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Atlas Hook for Sqoop

Cloudera Manager configures the Atlas Hook for Sqoop automatically, but if you are upgrading, you need to know how to enable the Hook.

Cloudera Manager takes care of setting up the Atlas Hook for Sqoop in the following ways:
  • Includes the required Atlas JARS in the correct location in your cluster.
  • Configures the Sqoop Atlas Hook in sqoop-site.xml.
  • Generates the atlas-application.properties file for Sqoop.
  • If you are installing a fresh cluster that includes Atlas, Cloudera Manager enables the Sqoop Atlas Hook.

If you are upgrading from an older cluster, you need to enable the Hook manually.

The upgrade process does not enable the Atlas Hook. To enable the hook:
  1. Go to Sqoop's configuration page.
  2. Search for Atlas.
  3. Check the checkbox.
  4. Re-deploy the client configurations using Cloudera Manager.