Administering HuePDF version

Using Oracle database with Hue

You can use a customer provided external Oracle database to store Hue metadata, job and query history, and account information. In Cloudera 7.1.x, Hue supports Oracle database versions 12c and 19c.

To use an Oracle database with Hue, you need:
Oracle Instant Client library
The Oracle Instant Client connects Hue to the backend Oracle database. The Oracle Client libraries provide the necessary network connectivity and tools, such as SQL*Plus and Oracle Data Pump, to access the data.
cx_Oracle Python extension module
The cx_Oracle module loads the Oracle Client libraries. The cx_Oracle module and the Oracle Client libraries communicate with the data over Oracle Net.

Hue on releases between 7.1.8 and 7.1.9 uses Python version 3.8. or 3.9, depending on the installed operating system, and it works with the cx_Oracle 8.3.0 distributed with these releases.

For more information, see Cloudera support matrix.

  • oracle-instantclient19.25-basic-

  • oracle-instantclient19.25-devel-

  • oracle-instantclient19.25-sqlplus-

Before connecting to the Oracle database, install the cx_Oracle Python extension module on the nodes where the Hue service will be running by executing the following command:

sudo yum install python3-pip python3-cx-oracle

Use the appropriate command for operating systems other than RHEL. As before, ensure this is deployed only on the nodes running the Hue service.

After installing the Cloudera Cluster and the Hue service, configure the relevant database connection parameters in the Hue settings based on the details provided by your Oracle DBA.