A list of implementation names that Knox considers allowed on its
own token generation page.
Configured Token TTL
The value of knox.token.ttl in the homepage
1 hour
Token Type
This is an optional configuration parameter to indicate the type of
the JWT token that Knox generates.
Enable Lifespan Input
Whether the lifespan input fields are enabled on Knox's token
generation page.
User Limit
The number of tokens a user is allowed to manage. Setting this to
-1 indicates unlimited token management.
User Limit Exceeded Action
The action Knox will take if user limit is exceeded while trying to
create a new Knox Token. If REMOVE_OLDEST is selected then the
oldest token of the user, who the token is being generated for, will be removed.
Otherwise, if RETURN_ERROR is selected, Knox will return an error
response with 403 error code.
Renewer Whitelist
This is an optional configuration parameter to authorize the
comma-separated list of users to invoke the associated token renewal and/or
revocation APIs.
empty string
This optional configuration parameter enables end-users to declare
their JWKS URL. The JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) is a
set of keys containing the public keys used to verify any JSON Web Token (JWT)
issued by the authorization server and signed using the RS256 signing
empty string
Allowed JWS Types
This is an optional configuration parameter to allow a
comma-separated list of token types Knox will allow while validating JSON Web
Signature (JWS) using JWKS URLs. Defaults to JWT. The typical customized
value is at+jwt, JWT.
Expected Principal Claim
If that configuration parameter is defined, Knox will use this to
get the value of this claim from the submitted JWT upon verification instead of
using the default principal.
empty string
Expected JWT Signature Algorithm
Indicates the expected signature algorithm Knox should use to verify the
submitted JWT's signature. If not defined, Knox will use 'RS256'.
empty string
Expected JWT Issuer
Indicates the expected issuer of a received token must match. If not defined,
Knox will use 'KNOXSSO'.
empty string
Enable Impersonation
Indicates if Knox Token impersonation is enabled.
Proxyuser Block
If Knox token impersonation is enabled, it allows the specified user(s) to
impersonate members of certain groups from specific hosts. For example, the
following values allow a user named "changeme" to impersonate members of any
group from any host:
"knox.token.proxyuser.changeme.hosts": "*"
"knox.token.proxyuser.changeme.groups": "*"
The values for this property must be in JSON key/value format.
empty string
Default configurations seen from Cloudera Manager:
Default configurations seen from the Knox homepage UI:
Database connection properties🔗
Optional database connection properties that you can declare individually:
gateway.database.type: Set to postgresql or mysql.
gateway.database.host: Host where your DB server is running.
gateway.database.port: Port that your DB server is listening on.
gateway.database.name: Name of the database you are connecting
Token TTL details🔗
Out of the box, Knox will display the custom lifetime spinners on the Token Generation
page. However, they can be hidden by disabling the Knox Token Integration - Enable
Lifespan Input checkbox on the CM UI. Given that input property, and the
configured maximum lifetime property, the generated token can have the following TTL
If there is no configured token TTL and lifespan inputs are disabled, the default TTL is
used (30 seconds).
If there is configured TTL and lifespan inputs are disabled, the configured TTL is
If there is configured TTL and lifespan inputs are enabled and lifespan inputs result in
a value that is less than or equal to the configured TTL, the lifespan query param is
If there is configured TTL and lifespan inputs are enabled and lifespan inputs result in
a value that is greater than the configured TTL, the configured TTL is used.
Generate-jwk options🔗
CM automatically creates a token hash key for you. But if you want to do this manually,
such as when scripting, configure the knox.token.hash.key alias with:
generate-jwk--saveAlias knox.token.hash.key
generates a JSON Web Key using the supplied algorithm name.
Table 2. Options
Sample values
(Optional) The desired JSON Web Signature algorithm name. Determines if the
gateway-level alias is configured with a 256, 384, or 512-bit length JWK.
HS256 (Default)
(Optional, Recommended) Given alias name used to save the generated JWK,
instead of printing this sensitive information on the screen.
(Optional) Name of the topology (i.e., the cluster) to be used when saving
the JWK as an alias. If none specified, the alias is going to be saved for the
cdp-proxy (Default)
cdp-proxy api
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