Installing Cloudera Base on PremisesPDF version


Know the hardware resource requirements for HBase server in Cloudera Base on premises.

Component Java Heap CPU Disk
  • 100-10,000 regions: 4 GB
  • 10,000 or more regions with 200 or more Region Servers: 8 GB
  • 10,000 or more regions with 300 or more Region Servers: 12 GB

Set this value using the Java Heap Size of HBase Master in Bytes HBase configuration property.

Minimum 4 dedicated cores. You can add more cores for larger clusters, when using replication, or for bulk loads. 1 disk for local logs, which can be shared with the operating system and/or other Hadoop logs
Region Server
  • Minimum: 8 GB
  • Medium-scale production: 16 GB
  • Heap larger than 16 GB requires special Garbage Collection tuning. See Configuring the HBase BlockCache.

Set this value using the Java Heap Size of HBase RegionServer in Bytes HBase configuration property.

Minimum: 4 dedicated cores
  • 4 or more spindles for each HDFS DataNode
  • 1 disk for local logs (this disk can be shared with the operating system and/or other Hadoop logs
Thrift Server 1 GB - 4 GB

Set this value using the Java Heap Size of HBase Thrift Server in Bytes HBase configuration property.

Minimum 2 dedicated cores. 1 disk for local logs, which can be shared with the operating system and other Hadoop logs.