Installing Cloudera Base on PremisesPDF version


Understand the resource requirements for Zeppelin before making the resource configuration changes in Cloudera Manager.

Following are the resource requirements for Zeppelin to run together with the other components. In general, Zeppelin mainly contains one Zeppelin Server and multiple Zeppelin Interpreters. The interpreters may range from 2 to 6. By default, the four supported interpreters in Cloudera are JDBC, Livy, Markdown, and Angular.

Component Java Heap CPU Memory
Zeppelin Minimum: 1 GB

Set the heap size using the Zeppelin Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for the property in Cloudera Manager Zeppelin configuration page by setting the ZEPPELIN_MEM and ZEPPELIN_INTP_MEM environment variables. For example, export ZEPPELIN_MEM = -Xms1024m -Xmx 2048m

export ZEPPELIN_INTP_MEM= -Xms1024m -Xmx 2048m

The Zeppelin Server and Zeppelin Interpreter processes are not restricted in the container. So, the CPU requirement for the Zeppelin process is not easy to define in Cloudera. But the physical nodes that Zeppelin runs on should at least have 8 physical cores because Zeppelin may spin up hundreds of threads when busy.

For Zeppelin Server:

Minimum memory: 1 GB

Recommended minimum memory: 2 GB

Maximum Memory: 16 GB

Recommended maximum memory: 8 GB

For Zeppelin Interpreter:

Minimum memory: 1 GB

Recommended minimum memory: 2 GB

Maximum Memory: 16 GB

Recommended maximum memory: 4 GB