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Limitations in browsing Ozone from Hue

While Hue fully supports browsing the Ozone filesystem, there are some known limitations. Review these limitations and learn about the workarounds.

The maximum supported file size that you can upload using the Hue File Browser to the Ozone filesystem is 2 GB. The default file size is 64MB. You can change the permissible upload limit by setting the value of the upload_chunk_size parameter as follows in the Hue Advanced Configuration Snippet (Hue safety valve):
There is a limit on the size of files you can copy from the source path to the destination using the Hue File Browser present on the Ozone filesystem. Hue automatically skips copying the files larger than the chunk size value (default is 64MB) and copies rest of the files recursively. You can change the upload chunk size by setting the value of the upload_chunk_size parameter in bytes as follows in the Hue Advanced Configuration Snippet (Hue safety valve):
The following sample configuration sets the upload chunk size to 120 MB:
upload_chunk_size=125829120 \\or 120*1024*1024

All users default to the ofs:// path when they access the Ozone filesystem from Hue.

You can only create default volume and buckets in Ozone using Hue. Operations other than create are not supported.

You cannot create Erasure Coding (EC)-enabled buckets from Hue, unless they are set by default in Ozone. However, you can create the EC-enabled buckets using the Ozone CLI and then browse it normally from Hue. If EC-enabled buckets are already present on Ozone, then you can browse them from Hue.

Hue can also display the content of the encrypted buckets present on Ozone.