Troubleshooting HuePDF version

Hue load balancer does not start after enabling TLS

If the Hue load balancer does not start after you enable TLS, then check whether your TLS private key file is password protected. To resolve this issue, you must configure the Hue load balancer to use the corresponding key password using Cloudera Manager.

At startup, the Hue load balancer reads the private key file as defined in the Cloudera Manager > Clusters > Hue service > Configuration > Hue Load Balancer TLS/SSL Server Private Key File (PEM Format) configuration property. If the TLS private key file is password protected, then you may see error such as Fatal error initialising mod_ssl, exiting and Some of your private key files are encrypted for security reasons. In order to read them you have to provide the pass phrases. in the /var/log/hue-httpd/error_log Hue load balancer log file.

  1. SSH into the Hue host as an Administrator.
  2. Create a password file in your chosen security directory and insert the private key password, as shown in the following example:
    # echo "abc123" > /etc/security/password.txt
    # chown hue:hue password.txt
    # chmod 700 password.txt
  3. Log in to Cloudera Manager as an Administrator.
  4. Go to Clusters > Hue service > Configuration and enter the file path and the filename of the password file in the Hue Load Balancer TLS/SSL Server SSLPassPhraseDialog field.
  5. Click Save Changes.
  6. Restart the Hue service.