Creating a Cluster on AWSPDF version

Hardware and storage

The "Hardware and storage" options allow you to customize the cloud provider specific cluster hardware and storage options.

The Hardware and Storage options can be selected for each host group. To edit this section for a specific host group, click on the . When done editing, click on the to save the changes. Repeat for these steps for all host groups that you would like to edit.

The following hardware and storage settings are available:

Parameter Description
Cloudera Manager Server You must select one node for Cloudera Manager Server by clicking the button. The “Instance Count” for that host group must be set to “1”. If you are using one of the default cluster templates, this is set by default.
Instance Type Select an instance type. For information about instance types on AWS refer to Amazon EC2 Instance Types in AWS documentation.
Instance Count Enter the number of instances of a given type. Default is 1.
Storage Type Select the volume type. The options vary by instance type and include: (1) Ephemeral (2) Magnetic (3) General Purpose SSD, (4) Throughput Optimized HDD. For more information about these options refer to Amazon EC2 Instance Store in AWS documentation.
Encryption Under Encryption Key, you can select an existing encryption key. For more information, refer to EBS Encryption on AWS.
Attached Volumes Per Instance Enter the number of volumes attached per instance. Default is 1.
Volume Size Enter the size in GB for each volume. Default is 100.
Root Volume Size This option allows you to increase or decrease the root volume size. Default is 200 GB. This option is useful if your custom image requires more space than the default 200 GB. If you use a custom Cloudera Data Hub template specifying a root volume size smaller than 200GB, you may encounter an error.

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