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Options to monitor transaction locks

As a Hive administrator, you can view information about locks on a table, partition, or schema that are created as a result of transactions. You can either use the SHOW LOCKS statement or query the LOCKS view within the SYS database to view transaction locks.

Hive transactions, enabled by default, disable ZooKeeper locking. DbLockManager stores and manages all transaction lock information in the Hive Metastore. Heartbeats are sent regularly from lock holders and transaction initiators to the Hive metastore to prevent stale locks and transactions. The lock or transaction is aborted if the metastore does not receive a heartbeat within the amount of time specified by the hive.txn.timeout configuration property.

The query statements display the following details about transaction locks unless ZooKeeper or in-memory lock managers are used:

  • LOCK_EXT_ID: Unique internal ID of a lock request that might be requesting multiple lock entries on several resources (tables or partitions).
  • LOCK_INT_ID: Unique internal ID of a lock entry that has been requested by a LOCK_EXT_ID
  • TXNID: Transaction ID associated with the lock, if one exists
  • DB: Hive database name
  • TABLE: Table name
  • PARTITION: Partition name (if the table is partitioned)
    • acquired: transaction initiator holds the lock
    • waiting: transaction initiator is waiting for the lock
    • aborted: the lock has timed out but has not yet been cleaned
    • exclusive: lock cannot be shared. No one else can hold the lock at the same time.
    • shared_read: any number of other shared_read locks can lock the same resource at the same time
    • shared_write: any number of shared_read locks can lock the same resource at the same time, but no other shared_write locks are allowed
  • LAST_HEARTBEAT: Last time the holder of this lock sent a heartbeat
  • ACQUIRED_AT: Time when the lock was acquired, if it has been acquired
  • USER: Hive user who requested the lock
  • HOST: Host machine or virtual machine on which the Hive user is running a Hive client
  • HEARTBEAT_COUNT: Total number of heartbeats
  • BLOCKEDBY_EXT_ID: ID of the lock (LOCK_EXT_ID) causing current lock to be in “waiting” mode, if the lock is in this mode
  • BLOCKEDBY_INT_ID: ID of the lock (LOCK_INT_ID) causing current lock to be in “waiting” mode, if the lock is in this mode

The following sections describe the various options that you can use to monitor transaction locks.

You can run the SHOW LOCKS statement to view details about all transaction locks. Ensure that transactions are enabled


The following examples illustrate some sample queries that you can run:
Query to check table locks
Query to check partition locks
SHOW LOCKS mytable PARTITION(ds='2018-05-01', hr='12') EXTENDED;
Query to check schema locks

The SHOW LOCKS SCHEMA cannot be used with ZooKeeper or in-memory lock managers.

The SHOW LOCKS statement lists all the transaction locks and you cannot filter or limit the results as required. Alternatively, you can use the SYS database to query and filter specific locks.

You can query the LOCKS view within the SYS database to filter and view specific locks.

The following examples illustrate how you can run queries on the SYS.LOCKS view to monitor transaction locks:

Query to view locks requested on a particular resource (table or partition)
WHERE db='default'
AND table='tab_acid';
Query to view list of acquired locks
	WHERE lock_state='acquired';
Query to view blocking transactions that are preventing locks requested by a user- defined transaction, from being acquired
WHERE txn_id IN (
  SELECT txnid 
  SELECT blockedby_ext_id, blockedby_int_id 
    WHERE txnid=4534) b
  ON lock_ext_id = b.blockedby_ext_id 
    AND lock_int_id = b.blockedby_int_id