Administering HuePDF version

Enabling the Phoenix SQL editor in Hue

To query Apache HBase tables from Hue using Phoenix SQL, configure the Phoenix interpreter settings in the Hue Advanced Configuration Snippet.

Add {USER} to the HBASE (cm_hbase) Ranger policy that governs access to all tables, columns, column-family, and so on. Grant {USER} the required permissions such as read, write, create, execute, admin, and so on.

  1. Log in to Cloudera Manager as an Administrator.
  2. Go to Clusters > Hue > Configuration and add the following lines in the Hue Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hue_safety_valve.ini field:
    options='{"url": "phoenix://[***PHOENIX-URL***]:[***PHOENIX-PORT***]"}'
  3. Click Save Changes.
  4. Restart the Hue service.