Streaming Analytics clusters
Learn about the default Streaming Analytics clusters, including cluster definition and template names, included services, and compatible Cloudera Runtime version.
Streaming Analytics offers real-time stream processing and stream analytics with low-latency and high scaling capabilities powered by Apache Flink.
Streaming Analytics templates include Apache Flink that works out of the box in stateless or heavy state environments. Beside Flink, the template includes its supporting services namely YARN, Zookeeper and HDFS. The Heavy Duty template comes preconfigured with RocksDB as state backend, while Light Duty clusters use the default Heap state backend. You can create your streaming application by choosing between Kafka, Kudu, and HBase as datastream connectors.
You can also use SQL to query real-time data with SQL Stream Builder (SSB) in the Streaming Analytics template. By supporting the SSB service in Cloudera on cloud, you can simply and easily declare expressions that filter, aggregate, route, and otherwise mutate streams of data. SSB is a job management interface that you can use to compose and run SQL on streams, as well as to create durable data APIs for the results.
- Cluster definition names
Streaming Analytics Light Duty for AWS
Streaming Analytics Light Duty for Azure
Streaming Analytics Light Duty for GCP
Streaming Analytics Heavy Duty for AWS
Streaming Analytics Heavy Duty for Azure
Streaming Analytics Heavy Duty for GCP
- Cluster template name
7.2.17 - Streaming Analytics Light Duty
7.2.17 - Streaming Analytics Heavy Duty
- Included services
- Flink
- SQL Stream Builder
- Zookeeper
- Kafka
- Compatible Cloudera Runtime version
- 7.2.2
- 7.2.6
- 7.2.7
- 7.2.8
- 7.2.9
- 7.2.10
- 7.2.11
- 7.2.12
- 7.2.14
- 7.2.15
- 7.2.16
- 7.2.17
- 7.2.18