Reinstall Apache Zeppelin in 7.3.1

How to reinstall Apache Zeppelin in Cloudera Private Cloud 7.3.1.

You can reinstall the Zeppelin service as an external CSD as shown below, but ClCloudera will not provide support for Zeppelin in 7.3.1.

For more information on building and using external CSDs, see:

  • Cloudera Manager Add-on Services
  • Cloudera Manager Extensions | Cloudera GitHub Wiki
  • Custom Service Descriptors | Cloudera GitHub Wiki
  • Cloudera CSD repository | GitHub
  1. Download the CSD Build Code.
    1. Clone the repository containing the code required to build CSDs:
      git clone
  2. Copy the interpreter config file (interpreter.json) for Zeppelin to the source of the Zeppelin CSD folder cm_csds/ZEPPELIN/src/aux/ inside the downloaded cm_csds repository.
  3. Build the CSD JAR File.
    1. Navigate to the cm_csds directory and build the JAR file for Zeppelin:
      cd cm_csds
      mvn clean install
    2. After the build completes, you'll find the CSD JAR file in the target directory:
      ls -lrt ZEPPELIN/target/ZEPPELIN*
  4. Deploy the CSD JAR File to Cloudera Manager.
    1. Copy the CSD JAR file to the Cloudera Manager server:
      scp ZEPPELIN/target/ZEPPELIN-7.3.1.jar [*** USERNAME ***]@[*** HOST ***]:/opt/cloudera/csd/
    2. SSH into the Cloudera Manager server:
      ssh [*** USERNAME ***]@[*** HOST ***]
    3. Navigate to the CSD directory:
      cd /opt/cloudera/csd/
    4. Set the correct permissions and ownership for the JAR file:
      sudo chmod 664 ZEPPELIN-7.3.1.jar
      sudo chown cloudera-scm:cloudera-scm ZEPPELIN-7.3.1.jar
    5. Restart the Cloudera Manager server:
      sudo service cloudera-scm-server restart
  5. Configure and Add Zeppelin Service.
    1. Open Cloudera Manager.
    2. Add the Zeppelin service in the Cloudera Manager Home page: Cloudera Manager Home > Status > 3 dots > Add service
    3. Select Zeppelin.
    4. Follow the on-screen instructions to add the Zeppelin service to your cluster.
    5. Configure authentication and create users as needed by your authentication provider.
    6. Start Zeppelin.
    7. Open Zeppelin in the browser.
    8. Test by running any paragraph to confirm it is working as expected.
    9. Replace the notebook folder with the earlier backed up notebooks.
    10. Add the earlier backed up safety variables (zeppelin-site.xml and in Cloudera Manager > Zeppelin > Configs.
    11. Restart Zeppelin.

Zeppelin is available in your cluster and you are able to run the older notebooks.