modification with
AES encryption (ldapmodify).
The AD Kerberos server is sometimes unable to absorb the ldapdelete and quickly reflect the changes when ldapmodify is called. Hence, adding a sleep gets the AD Kerberos server some time to sync within itself.
SSH to the Cloudera Manager server host and execute the below commands to edit the required script.
# vim /opt/cloudera/cm/bin/ # grep -A 5 -B 5 "sleep 30" /opt/cloudera/cm/bin/ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Deletion of the Active Directory account $PRINC failed." exit 1 fi done <<< "$LOCAL_CNS" # read LOCAL_CNS and split at newlines sleep 30 fi # Add account in AD # servicePrincipalName is obtained from $PRINC by removing "@REALM" from the end. # password needs to be specified in unicode using "iconv"
- To enable the HTTPFS role in HDFS, go to Cloudera Manager > HDFS > Configuration > HttpFS Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve). Click on 'Add', and specify Key as HADOOP_OPTS, and Value as[***custom_path***]/krb5.conf
- Click on Save Changes.
- Click the Stale Configuration icon to launch the Stale Configuration wizard and restart the necessary services.
- Restart Cloudera Management Services. On the Home > Status tab, click the options menu to the right of Cloudera Management Service and select Start.
Start the cluster. On the
Home > Status
tab, click
to the right of the cluster name and select Start.
Configure custom KRB5_CONFIG for Impala:
Before using impala-shell to connect to the Impala server with a valid Kerberos ticket for the first time, ensure the custom KRB5_CONFIG is accessible to impala-shell. To achieve this, export the custom KRB5_CONFIG to a file like .bashrc:
# .bashrc
# User specific aliases and functions alias rm='rm -i' alias cp='cp -i' alias mv='mv -i'
# Source global definitions if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then . /etc/bashrc fi
export KRB5_CONFIG=/etc/hadoop/[***custom_path***]/krb5.conf
# cd /run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/ # ls -lrt | grep -i impala drwxr-x--x 7 impala impala 620 Oct 25 07:18 133-ImpalaGracefulShutDownCmdWork drwxr-x--x 7 impala impala 640 Oct 25 07:18 118-impala-IMPALAD drwxr-x--x 7 impala impala 640 Oct 25 18:17 263-impala-IMPALAD drwxr-x--x 7 impala impala 620 Oct 25 18:17 394-impala-IMPALAD # cd 394-impala-IMPALAD/ # kinit -kt impala.keytab impala/ # impala-shell -i -d default -k --ssl --ca_cert=/var/lib/cloudera-scm-agent/agent-cert/cm-auto-global_cacerts.pem Starting Impala Shell using Kerberos authentication Using service name 'impala' SSL is enabled No handlers could be found for logger "thrift.transport.sslcompat" Opened TCP connection to Connected to Server version: impalad version 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT RELEASE (build bc0299cf11ff42368fcb39ddaf04f4fe32c1c445) Query: use `default` *********************************************************************************** Welcome to the Impala shell. (Impala Shell v3.4.0-SNAPSHOT (bc0299c) built on Sat Jan 28 00:17:17 UTC 2023) Press TAB twice to see a list of available commands. *********************************************************************************** Query: use `default` [] default> select 1; Query: select 1 Query submitted at: 2023-10-25 18:25:10 (Coordinator: Query progress can be monitored at: +---+ | 1 | +---+ | 1 | +---+ Fetched 1 row(s) in 0.29s default> Goodbye root