Configuring and Using Ranger RMS Hive-HDFS ACL SyncPDF version

Installing/Verifying RMS for Ozone configuration

Learn how to verify Ozone configurations for Ranger RMS.

Manual steps to verify RMS for Ozone setup:

  1. Verify if Ranger RMS Url is configured in Ozone ranger-ozone-security.xml file.
    1. Go to Cloudera Manager > Ozone > Configuration > Ozone Manager Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for ozone-conf/ranger-ozone-security.xml.
    2. Add the Ranger RMS url to the following property:
    ranger.plugin.ozone.mapping.source.url =
    After configuring this property with appropriate Ranger RMS URL, ranger-ozone-plugin will be able to communicate with RMS (Resource Mapping Server) for downloading files.
  2. Verify if the Ozone service name is correctly configured.
    1. Go to Cloudera Manager > Ranger RMS > Configuration, and search for the property ranger_rms_hms_source_service_name_ozone .
    2. Verify the following property and value: =
  3. Verify whether ozone schema’s are configured.
    1. Go to Cloudera Manager > Ranger RMS > Configuration > Ranger RMS Supported Uri Scheme.
    2. Verify the following property and value:
    ranger-rms.supported.uri.scheme =
  4. Log in to Ranger Admin Web UI.
  5. On Service Manager, in Hadoop SQLservice, click Edit.
  6. Verify that “om” user has been added to the and configurations.
    Otherwise, add the following properties and values to the cm_hive service configuration:
    1. = hive,hdfs,impala,om
    2. = hive,hdfs,impala,om