Managing ClustersPDF version

Comparing configurations for a service between clusters

You can compare the configuration settings for a particular service between two different clusters in a Cloudera Manager deployment.

Minimum Required Role: Configurator (also provided by Cluster Administrator, Limited Cluster Administrator , and Full Administrator)

  1. On the Home > Status tab, click the name of the service you want to compare, or click the Clusters menu and select the name of the service.
  2. Click the Configuration tab.
  3. Click the drop-down menu above the Filters pane, and select from one of the options that begins Diff with...:
    • service on cluster - For example, HBASE-1 on Cluster 1. This is the default display setting. All properties are displayed for the selected instance of the service.
    • service on all clusters - For example, HBase on all clusters. All properties are displayed for all instances of the service.
    • Diff with service on cluster - For example, Diff with HBase on Cluster 2. Properties are displayed only if the values for the instance of the service whose page you are on differ from the values for the instance selected in the drop-down menu.
    • Diff with service on all clusters - For example, Diff with HBase on all clusters. Properties are displayed if the values for the instance of the service whose page you are on differ from the values for one or more other instances in the Cloudera Manager deployment.
    The service's properties will be displayed showing the values for each property for the selected clusters. The filters on the left side can be used to limit the properties displayed.

    You can also view property configuration values that differ between clusters across a deployment by selecting Non-uniform Values on the Configuration tab of the Cloudera Manager Home > Status page.