Installing/Verifying RMS for Ozone configuration
Learn how to verify Ozone configurations for Ranger RMS.
Manual steps to verify RMS for Ozone setup:
Verify if Ranger RMS Url is configured in Ozone ranger-ozone-security.xml
- Go to Cloudera Manager > Ozone > Configuration > Ozone Manager Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for ozone-conf/ranger-ozone-security.xml.
- Add the Ranger RMS url to the following property:
- ranger.plugin.ozone.mapping.source.url =
- <rms-url>
After configuring this property with appropriate Ranger RMS URL, ranger-ozone-plugin will be able to communicate with RMS (Resource Mapping Server) for downloading files. -
Verify if the Ozone service name is correctly configured.
- Go to Cloudera Manager > Ranger RMS > Configuration, and search for the property ranger_rms_hms_source_service_name_ozone .
- Verify the following property and value:
- =
- cm_ozone
Verify whether ozone schema’s are configured.
- Go to Cloudera Manager > Ranger RMS > Configuration > Ranger RMS Supported Uri Scheme.
- Verify the following property and value:
- ranger-rms.supported.uri.scheme =
- hdfs,o3fs,ofs
- Log in to Ranger Admin Web UI.
- On Service Manager, in Hadoop SQLservice, click Edit.
Verify that “om” user has been added to the and configurations.
Otherwise, add the following properties and values to the cm_hive service configuration:
- = hive,hdfs,impala,om
- = hive,hdfs,impala,om